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Find Devices Connected To Your Wifi In Linux

Usually our connection to the Internet should be private and free of malicious users, however, obtaining the keys to access the network is very simple currently so that a user with some knowledge about networks could get it in a few minutes and use to navigate to Through our network, being able to consume a considerable bandwidth and making our network run slow.

How To Reset sudo Password

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 25, 2017 7:39 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
It comes a time when for some reason someone forgets the login password for their Ubuntu computer, hence they become unable to access the computer. That is not the end, there is always something that can be done.

10 Best Icon Themes For Linux

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 24, 2017 10:59 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
One of the coolest things you can do to your Linux desktop is tweaking it to suit you. One key part of the tweaking process is to change your icon theme and you probably are going to want to do this as some distros ship some displeasing icon themes. Fortunately, the Linux community provides a ton of themes that you can use to turn your Linux desktop around and looking good.

Android Roms, Recoveries and bootloaders – All you need to know

  •; By Rishabh (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 24, 2017 11:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
With the most of the companies allowing root access on their devices, many people have started trying custom ROMs, recoveries, mods and all these things. But often as a beginner or an enthusiast one simply cannot understand which part of the Android puzzle fits where.

Richard Stallman - One Of My Favorites (GNU/Linux)

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 24, 2017 6:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Renowned programmer and promoter of free software *, Richard Stallman developed many flagship software, notably those underlying the GNU project and the general public license known by the acronym GPL, which he wrote with the lawyer Eben Moglen and the collaboration of Roland McGrath.

Processors – Everything You Need to Know

  •; By Rishabh (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 23, 2017 9:26 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Our digital devices like Phones, Computers and laptops have grown to become so sophisticated, that they are no longer just devices, they have evolved to become a part of us.

5 Most Beautiful Linux Desktop Environments

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 23, 2017 6:57 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
When it comes to choosing a Linux distro, one thing that influences the choices of many is the desktop environment that comes with the distros. As such, many distros provide variants with different desktop environments to cater for the specific needs of users. Some desktop environments are preferred because of their stability, or their familiarity and many others are popular because of their aesthetics. So today I present some 5 very beautiful desktop environments that you can choose from. So let’s take a look.

Best Alternatives To Photoshop On Linux

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 23, 2017 3:14 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
You need an image editing software and you do not yet feel ready to buy a Photoshop license. Besides the online retouching sites, there are also free alternatives adapted for each use of the famous Adobe software that will allow you to tinker with the pixel at a lower cost.

Linux Foundation Launches OpenMessaging Project

Through a shared exertion bnb m from endeavors and groups put resources into the cloud, enormous information, and standard APIs, I'm eager to welcome the OpenMessaging project from The Linux Foundation. The OpenMessaging group will likely make a comprehensively embraced, merchant impartial, and open standard for dispersed informing that can be conveyed in the cloud, on-commence, and half and half utilize cases.

How To Install Wine And Run Windows Apps In Linux

?All kinds of software are currently available on Linux but every now and then, there is that Windows software or Game which is not available or has no equivalent on Linux Wine makes it possible to run those Windows programs and Games on your Linux desktop. So let’s look at how to install Wine on Linux and run Windows apps on Linux desktop.

15 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 17.10

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 21, 2017 9:58 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux, Ubuntu
?The New Ubuntu 17.10 "Artful Aardvark" launch with GNOME3 has brought a big change and got a lot of people excited to try it as soon as they can. If you don't know yet the new stuff in Ubuntu 17.10, read the article we published today.

10 Major Updates In Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark

So there you have it finally, Ubuntu 17.10. The release which we have been talking about because of its switch to Gnome from Unity. We've talked about most its features in a previous article here but let's again look at the final version of Ubuntu 17.10. At the end of this article, do take a poll and tell us if you're going to upgrade to Ubuntu 17.10 or not.

ZTE Axon M – The Phone With Two Displays

Haven’t we all loved the good old flip-phones? But the year is 2017 and just a flip phone isn’t going to work. So ZTE, the company behind the highly successful Blade series of Phones has a new offering called Axon M.

10 Reasons Why I Switched To Telegram Messenger

  •; By Rishabh Kandari (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 19, 2017 8:07 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Whatsapp may be the best player in the game when it comes to instant messaging apps, but Telegram Messenger is the entire game itself. Because Telegram is not just an app, it is an entire communication platform. It is not bound by restrictions or limitations like other apps.

Do you Need More MegaPixels? - Camera Myth

  •; By Rishabh (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 18, 2017 6:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
We go to extreme lengths to get the phone/camera with the highest Mega-Pixel count. Pay a bigger amount, compromise on other features or even criticize genuine brands for not giving more Mega-Pixels in their Cameras.

How To Install Sublime Text 3 Stable In Linux

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 18, 2017 1:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
All the developers out there love Sublime Text. It has been emerging as a great text editor for learners and advanced. It is available on Linux, Mac OS and Windows. Sublime text offers features like macros, recognition of a wide variety of languages, split view etc. The editor can also be customized using different themes. Some of these themes are already popular through Notepad++.

Top 10 Hacking Techniques Used By Hackers

  •; By Rishabh (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 16, 2017 3:43 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
We live in a world where cyber security has become more important than physical security, thousands of websites and emails are hacked daily. Hence, It is important to know the Top hacking techniques used by hackers worldwide to exploit vulnerable targets all over the internet.

LinuxAndUbuntu Review Of BunsenLabs Linux

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 16, 2017 10:29 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Once upon a time there was Crunchbang Linux, and then it was no more, and then the community brought it back to life in another form known as BunsenLabs Linux. This distribution offers a lightweight and easily customizable Openbox desktop.

Oceanaudio An Audio Editor For Linux

  •; By Mohd Sohail (Posted by MohdSohail on Oct 15, 2017 11:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Audios are an integral part of life. Playing our best songs, having a party or a special function, we require audio everywhere. That is why audio editors are there too to help us make the best of an audio file. When I say audio editor, many of you will just think of audacity. Sure that is a pretty cool software but I think it’s a bit complicated for the inexperienced one.

LinuxAndUbuntu Review Of Linux Mint 18.2

The mission for a swap Linux conveyance for Linux Mint 13 LTS "Maya" Xfce proceeds. With this post comes a review of the most recent MATE version of Linux Mint. Particularly for consistent perusers of this blog,

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