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10 networking guides for Linux sysadmins

Here are our most-read networking guides for 2019. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, there's bound to be something here you'll find useful.

7 questions to ask an employer before taking a sysadmin job

I learned a lot about "The Interview" during my first career transition. Hopefully, you will find some of these takeaways helpful.

Top 9 sysadmin career stories from 2019

Check out our most popular career-related articles to point you in the right direction for 2020.

10 best sysadmin stories from the trenches

Check out these sysadmin technical how-tos, advice pieces, and horror stories that people in the trenches submitted for 2019.

Celebrate the holidays at your Bash prompt

Your Linux terminal probably supports Unicode, so why not take advantage of that and add a seasonal touch to your prompt?

Top 11 Linux articles from our first year

Our readers were drawn to these Linux articles (from commands you need to know to magic with SSH) during 2019. Check them out, and you might just learn something new.

Linux environment variable tips and tricks

Environment variables are valuable bits of information, and they can be manipulated to enhance and change your user experience.

How automation can optimize DevOps

Learn where DevOps stands in the automation process, and how to build automation longevity into your DevOps strategy.

Securing an inherited Linux system

How to handle inheriting a system you didn’t build but are suddenly responsible for.

Sysadmins: How many spare cords do you have sitting around?

Do you stockpile cables and other spare parts like they're going out of style, or do you just hang on to a few and order more when you need them?

Decluttering process management with ps or systemd

Control groups offer a user-friendly look at your process hierarchy.

Building with Buildah: Dockerfiles, command line, or scripts

You can use Dockerfiles to build your container images, but these files have limitations. How about building them yourself?

Do I need a college degree to be a sysadmin?

Do I need a college degree to be a sysadmin? The short answer is: "It's complicated."

Linux tools: examining hardware in the terminal with dmidecode

Linux distros have powerful command-line tools built-in. Here, we explore the DMI Decoder.

Linux sysadmin basics: User account management with UIDs and GIDs

Linux automatically handles UID and GID for you, but some of you might want more control over those attributes.

Linux process management improved with htop

Ratchet is to wrench as htop is to top: A more powerful tool to help you get the job done faster.

How to identify a strong sysadmin job applicant

Need a system administrator but don’t know where to start? Read this guide regarding important characteristics to look for when you are in the market to hire a new colleague.

How to validate your security measures

How do you validate your security measures? You scan all the things.

SSH to remote hosts though a proxy or bastion with ProxyJump

Here are some tricks for using SSH through a proxy or bastion quickly.

10 skills every Linux system administrator should have

Learn everything you can about everything you can. Here are ten essential skills that you need to learn as a system administrator.

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