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A Firefox PC operating system?

Lost amid the hubbub of the Saturday afternoon appearance by Firefox's Blake Ross at Gnomedex was a very interesting comment to Ross from Brian Livingston of Windows Secrets.

Sun: Brew-It-Yourself Java?

After keeping programmers guessing for years, Sun is finally ready to open the code to its popular Web language Java. Will it be worth the wait?

[Much more than the typical 'real soon now' report we've been seeing. -- grouch]

Emacs tips: Searching and replacing

Even if you use Emacs every day, sometimes you'll misplace a word or phrase. When that happens, you'll be glad that Emacs has flexible, built-in search and replace commands to help you find exactly what you are looking for.

Browser shopping

Some experts in the technology industry are recommending that people switch to a non-Microsoft browser after the recently discovered vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) were used by the "bad guys" to target highly visited and trusted Web sites to steal confidential financial and other information.
[T]here comes a time when enough is enough.

Chinese plan tougher rules on cyberspace

Chinese authorities intend to police and control instant messaging, cell phones, Web logs and search engines. The New York Times

Port Your UNIX® Applications to Linux® — Quickly, Efficiently ...

Increasingly, developers, architects, and project managers face the challenge of porting their C, C++, and Java applications from UNIX to Linux environments. Now, there's a definitive, start-to-finish guide to porting applications from today's most widely used UNIX platforms: Solaris™, HP-UX, and AIX®: UNIX® to Linux® Porting: A Comprehensive Reference.

[Ok, it's a book advertisement. This is not an endorsement. It just looked at least as interesting as some press releases that come through here. -- grouch]

MySQL AB uses Eventfinder as a reference client

MySQL AB, the world's most popular open source database, has given recognition to Eventfinder by including the New Zealand events calendar as a reference client.

SARS vaccine development

  • EurekAlert; By Andrew Hyde (Posted by grouch on Jul 5, 2006 4:56 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
While there have been only isolated cases of SARS since the 2003/2004 epidemic, it is likely that we will see future outbreaks. As a result, a number of laboratories are working on strategies for a SARS vaccine. One promising approach is being reported by Jan ter Meulen and colleagues.
About PLoS Medicine
PLoS Medicine is an open access, freely available international medical journal. It publishes original research that enhances our understanding of human health and disease, together with commentary and analysis of important global health issues. For more information, visit

[NOTE: This is not about FOSS, but why do we accept the open sharing of research in science as normal and yet, still accept closed software development as normal? -- grouch]

STMicroelectronics Releases OpenMAX IP Open Source Sample

The Khronos Group, a member funded industry consortium, has confirmed that STMicroelectronics has released an open source implementation of OpenMAX IL, a standardised API (Application Programming Interface) that will enable Linux software developers and ISVs to develop their own OpenMAX components, including video I/O and audio mixers.

Opponents to ODF strike back in Massachusetts

A Massachusetts Senate committee released a report Thursday criticizing the state's Information Technology Division (ITD), claiming that its "unilateral" plan to move all state employees to use software that reads and writes files in the OpenDocument format was poorly planned, ignored the needs of handicapped workers and violated state law.

Real DJs Code Live

Some DJs spin vinyl or twiddle fader knobs. Others write subroutines in C++.

Managing Many-to-Many Relationships with PL/pgSQL

  • O'Reilly Onlamp; By David E. Wheeler (Posted by grouch on Jul 4, 2006 7:39 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Community
A common pattern when managing the relationship between object-oriented applications and databases is the many-to-many relationship.

Europe warms to OpenDocument format

OpenDocument Format initiatives in Belgium, France, and Denmark indicate growing support for the for office productivity application format standard, according to the ODF Alliance.

Atticware Revisited: Step-By-Step Instructions For Installing A Current Linux Distro On A Very Small, Very Old Laptop

Back in May I wrote an article titled Atticware: Reviving Ancient Little Laptops, which talked about using a current, very small, very lightweight Linux distribution to make a couple of old Mitsubishi Amity CN subnotebook computers useful again. The Amity CN is a 133MHz Pentium system with all of 48MB of RAM and a puny 1.2GHz hard drive.

Drop Team Multiplayer Demo Online!

  • GamersMark; By Andrew T. Finger (Posted by grouch on Jul 4, 2006 4:39 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: GNU, Linux
DropTeam combines accurate physics and ballistic systems, intelligent and realistic unit and weaponry capabilities with fast paced action set in a stark future of humanity. This DropTeam Multiplayer Demo is being offered in three different formats. One for Mac, one for Windows and one for Linux. This marks the first title published by to offer Linux support!

Mr. Firefox looks to the future

Blake Ross was a teenager in 2002 when he and fellow software developer Dave Hyatt launched the Mozilla Firefox project -- a community-made Web browser that has won devoted fans and taken market share from Microsoft's dominant Internet Explorer, stirring the Redmond company into action.

[Interesting interview. -- grouch]

Watching the Evolution of Arch Linux

It's been over a year since the last time I reviewed (1, 2) the Linux distribution that I use most of the time, Arch Linux. Since then, while the distro-specific innovations have slowed a bit down, maturity and stability has emerged.

SCO's Expert Marc Rochkind Uses Ubuntu Linux as a Server!

Isn't that the most peculiar thing? If Linux is an unauthorized derivative of UNIX, chockablock full of protected Unix System V methods and concepts, as he claims, why is he using it? Is he a pirate? Or has he paid SCOsource for the right to run "their" IP?

Oss CEO Speaks Out on First Amendment, Open Source Intelligence as ...

Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net, Inc, former spy, founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Command, moderate Republican and career intelligence officer who is the #1 Amazon reviewer of non-fiction books, today speaks out on openness versus secrecy.

[Politics, anyone? -- grouch]

Registration for Akademy 2006 Open

The aKademy 2006 organisation team is please to announce that registration for this year's conference in Dublin, Ireland, has now opened.

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