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Sun touts open source storage

  • Infostor magazine; By Kevin Komiega (Posted by dcparris on Apr 10, 2007 2:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Sun
Sun Microsystems has announced that it is handing some of its storage technologies over for free to the storage developers within the OpenSolaris community in the hopes that users and developers will combine the open source Solaris operating system with industry standard hardware to create commodity storage products.

Socialtext Leaps Out of 2D

In its ongoing efforts to leap beyond the monitor, Socialtext unveils its Virtual Edition. The solution lends users more flexibility in taking advantage of what Socialtex does best: wikis, knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Dell-linux Marriage: Desktop Prominence Or Five-Year Setback?

Analyst Rob Enderle says Dell's foray into desktop Linux will either forever alter the desktop landscape or set desktop progress for the OS back five years.

DRM doesn't work - Shuttleworth

Ubuntu Linux founder Mark Shuttleworth says digital rights management doesn't work and content owners should rather spend their time working on making it easier for customers to buy their products than pursuing aggressive DRM policies.

R1soft Adds Support for SWSoft Virtuozzo for Linux

Righteous Software, a developer of disk-based backup solutions, announced today that its line of Continuous Data Protection (CDP) applications now support SWSoft Virtuozzo for Linux, a product used in Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting environments.

Mobile Linux set for take off

  •; By Tim Ferguson (Posted by dcparris on Apr 10, 2007 11:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
The number of mobile phones running on Linux is predicted to rocket in the next five years, with more than 200 million in use by 2012 - up from just 8.1 million currently.

Mot ships 800,000th Linux-based IP-STB

Motorola has shipped its millionth Internet Protocol set-top box (IP-STB), it announced last Friday. Linux has been the embedded software platform in "about 80 percent" of these devices, a company spokesperson said.

Book allows Linux appliances

Linux Appliance Design shows how to use Linux to build better appliances-appliances with more types of interfaces, more dynamic interfaces, and better debugged interfaces.

Debian 4.0 is out the door

The Debian project has released a new version of its Linux- and GNU-based operating system distribution. Debian 4.0, aka "Etch," is available for 11 architectures, including Alpha, AMD64, ARM, HP-PA/RISC, x86, IA-64, MIPS, MIPS (DEC), PowerPC, S/390, and SPARC.

[With a cheeky salute to the recent discussion of the 11 architectures - dcparris]

Marvell, Nokia and VirtualLogix join Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation (LF), a non-profit organisation dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, has announced three new members who represent the increasing opportunity for Linux as it continues to mature on devices.

Abi Research: 203 Million Mobile Phones Will Use Linux Operating ...

ABI Research forecasts that by 2012, more than 127 million devices will be enabled with a commercial Linux OS, up from 8.1 million in 2007.

FOSS Symposium, Houston Texas April 24th

  • GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News (Posted by dcparris on Apr 8, 2007 12:44 AM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU, IBM, Linux; Story Type: News Story
IBM's Eishay Smith, Enfold Systems Alan Runyan and a few others will be speaking at a one day symposium in Houston entitled 'Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Healthcare: Progress and Promise' This will be held at: School of Health Information Sciences, UT-Houston University Center Tower 7000 Fannin, 14th Floor Tuesday, April 24th Read on for the full agenda and registration info.

Thunderbird 2 Release Candidate 1 Released

Thunderbird 2 Release Candidate 1, the preview release of the next versino of the Thunderbird email client, is now available for download. Our testing community and users who want to get a sneak peek at the next version of Thunderbird should download and install this release candidate. The release notes have a detailed list of what's new in Thunderbird 2 RC 1.

Credit Suisse Disruptive Technology Portfolio Mover Of The Week ...

Red Hat's stock took one of the biggest hits last week of all the Disruptive Technology Portfolio companies, declining 5.8%. The open source software provider two weeks ago reported fourth-quarter results that were in line with expectations. However, word that multiyear contracts accounted for a quarter of bookings raised concerns that the company may be under pricing pressure and was likely the primary cause of the decline.

Mozilla Labs Adds Social Networking Features To Firefox

Content sharing tools let people keep track of their friends and all their related pictures, blogs, and other information.

Montavista's embedded Linux app dev tools go "all-plugin"

MontaVista has released a new version of its Eclipse-based toolsuite for embedded Linux application development. Application Developer Kit (ADK) 5.0 features an "all-plugin" architecture for better cross-vendor tools interoperability, supports MontaVista's new real-time oriented Pro 5.0 distribution, and comes with powerful analysis tools and virtual targets, the company said.

Innovative Sunrise Browser aids Mac Web developers

Sunrise Browser is an open source Web browser for Mac OS X intended for use as a Web developer's tool. It is not a groundbreaking achievement in that regard, but it is worth checking out due to its innovative and often unusual user interface choices.

Ibm VP Scott Handy on Big Blue's Big Plans for Open Source

  • TechNewsWorld; By Elizabeth Montalbano (Posted by dcparris on Apr 7, 2007 7:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Interview; Groups: IBM, Linux
"There's less concern about which OS you're on and, in fact, we're not going to cap it, we're going to see what happens with our users. We don't have a target, but I expect Linux usage will go up," said Scott Handy, vice president for Linux and open source at IBM.

Dell's March To Linux PCs Won't Be A Walk In The Park

Drivers that already ship with the Linux kernel, such as those for storage, wired networking, power management, and USB ports, won't be a problem, but others will.

Opinion: GPLv3 lacks focus on fundamentals

  • eWEEK Linux; By Jason Brooks (Posted by dcparris on Apr 7, 2007 2:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: GNU
After a few months' delay—during which the Free Software Foundation mulled over how to make the world safe for GNU-manity in the face of Microsoft and Novell's patent, collaboration and baby-seal-clubbing accord—there's a new draft of the GNU General Public License out for comment.

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