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Using Containers? Look for the OCI Seal of Approval

Until July, when the Open Container Initiative released version 1.0 of its specification, there were no standards when it came to containers. Products from one vendor didn't necessarily work with the offerings from another. Obviously, this was a problem for DevOps working in diverse environments.

Who Won at OpenWorld? Oracle, or Amazon and Splunk?

I'm not sure that free publicity for Splunk was what Big Red had in mind with the conference, but you never know. It's been said that Larry Ellison works in mysterious ways.

Oracle Brings Blockchain-as-a-Service to Its Cloud

The company appears to have hedged on its open source bet a bit, however. Instead of shelling-out $250,000 to become a top-tier premier member, it opted for a general membership, which set it back $50,000, according to the Hyperledger website -- or considerably less that a single developer's salary.

SAP Backs Kubernetes, Boasts Commitment to Open Source

  • Data Center Knowledge; By Christine Hall (Posted by brideoflinux on Oct 2, 2017 10:57 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
CNCF, the Linux Foundation project behind Kubernetes and other container-related open source applications, has been busy signing up platinum members lately. In the last few months they've taken on a spate of new top-tier members, including the likes of Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon Web Services, and now SAP.

Yahoo Search Code Released as Open Source

This is an unexpected boon for developers. Unexpected because although Yahoo has a history of releasing some of its code as open source, most famously the big data project Hadoop, it wasn't known if the practice would continue under Verizon's ownership. A boon, because Vespa is loaded with potential that reaches far beyond search.

Simon Phipps Returns to President Role at Open Source Initiative

The OSI board has elected Simon Phipps, a current board member and OSI's president from 2010-2016, to serve as Randal's replacement. A long time open source advocate, Phipps spent time at IBM where he founded Big Blue's Java Technology Center and later led Sun Microsystem's open source program during the time when most of the company's core software was released as open source.

Microsoft Joins Open Source Initiative Without Affecting Weather in Hell

Back before Steve Ballmer permanently left the building, the only thing Microsoft hated more than Linux was open source. They said it was a cancer that was going to destroy the world, or at least job prospects for coders living in and around the greater Redmond area, unless they wanted to switch careers and become baristas at Starbucks.

Open Source File Share Nextcloud to Add End-to-End Encryption

It's also in rapid development. Since the fork that gave it birth, Nextcloud has evolved beyond being merely a Dropbox drop in. "In a way, it's like the first true Office 365 killer," is how Karlitschek put it.

Facebook Relents on React.js License Issue

So, what happened to bring about the abrupt change of heart? It appears as if the popular content management platform WordPress happened.

MongoDB Projects $100M from IPO

The backbone of MongoDB Inc is its NoSQL database, released as an open source project in 2009 and which began seeing considerable adoption almost immediately. Three years after the release it made a ninth place showing on The Wall Street Journal's "The Next Big Thing 2012" list and by 2014 the DB was already driving the back ends at Craigslist, eBay, SourceForge, Viacom, the New York Times and others.

Puppet Acquires Distelli, Boosting Its Cloud Automation Offerings

In a blog posted Wednesday, the day the sale was announced, Mirchandani hinted that Distelli's software would be integrated into Puppet. The details, however, won't be coming until October at the company's conference, PuppetConf, in San Francisco.

Oracle Joins Cloud Native Computing Foundation in Kubernetes Push

There is some truth to that statement. Oracle does have a cloud and it does run Kubertetes. But no one other than Oracle is claiming that Oracle's IaaS cloud is either large or successful, although in Zemlin's defense, "large" is a relative term.

Kubernetes Creators' Enterprise IT Startup Heptio Raises $25M

The company's founders, CEO McLuckie and Joe Beda -- along with Brendan Burns, who's now with Microsoft -- developed Kubernetes, the popular Linux container orchestration platform, while at Google and released it to the open source community, where it's now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, a Linux Foundation Collaborative project that McLuckie helped start. Since then, McLuckie and Beda have been able to take the "little" project they helped create and parlay it into a rewarding career.

How Serious is VMware About Open Source?

Unlike some companies with proprietary DNA (Oracle comes to mind for some reason) VMware should have little trouble learning to work hand-in-hand with open source developers, if it sets its collective mind to it. Why? Because the company has quite a bit of open source DNA coarsing through its veins.

Red Hat Gives Thumbs Up to Java EE's Move to Eclipse

This move might justifiably cause concerns for both users and developers. Since acquiring a long list of open source projects from Sun Microsystems in 2010, Oracle has developed a reputation for dumping open source projects that didn't fit its plans. The most notable example would be Open Office, which it dumped in the lap of the Apache Foundation where it quickly gained orphan status after a developer revolt resulted in the project being forked as LibreOffice.

Court Ruling Adds New Power to Open Source Licenses

Any organization using open source source software should make sure there is a strong open source policy in place that dots the "I"s and crosses the "T"s. Why? Because open source licenses recently became even more enforceable than they were already.

New Oracle Layoffs Probably Signal End of Line for Solaris

It's beginning to look like it's the end of the line for Solaris, the Unix operating system that became part of Oracle's portfolio when the company acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010. The company is sending out another round of pink slips, mostly affecting hardware and Solaris workers. Although the exact number of employees getting the ax is unknown, most estimates put the figure at somewhere around 2,500. Workers in four states as well as India, are affected. The "pink slips" went out Friday by way of recorded telephone messages. Have a happy Labor Day.

SUSE Pulls ‘Game of Thrones’ Parody From YouTube to Foil FOSS Force

Those of you who’ve seen the video, however, definitely didn’t see it from the link here on FOSS Force. Lo! and behold, by the time the article and link went live, SUSE had pulled the promotional piece, so a click on it only resulted a screen full of snow (I’m linking to the word “snow” for those of you unfamiliar with the wonders and lingo of analog TV) with the words “this video is unavailable” displayed in that exact order.

OpenStack 'Pike' Focuses on Basics Instead of Gee-Whiz New Features

Actually, this is a good time for the platform's developers to step away from any mad rush to add new features and concentrate on improving the basics. Back in April, when we reported on Open Stack's ninth User Survey, we noted that although use of the platform was on the rise, in some cases user satisfaction was declining, most likely over usability issues.

IBM in Blockchain Collaboration for Food Safety

Actually, this is not so much a "new" use of blockchain as it is an adaptation of an already established use. For several years IBM has been doing something similar with its use of blockchain to track its own supply chain.

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