Showing headlines posted by dcparris

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News: Canonical: Ubuntu the Answer to Dell Question

"People are always asking us to support Linux on the desktop, but the question is: 'Which Linux are you talking about'?" Apparently, Michael Dell has finally answered his own question as Canonical officially announced that Dell has chosen Ubuntu to be the version for Dell's Linux-loaded laptops and desktops.

New PCLinuxOS magazine hits Web

PCLinuxOS Magazine, a community-driven Linux publication, has just hit the virtual news stand with issue number 9 now available for download.

Linux: Merging in 2.6.22

Following the release of the 2.6.21 kernel [story] Andrew Morton [interview] posted a list of patches in his -mm kernel, summarizing for each his plans as to whether or not they wil be pushed upstream for inclusion in the upcoming 2.6.22 kernel. He noted,"the overall stability in recent -mm's was not sufficiently high and we ran out of time to find all the bugs. I shouldn't have merged all those patches last week - they contained an exceptional amount of garbage. This all means that more bugs than usual will probably leak into mainline, and we'll have to fix them there." He went on to add,"I've been ducking most non-bugfix patches recently. I have ~200 feature and cleanup patches queued for later consideration, so people who sent those will be hearing from me eventually."read more

Ultimate EMR receives highest downloads on

  • GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News (Posted by dcparris on May 1, 2007 3:30 PM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU, PHP, Linux; Story Type: News Story
After being released,Ultimate EMR received504 downloads in its first month. Beating all other EMR's With currently just over 600 downloads,Ultimate EMR is very happy with the continued interest. We invite you todownload or test ourdemo and give us feedback so that we can continue to improve. Let us know what you think by joining ourmailing List and ourforum.

(IT) Benvenuti in FUSS!

Free Upgrade Southtyrol's Schools (FUSS) è un progetto finanziato dal Fondo Sociale Europeo che ha aggiornato i sistemi informatici di tutte le scuole italiane della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, sostituendo i software con licenza proprietaria utilizzati nell'attivita' didattica con la distribuzione GNU/Linux FUSS Soledad, sviluppata all'interno del progetto e rilasciata con licenza libera.

[Site is in italian - dcparris]

Vista - End of the Dream?

Mr Jewell simply can't take it any more...

You've probably heard of “ if not actually read“ that modern-day classic, "Dreaming in Code". The book is subtitled Two dozen programmers, three years, 4,732 bugs and one quest for transcendent software.

Vector Linux - Chaucer's Beautiful Hag

LXer Feature: 25-Apr-2007

Chaucer fans will immediately understand when I say that Vector Linux is a modern retelling of the Wife of Bath's Tale - with a few twists.

This article on Digg

The Road to KDE 4: Solid Brings Hardware Configuration and Control to KDE

  • KDE Dot News; By Troy Unrau (Posted by dcparris on Apr 24, 2007 8:34 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: KDE
One of the many new technologies for KDE 4 is the often mentioned, but seldom explained Solid Hardware API. Hardware has always been a bit of an annoying element of using Linux and other Unix [like] operating systems, but Solid hopes to fix that for KDE 4. In many ways, Solid is like Phonon, in that it's a Qt/KDE style API around already existing components at the lower level, such as's HAL. It is already quite functional in the backend, and it's already affecting visible KDE components. Read on for more...

China says U.S. piracy case will 'badly damage' ties

U.S. complaints to the WTO over commercial piracy in China will "badly damage" cooperation, China's vice premier warns.

Installing CentOS 4.4 - Short-n-Sweet

LXer Feature: 24-Apr-2007

Don Parris walks you through a basic CentOS 4.4 installation.

This article on Digg

Proprietary software an anomaly

Free and open source software researcher Rishab Ayer Ghosh says that just 16 percent of software spend is on pre-packaged software and the majority of programmers work outside the pre-packaged software sector. "Proprietary software is an anomaly," says Ghosh.

Book Review: Best Care Anywhere

  • GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News (Posted by dcparris on Apr 23, 2007 5:08 PM EDT)
  • Groups: GNU, Linux; Story Type: News Story
Phillip Longman's Book 'Best Care Anywhere: Why VA Health Care is Better Than Yours' is a narrative of the transformation of the Veterans Affairs hospital system from the worst in the nation to arguably the best in the world, becoming the 'Toyota of Healthcare'. Longman attributes the VA's success in large part to the VistA electronic health record system, application of quality metrics system wide made possible by VistA, and alignment of economic incentives. The author contrasts this with the private sector in which poor quality and disorganization are rewarded. He warns of the consequences of retaining the private sector status quo. He ends with a proposal for private sector change.

Interview: Avi Kivity

Avi Kivity is the lead developer and maintainer of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine project, better known askvm. The project was started in mid-2006, and has been part of the Linux kernel since the 2.6.20 release in February of 2007. kvm is a full virtualization system for x86-based Linux hosts, allowing users to run isolated x86 guest operating systems in virtual machines.In this interview, Avi talks about the current status of the kvm project, detailing what kvm is, how it works, and how it differs from other virtualization projects. He goes on to examine future plans for improving stability and more

OpenOffice gets business intelligence boost

Business intelligence software from Pentaho is to be integrated into the next version of OpenOffice, the open-source application suite.

Eclair Laboratoires Speeds Collaborative Real-Time HD Digital Film Mastering by 3x With SGI Technology

SGI InfiniteStorage SAN and SGI Altix Server Accelerate Intense Data Workflow

Leading Software Group Honors Novell Linux and Management Solutions

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and ZENworks Asset Management Win CODiE Awards

Study: Users pay for Microsoft patent woes

"Patent tax" of $21.50 each

Each copy of Windows cost users an additional $21.50 "patent tax" to cover Microsoft litigation bills, the Software Freedom Law Center claims.

BabelDisc: Linux for technophobes?

  • CNET; By David Meyer (Posted by dcparris on Apr 18, 2007 11:32 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
But the system software, which shuns your hard drive, will also appeal to enterprise IT types, says U.K. Internet pioneer Peter Dawe.

Ultramobile handhelds to get boost from Intel

Despite tepid sales (remember Origami?), a new generation of ultramobile PCs will arrive this year, and next year they might run on Linux.

Mandriva releases Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring

Most new Linux distributions nowadays come with a late-model kernel, virtualization support, and a 3D desktop. Mandriva's new Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring, however, includes all those must-have features, plus VOIP phone support, Google Picasa and Google Earth, and -- would you believe it? -- support for the Nintendo Wii remote.

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