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Terminal Tips: "Uninvisible" the invisible files on your iPod

  • TUAW; By C.K. Sample, III (Posted by tadelste on Oct 3, 2005 2:31 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I've covered different ways to get your Music off of your iPod before, but now that I am going all nano all the time, and preparing to get rid of my 60GB iPod, I wanted a nice, quick, and easy way to get all those songs off of my old iPod. After conferring with Jay, who is much more the Unix geek than I, we figured out a method that would work. As with most things, it was happenstance that brought about the discovery. I was quizzing Jay on all the intricacies of the cp command, and had started running a basic command string to copy all the files from my iPod's invisible Music folder over to a 100GB external hard drive. I launched the Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities/). And then I used the following command (all on one line; the break here is caused by a space in the command between the source and destination folders):

Antivirus protection: Why it’s a big deal

  • KPC News; By MICHAEL FRALEY (Posted by tadelste on Oct 3, 2005 1:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
F-Prot ( is a free antivirus for Linux and BSD, but the Frisk Software people, who are based in Iceland, also have a version of F-Prot for Windows. Finally, for our friends running Mac OS X, there is ClamXAv (, courtesy of British systems analyst and software developer Mark Allan.

The Future Of Mac: A Discussion

  • MacdevCenter; By Tom Bridge (Posted by tadelste on Oct 3, 2005 12:36 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Intel; Story Type: Interview
Interesting interview/discussion about the Mac on Intel with tidbits about Vista. Worth a read.

Netbeans open source tools getting refreshed

The Sun Microsystems-led NetBeans developer community last week released a beta version of the NetBeans 5.0 open source IDE, with enhancements for client development based on Java.

IDC Quantifies the iSeries Payback for Server Consolidation

  • The 400; By Timothy Prickett Morgan (Posted by tadelste on Oct 2, 2005 10:42 PM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
One of the things that the most recent top executives in charge of the iSeries Division promised to do when they came into power last year was get the word out that with analyst reports concerning the technical and economic advantages of the iSeries platform. A few weeks ago, these IBM executives were talking up the fact that there are now 19 analyst reports out there in the field concerning the iSeries. (I sure have not been able to locate that many, but the Web is a big place.) One of them comes from IDC, which IBM usually turns to in order to make the economic case for the iSeries.

Open Source Documentary Development

If artists can assemble operating systems and computer hardware via an open source model why can t artists assemble open source movies?

Consider the Web as your worldwide homework helper

  • USAToday; By Kim Komando (Posted by tadelste on Oct 2, 2005 8:48 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
School's in full swing and that means one thing — homework. Fortunately, the Internet is loaded with free programs and sites to help students and parents.

SysAdmin Paper from Yankee Group Ignorable

The Yankee Group has produced another of its infamous surveys about TCO comparisons between Microsoft and Linux. Excuse the yawn but has Yankee ever used its skills in statistical analysis to win a lottery? If not, then they have no business making comparisons between IBM zSeries Linux installations and Proliant installs and calling that relevant. With so many balls in the basket and only five or six released into the shute, what kind of a study can they really product?

I want my DVD, your honor

Originally published at OSopinion, Dean granted permission to Lxer to republish this humorous but insightful article for Linux enthusiasts who might wonder about playing DVD's on their computers. Perhaps the issue isn't as clear cut as some want us to believe. Theoretically this is a wonderful argument. Consult your own legal professional and please do not construe this as legal advice.

Red Hat Aims to Simplify Linux

The corporate sector does not just run on servers. Thus, Red Hat is putting lots of effort into the desktop in an effort to simplify Linux for this environment. Even the universal serial bus flash drives which required a user to "mount" or "dismount" via the console is now a simple matter of plug and play.

Netforce v4.02 Sends NIS Password Maps with passwords hashes over ...

NetFORCE's operating system on the NAS includes the ability to send a diagnostic e-mail with a wealth of information to the technician to be able to diagnose problems without providing direct remote access. This diagnostic email includes output from various programs, statistical reports, and several file attachments.

Opera tunes up to overtake Firefox

Interview: Opera is looking to mobilise its existing community of users in order to overtake Firefox as the number two browser on the desktop. Last week, Opera decided to give away an ad-free version of its browser for the first time. Jon von Tetzchner, chief exec of Opera Software, said that by removing the inclusion of banner ads from the free version of its browser the company had removed the biggest reason users might have for avoiding its software.

BEA Expedites SOA with World's Fastest JVM; Scorching Sun's HotSpot

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Oct 2, 2005 6:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
JRockit Is 50 Percent Faster at Half the Price

GemStone Systems Improves Data Access, Scalability and Ease of Use With Release of GemStone Facets 3.0.1

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Oct 2, 2005 6:48 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Sun; Story Type: News Story
BEAVERTON, Ore., Sept. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- GemStone Systems, Inc., a leading data services infrastructure software company, today announced the availability of GemStone Facets 3.0.1, a next-generation transactional Java Persistent Store built on object database technology.

Google In The Air

  • Techweb LinuxPipeline; By Matt McKenzie (Posted by tadelste on Oct 2, 2005 2:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Google has dropped another of its seemingly endless supply of bombshell announcements: The company has submitted a plan to cover 95 percent of San Francisco with 300kpbs wireless Internet access, at no charge either to users or to the city. I'm thrilled with the plan, both because I live in San Francisco and because SBC is obviously terrified at the idea.

Web cafes gripe on computer software

SEVERAL Internet cafe owners said it should be the local government units, police, military and other government agencies that should be prosecuted first for using pirated Microsoft software. Ronald Valdehuesa told Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro that the government is guiltier of the unauthorized usage of these computer software than small Internet cafes. "I challenge Microsoft Philippines to raid City Hall, Provincial Capitol, NBI-10, DTI Camp Evangelista, Camp Alagar, etc. for violation of RA 8293 otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Law and not only to focus on Internet shops as this is grossly unfair!" he said.

Transparency of RSS belies its popularity

  •; By Allan Hoffman (Posted by tadelste on Oct 2, 2005 12:12 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The technology known as RSS is increasingly popular, but don't feel badly if you don't recognize the initials. Even big-time users of RSS don't always know they use it.

Jataayu Software extends partnership with MontaVista; Joins Mobilinux Open Framework Partner Program

ataayu Software (Jataayu), a leading vendor of mobile device solutions, today announced that it has joined the Mobilinux Open Framework Partner Program. MontaVista’s Mobilinux Open Framework is a program designed to increase the adoption of Linux within the mobile phone industry by providing handset vendors and mobile operators with solutions consisting of components from best of breed mobile software providers and MontaVista’s Mobilinux OS platform.

Big Brother is watching you

Google not only gathers vast amounts of personal data, it aspires to global domination - and that's creepy, writes John Naughton

What Do TiVo and the Mac Mini Have in Common?

  • New York Times; By JAMES FALLOWS (Posted by tadelste on Oct 1, 2005 8:58 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
TODAY'S theme is elegant underdogs: the devices or solutions that don't lead their markets but are in many ways more admirable than the ones that do.

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