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When Linux Founder Linus Torvalds Leaves, Pandemonium Breaks Loose

When Linux founder Linus Torvalds temporarily stepped down from the helm, there was suddenly trouble.

Mesosphere User Survey Says Hybrid Deployments Top Cloud-Only for the First Time

According to a recent user survey by Mesosphere, forecasts of the demise of on-premises data centers don't appear to be coming true . While companies do continue to move to the cloud, many are taking the hybrid approach, keeping much of their data and workloads within the four walls of their own data centers.

Deutsche Telekom's and Aricent's Open Source Edge Software Platform for 5G

Big telecoms want to make sure that when 5G is rolled out wholesale, that data centers are ready to handle expected new use cases from the edge. To make sure of that, they're developing software designed to get the job done and are releasing it as open source.

Time to Rebuild Alpine Linux Docker Containers After Package Manager Patch

A package manager man-in-the-middle vulnerability put Alpine Linux Docker images at risk, but a patch is available now.

Three More Intel Chip Exploits Surface

Not that we needed it, but there's more evidence today that Intel has been playing fast and loose with security in order to stay ahead of the fast-chip competition. Today it was announced that there are three more Meltdown/Spectre-type Intel chip exploits. The vulnerability affects Intel's desktop, workstation, and server CPUs.

Why Isn't Blockchain Technology Adoption Soaring?

Two-and-a-half-years-ago when the Linux Foundation announced the creation of the blockchain-based Hyperledger Project, the hype was that blockchain was on its way to becoming the most disruptive technology since the internet. You might have noticed that hasn't happened yet.

Latest Xen Hypervisor Arrives Late, but Greatly Improved

It's nearly six weeks late, but Xen 4.11 has finally shipped. If you're wondering about the delay, there's a reason for that. Xen's devs have been busy rewriting the project's code, some of it from the ground up.

Shippable's Software

What's interesting is that Shippable isn't targeting developers for the Internet of Things or smartphones, ARM's typical base, but is betting that the reduced instruction set architecture is on its way to having a big impact in data centers.

SUSE Linux Distro Picked Up By Swiss Equity Group for $2.53 Billion

Micro Focus sold the German-based Linux distribution SUSE to Sweden-based private equity group EQT for over $2.53 billion. The last time SUSE changed hands was in 2014, when Micro Focus took ownership in a $1.2 billion merger with The Attachmate Group.

Cloud East Meets Cloud West: Google and Tencent Go for Linux Foundation Platinum

This was a big week for deep-pocketed platinum members signing up. In addition to Google, the Chinese multinational investment holding conglomerate and tech giant Tencent also signed on at the platinum level. Like Google, the $500 billion company has previous ties to the foundation, most notably as a founding member of its Deep Learning Foundation that launched earlier this year.

Puppet's Cisco-Led $42M Round Going to Cloud and Containers

Puppet, the open source DevOps automation and tool developer, announced this week a $42 million Series F funding round led by Cisco Investments and including EDBI, Kleiner Perkins, True Ventures, and VMware. The round brings the startup's total funding to $130 million. All but EDBI have previously invested in the company.

Why GitLab Is Moving From Azure to Google Cloud Platform

To old timers in the open source game, it might come as a surprise that a company like GitLab that's proud of it's open source roots would be using Azure to begin with. After all, wasn't distrust of Microsoft's ownership of GitHub the reason behind the mass exodus to GitLab earlier this month? While a "new" and more open source friendly Microsoft was undoubtedly one of the reasons why GitLab would even consider the move to Redmond's cloud -- the motivating factor was money.

Team USA Fans Set to Celebrate Expected Supercomputer Win

Expectations are high in the days leading up to the International Supercomputing Conference 500. Many fans are sure they have a winner with Summit.

Eric S. Raymond on Keeping the Bazaar Secure and Functional

Eric S. Raymond took the time at SELF to talk with ITPro Today about the need to "clean" legacy code, along with tips on how to help others maintain your code long after you're gone.

How Did GitLab Scale Up for the Slashdot Effect? Point and Click

Beginning last Friday, when rumors began to circulate that Microsoft might be preparing to purchase GitHub, competitor GitLab experienced something of a Slashdot Effect, as many Microsoft-wary open source developers started a GitHub mass exodus of sorts.

Why Open Source Software is Moving to GitLab After Microsoft-GitHub Deal

The problem with Microsoft is the history it shares with Linux and open source. While it's true that today's Microsoft "is not your father’s Microsoft," and that under CEO Satya Nadella Microsoft has developed plenty of open source cred, there are many open source advocates who still remember the days when Microsoft was decrying open source as a "cancer" and "communist" and don't trust the company's motives. They remember when open source absolutely couldn't get traction because of the Kool Aid Microsoft was selling.

Kata Project Seeks to Improve Security with Virtualized Containers

If you work with containers you're going to be hearing a lot about Kata Containers soon, if you haven't already. Why? Because the developers of this open source project are busy developing a technology that promises to take much of the worry out of containers for uses where security is a top priority.

Admins Aren't Patching Open Source Says Black Duck Security Report

The truth is probably not as bleak as the picture the report paints. Black Duck makes its living by auditing code being used by enterprise customers, and has a reputation for being a little alarmist when it comes to the security of open source software.

Facebook Open Sources Katran Load Balancer; Details Network Provisioning Tool

Facebook today made two announcements about the software it uses to run its network. The first is that it's releasing Katran, the load balancer that keeps the social site from crashing and burning, as open source. In addition, it's offering details on the inner workings of the Zero Touch Provisioning tool it uses to help engineers automate much of the work required to build its backbone networks.

VMware OpenStack 5 Rolls Out for Data Centers and Telecoms

Although VMware has been releasing VIO since 2015, having two versions of the offering is relatively new, with the first release of Carrier and Data Center editions taking place last September. The Carrier version is designed to address specific requirements by telecoms deploying NFV-based network services, especially as they prepare for the 5G world.

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