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Brazil: the hearth of FOSS

  • Open for business Blog; By Omar Tazi (Posted by bstadil on Jul 11, 2005 6:00 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
One of the first developing countries to clearly stand behind OSS was Brazil. For the last five years Brazil’s government lead by President Lula is abandoning proprietary software (mainly Windows) in favor of OSS. The National Institute for Information Technology estimates a $500 saving in software for every machine owned/operated by the government which saves Brazil overall $150M a year

Linux Gets High Marks For Security

  • InformationWeek / Securitypipeline; By Larry Greenemeier (Posted by bstadil on Jul 11, 2005 3:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The IT world may be an insecure place, but don't blame Linux. In fact, very few IT pros participating in InformationWeek Research's Linux and open-source survey say Linux has introduced security problems into their IT environments

TheOpenCD 3.0 released, now with Ubuntu LiveCD

TheOpenCD team is pleased to announce the release of TheOpenCD 3.0, now featuring a live CD based on Ubuntu. TheOpenCD traditionally provides a handy collection of quality FOSS applications for Windows, professionally presented in an elegant CD browser. This latest edition also lets you boot into a highly polished desktop based on Ubuntu for a taste of the world of free operating systems!

July '05: Battle of the High-End CPUs

  •; By Augustus (Posted by bstadil on Jul 11, 2005 1:22 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
With all of the different processors available today from both AMD and Intel, it can be a tough decision to choose even a high-end CPU from the choices available. After all, with both single-core and dual-core CPUs available today, what constitutes the top processor may be different for the gamer versus the software developer

Tested using Gentoo Linux 64-bit (AMD64)

OSDL boss hints at Microsoft collaboration

The head of Open Source Development Labs, Stuart Cohen, has added weight to rumours of greater collaboration between Microsoft and the open source community. Microsoft software designed specifically to run on open source platforms such as Linux could be closer to reality than previously thought, according to comments made by the head of Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) on Monday.

Linux Server Market share

  • TheInquirer; By Staff (Posted by bstadil on Nov 24, 2004 9:43 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
This is a story about AMD's Opteron but some interesting Linux information can be gleamed from it. Look at the Volume growth vs. Value growth below and you can see that Linux is not only growing very fast but moving up the food chain. Windows is increasingly relegated to the low end.

Intel more active in desktop Linux

Intel has begun an effort to make it easier for sales partners in China and India to sell desktop computers running Linux, starting a more active phase in the company's help with the open-source operating system.

Ballmer: Microsoft needs better sales pitch

Hard to fathom this is Balmer's true belief. "Quote" Microsoft needs to do a better job of convincing customers that the latest versions of its products are worth having, CEO Steve Ballmer said in a companywide e-mail on Tuesday. Ballmer said that one way to make Microsoft products more useful is to offer more tailored versions of its main products. The company has already expanded the number of versions of Office and is also working to offer more specialized versions of Windows Server, such as a forthcoming version for high-end computing."unquote"

Linux on Intel: Think Dead Man Walking

  •; By Paul Murphy (Posted by bstadil on Jun 26, 2004 6:37 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM, Intel; Story Type: News Story
Last week, I talked about the IBM cell processor expected for Sony PlayStation 3.This week I want to think out loud about what happens in the industry if Toshiba launches a PC based on this processor into the Asian market and IBM promptly follows suit with a series aimed at the American and European markets. Such a machine would run Linux, be compatible with most Linux software

Munich voting: Slam the door on Windows?

Munich decides this week whether to remove the Windows operating system from 14,000 municipal computers. Following a one year of trial Munich may become the biggest Microsoft customer to switch to Linux personal-computer software.

No Linux adoption claims Microsoft

The trouble according to Microsoft is that customers are merely using their "conversations" with Linux vendors as a crowbar to ratchet down Microsoft's pricing. There's no actual Linux adoption, they claim.

Linux Desktop Dominance - Guaranteed Step-by-Step Plan

  •; By Esko Woudenberg (Posted by bstadil on Jun 2, 2004 5:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
"Linux on the desktop will happen when this step by step process is followed. This editorial lays out a step by step process that guarantees dominance on the desktop. The business model may seem a bit familiar to some. I just can't seem to place where I've seen it before."

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