Showing headlines posted by bstadil

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Dell bets on Linux to capture enterprise market

If Dell is to continue to grow, making inroads into the enterprise market is essential. Chavis wants the world to know that her group is doing just that, with the help of an unlikely ally: Linux.
It may seem ironic that a free OS could become such an important profit driver for a company the size of Dell, but Chavis takes it in stride. Asked where Linux will take Dell next, her answer is simple: "All the way up the food chain."

Q&a with Pat Gibney on IBM's New Community Source Development ...

I sat down for a Q&A with Pat Gibney, IBM Director, Software Group Componentization to dig into IBM's Community Source development strategy. IBM has been touting the benefits of open source for years . Taking that to the next level, IBM developers are now applying a methodology borrowed from the open source community to create its own commercial software.

Embedded Linux box fits into CD drive bay

Team ASA is shipping an XScale-based Linux system designed to fit in a CD drive bay.

XML software patent opposition headed for court?

Anti-patent advocates could lodge a revocation application against Microsoft's patenting of XML word-processing in South Africa within the next few weeks.

What Is Free Software

  • Onlamp; By Karl Fogel (Posted by bstadil on Sep 29, 2005 10:23 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Free software is software that may be modified and redistributed freely by anyone, with no significant restrictions on how the code may be changed, the uses to which it may be put, or the parties with whom it may be shared. From this simple definition flow many unexpected consequences.

SUSE Linux 10.1 alpha ready for download, test

The OpenSUSE team has announced through its mail list that SUSE Linux 10.1 Alpha1, codename "Auckland," is ready for download and testing by those wanting to live on the bleeding edge of Linux.

Installing Debian

Debian GNU/Linux is a powerful and popular community-developed Linux distribution--and the basis for several other useful and usable distributions. With the recent release of Debian Sarge, it's better than ever. Edd Dumbill, Debian developer and GNU/Linux advocate, walks through a typical installation.

Open Source Advocacy for the Enterprise

  • Linux DevCenter (Posted by bstadil on Sep 29, 2005 5:29 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The free and open source software movements do a great job of providing software and guidance for programmers, and reach charities and educational markets fairly well. Aside from highly technical projects, there has been comparatively little attention given to Very Serious Business--and for good reason. Jono Bacon explores the motivations and values of the "enterprise" software market and considers how to evangelize it effectively.

The Ultimate Pro-Customer Computing Platform

  • EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet; By Carla Schroder aka Tuxchick (Posted by bstadil on Sep 29, 2005 4:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNU
I must confess that I am biased. Horribly, irreversibly biased. I love the Free/Open Source software world because it provides the ultimate in pro-customer values.

Msn Adds Search Plugins For Firefox

Microsoft's MSN sent out an enhancement in the form of a plugin for users of the Firefox browser from Mozilla. The default search engine for Firefox is Google but this gives users another search choice for their Mozilla browser.

Linux picks up steam in public sector

Public sector agencies may have been more methodical in their adoption of Linux and open source software alternatives, but then again, no one has ever accused the government of doing things quickly.

Open Source Helping to Drive Tech Hiring

  • IT Business Edge (Posted by bstadil on Sep 27, 2005 4:36 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Your company is finding that tech hiring is on the rise, and one of the reasons is increased reliance on open source. What are companies looking for and what has your internal hiring experience been?

Coming Next Year: The First 'Trusted' Linux Operating System

  • InformationWeek (Posted by bstadil on Sep 27, 2005 4:25 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Red Hat, with help from IBM and Trusted Computing Solutions, plans to put its operating system through the paces of the National Information Assurance Partnership's Common Criteria evaluation program to create the first "trusted" Linux operating system.

Techspin: Open-Source Redmond

In another example of modern-day coopetition, Microsoft and JBoss, the open-source middleware products company, announced plans on Tuesday to improve interoperability between their platforms. In a joint announcement, both companies said they would enhance support for each other’s technology in both JBoss’ Enterprise Middleware System and Microsoft Windows Server

Email and Litigation

  • Linux Magazine; By Nicholas Wells (Posted by bstadil on Sep 27, 2005 4:31 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Whenever a lawsuit is in the offing — from patent litigation to prosecuting a sexual harassment suit — email is the best source of a “smoking gun,” or evidence that almost ensures a victory or lucrative settlement for one side. After all, email is very informal: email is worded much differently than a printed letter, and things are often said in email that might never be said in a face-to-face conversation. Moreover, most employees think of email as ephemeral, like so much water-cooler conversation.

Look for a Linux distro face-off in the embedded space

  • ZDnet; By Dana Gardner (Posted by bstadil on Sep 26, 2005 10:46 PM EDT)
Embedded software developers put Baskin-Robbins to shame when it comes to dishing up a large variety of operating systems flavors. The swirl of Linux permutations alone puts a rocky road in front of those seeking a smooth ride for reuse and modularity of device code.

Secrets of lightweight Java alternatives

The Java programming language is powerful, but it has significant limitations for lightweight development. For certain problems, other programming languages such as Ruby may lead to better productivity. This article shows you what's important for productivity in an application's language.

Peter van der Linden's Guide to Linux: A Lesson in Encryption, Part 3

  • Linux Journal (Posted by bstadil on Sep 26, 2005 2:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Peter van der Linden's Guide to Linux: A Lesson in Encryption, Part 3

Hurricane relief organizer lauds MySQL, open source

  • Search Enterprise Linux (Posted by bstadil on Sep 26, 2005 2:10 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: MySQL
Yaakov Menken, CEO of Capalon Internet Solutions of Baltimore, spent the last month of summer setting up an open source-based call center, called Contact Loved Ones, for families separated by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Report: From Contributors to Customers: How Open Source Projects Turn Into Successful Businesses

Currently, over 100,000 registered open source projects are on, and you've never heard of most of them. While the great majority of projects remain in obscurity, some have turned into successful businesses and made the transition to mainstream. Maria Winslow looks at some of the features of this new breed of business.

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