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Try App Outlet On Xubuntu, Universal App Store for Linux Desktop!

In a forum, I often read the debate between the use of several types of package formats on Linux. In Ubuntu we know a variety of applications that are packaged in various packages. Examples are Flatpak, Appimage, Snap, Apt and others.

Install and Run Stacer on Xubuntu/Ubuntu Linux!

This morning, when I read the timeline on Facebook, there was one post from someone who shared an application link for Linux, Stacer. I am curious, so I want to know the usefulness of this application. And apparently, Stacer has many cool features that might be useful for you.

Shelter, Application To Create An Isolated Space On Android!

  • Fosslicious; By Ridho (Posted by fosslicious on Sep 30, 2019 11:53 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Android
Creating an application clone on a smartphone is one way to open 2 different accounts for an application for certain purposes. Actually, cloning an application is not necessary when the application has a feature to open more than one account. Examples are Applications made by Google.

Some Sites that Linux Gamers Need to Know Besides Steam!

Games are one of the features that are on the computer. People play games as a medium of entertainment, but there are some people who become professional gamers. Lots of cool games available on PC devices.

Try Screen Mirroring Android Using Wi-Fi on Ubuntu!

In the previous article, I once discussed screen mirroring on Ubuntu using Scrcpy. I like Scrcpy because this application is very light and runs very well when Screen Mirroring. And in this article, I will try Screen Mirroring using Wi-fi(wifi).

Fix Xfce Desktop Error, Can't Right-Click and Change Wallpaper

I put this article in the label Story, because I don't really know for sure when I can resolve errors in xfce desktop on Xubuntu 18.04 that I use. At that time, when I wanted to set a wallpaper on the Xubuntu desktop, right-click on the desktop didn't work. Finally, I tried changing the wallpaper via Settings Manager in Xfce. However, that also didn't work, when I chose other wallpapers, I didn't see the wallpaper change on the desktop.

Easy Way to Screen Mirroring Android on Ubuntu!

Screen Mirroring is one of the features found on smartphones, one of which is on Android. This feature serves to display the smartphone to a computer. This is very useful for example when used for demo applications that you make, or maybe for other things related to smartphones.

Blender 2.8 Has Been Released!, Say Goodbye For Low Spec Computers!

A few days ago, Blender officially released version 2.8. This version has a very different look from the old version. In my opinion, Blender 2.8 looks neater. This version brings a new Render option, Eevee. Several Blender users discuss and compare Eevee and Cycles Render. But many opinions say that the rendering process on Eevee is faster.

Now You Can Try Debian 10 Buster on Distrotest!

Recently, Debian has released version 10 with the codename Buster. Many websites discuss this distribution. Debian is one of the distributions that is a pioneer the birth of various cool distributions, one of which is Ubuntu.

How to run Ren'Py on Ubuntu?

Ren’Py is one of the VN (Visual Novel) Engine that can be run on various platforms. This open source software is very easy to run. In this article, I want to share how to run Ren’Py on Ubuntu. Please follow the steps below!.

Ren'Py, One of the Best Visual Novel Engines!

For almost 2 weeks I didn't update the article on this blog, it's because I'm also making a visual novel with a short story. If you like writing novels, maybe you can make it Visual Novel so that it is more interactive. Visual novel games have their own fans. We can also make a visual novel using the Game Engine. One software that you can use to create visual novels is Ren’Py.

Some Interesting Features In VLC!

VLC is one of the best video and audio player applications that are open source. We can install this application on various existing operating systems such as Linux, MAC, Windows, and also Android.

Some Cool Applications Developed by TeejeeTech!

  • Fosslicious; By Ridho (Posted by fosslicious on Jul 14, 2019 2:48 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Tony George (TeejeeTech/teejee2008) is one of the application developers for Linux. Maybe we have or are using an application made by Teeje but don't know if it is one of his applications. Here are some cool applications made by Teejee for GNU/Linux Users!.

Some Excellent Features of Telegram!

Telegram is an alternative chat application that you can use besides Whatsapp. This application has a function that exactly matches whatsapp. But for now, Telegram doesn't support video calls. Apart from functioning as a chat application, users of this application get many useful features provided.

How to fix a broken Window Manager(xfwm4) on Xubuntu?

Last night I upgraded Xubuntu 18.04 with the latest package, but there are some error notifications when new packages are installed. Based on info from system notifications, the Window Manager (xfwm4) that I use on Xubuntu crashes. And this causes the desktop environment (xfce4) on Xubuntu become an error.

How To Make Shortcuts To Change Volume On Xubuntu!

I wrote this, based on the problem that I found when using Ubuntu with the XFCE4 desktop environment. In XFCE4, the panel is one of the important things that can be used to manage several features such as menu selection, volume settings, network, time, and others.

How To Install Gnome-Pie(Launcher) On Xubuntu?

Gnome-Pie is one of the most unique and beautiful launchers that you can use to create shortcuts from frequently used applications. This application can replace other launchers such as Docky, Plank, Unity launcher, etc. If you like a clean desktop display, maybe you will like Gnome Pie.

How To Make Bash Aliases To Shorten Commands On Ubuntu?

Bash (Bourne Again Shell), is one of the programs that are included in the most widely used GNU Project. One of the things I use from bash is Aliases. Creating an Aliases in bash is quite easy, and I use this to shorten the long commands on Ubuntu.

9 Best Linux Distro For Beginners

Are you a new user of a Linux-based operating system? If true, maybe you will be confused when choosing a distribution that is suitable for you to use and learn. And in my article this time I want to discuss 9 distributions that are suitable for beginners!

8 Lightweight Linux Distributions For Older Computers!

The rapid development of technology, especially on computer hardware, is one of the good news. But the longer, the technology that comes out now will also be replaced by better ones in the future.

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