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Why I Like Microkernels

Right in between a car crash and Easter, I knew I had to write a Sunday Eve Column. So here I am, digesting vast quantities of chocolate eggs (and I don't even like chocolate), craving for coffee (for me about as special as breathing), with the goal of explaining to you my, well, obsession with microkernels. Why do I like them? Why do I think the microkernel paradigm is superior to the monolithic one? Read on.

Nas/media server reference platform runs Linux

Freescale is shipping a home NAS (network-attached storage) / media server reference design that runs Linux and targets power-efficient, always-on consumer products. The MPC8349E mITX Reference Platform includes a PowerQUICC-based mini-ITX board, along with a standards-based Linux software stack and SDK from Mediabolic.

Will Lotus Notes Lead Microsoft To Linux Desktop

IBM's upcoming release of Lotus Notes for Linux is, according to Novell survey responders, among the most eagerly anticipated events in Linuxdom. And rightly so.

Zend, IBM Work To Bring PHP To Midrange

  •; By Vance McCarthy (Posted by dcparris on Apr 15, 2006 10:26 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM, PHP
PHP creator Zend Technologies and IBM are continuing their partnership to forge new enterprise opportunities for PHP devs. This time, PHP is being ported to IBM’s i5/OS family of midrange systems. The program was prompted by strong end-user reception to the Zend Core for IBM program, which supported PHP dev access to DB2.

Managing Linux Users the Active Directory Way

  • eWEEK Linux; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by dcparris on Apr 15, 2006 9:29 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Centrify's DirectControl Suite 3 allows administrators to add Linux to their server mix and still use Active Directory to manage users.

Arm aims major tools update at Linux developers

ARM is shipping a new version of its graphical development toolset. RealView Development Suite (RVDS) 3.0 offers a unified, end-to-end toolchain for coincident hardware and software development, and is optimized for system performance and Linux application compilation, according to ARM.

Opentaps Open Source ERP+CRM Suite to be Unveiled at MySQL Users ...

  • PR Web (press release); By Press release (Posted by dcparris on Apr 15, 2006 6:37 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release; Groups: MySQL
opentaps Open Source ERP+CRM Suite to be Unveiled at MySQL Users Conference 2006 The opentaps open source ERP+CRM suite will be officially unveiled during MySQL Users Conference 2006 in Santa Clara, CA during April 24-27, 2006. This fully integrated suite can be deployed with open source databases like MySQL and offers a complete and scalable solution for managing customers, products, inventory, orders, manufacturing, warehouses, and accounting.

FOSS Community Should Not Negotiate With Microsoft On Port 25

  LXer Feature: 12-Apr-06

Linux News says don't negotiate with the economic terrorists of Microsoft via Port 25.

Boot an Intel Mac with Linux

p2p news / p2pnet: We've all had it up to here with reports on the fact MacIntels can be booted with both Apple and Microsoft operating systems.

Commercial open source RTOS gains CAN bus support

  • (Posted by dcparris on Apr 15, 2006 3:17 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
eCosCentric has added CAN (controller area network) bus capabilities to its commercially supported open source RTOS (real-time operating system) for deeply embedded systems. eCosPro-CAN initially supports ARM and PowerPC chips from Philips and Freescale, and targets automotive and industrial control systems.

[Check out the eCos license. Interesting... - dcparris]

SpreadKDE: Try KDE

  • KDE Dot News; By canllaith (Posted by dcparris on Apr 15, 2006 12:10 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: KDE
Try KDE is a new resource listing ways that you can try out KDE without commiting to a full GNU/Linux or BSD install. It includes links to live cds, VMware player images and Klik bundles as well as links to KDE desktops available over NX, with explanations of these technologies. It is linked to from the KDE frontpage and will be updated regularly as more resources are discovered. You the community can help us out, by sending your comments and suggestions to the email address listed at the foot of the Try KDE page.

Mozilla Products Memory Corruption and Information Disclosure ...

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Suite, SeaMonkey, and Thunderbird, which may be exploited by remote attackers to take complete control of an affected system, bypass security restrictions, or disclose sensitive information.

SUSE 10.1 RC1 arrives

Following the release of four alpha and nine beta versions, the OpenSUSE Linux project on April 13 unveiled the first release candidate of version its 10.1 distribution. OpenSUSE v10.1 RC1 is made up of five CD iso images for i386 and x86-64 architectures.

Group updates open-source VistA

  • Government Health IT; By Bob Brewin (Posted by dcparris on Apr 14, 2006 5:28 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
The Pacific Telehealth and Technology Hui released today an upgraded, open-source version of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ VistA health care information system software. Its new features include a streamlined installation process and updated patient registration, scheduling, pharmacy and laboratory modules.

Is it software or Spam? It's both

  • PC World Canada; By Stephen Manes (Posted by dcparris on Apr 14, 2006 3:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
Paradox: as software increasingly becomes available for free, developers keep trying to foist more of it on us--along with lots of extras (call it, oh, say, spam) we don't need. In the days when we paid real dollars for software, all we got in the box was what we paid for. Now that the stuff is increasingly backed by advertising and by co-marketing deals (but not by technical support), we hapless users have to spend our time fending off vendors' constant offers to become our new best friends.

This guy should try FOSS. We don't do that to our users. - dpcarris

Novell comments on its transition to Linux desktops

Bruce Lowry responds to a CNet article about the slow progress Novell seems to be making in its Windows to Linux migration.

Bringing free software to the masses

Peter Brown, the executive director of the Free Software Foundation, hopes to 'get the message of free software outside the hacker world'

A first look at Zfone

  • NewsForge; By Nathan Willis (Posted by dcparris on Apr 14, 2006 6:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: PHP
Zfone is PGP creator Phil Zimmermann's latest brainchild, a small desktop application that encrypts VoIP softphone conversations using strong encryption and peer-to-peer communication. Zimmermann released the first public beta last month. While I'm intrigued by the concept, getting the application to work is another story.

Unfortunately, this is not a FOSS package, even though it uses one or two itself. - dcparris

Towns the talk of Debian Project

Australian Anthony Towns won the poll from a field of several candidates after 421 votes -- from 43 percent of the eligible community of Debian developers -- were cast. Towns -- who is also the secretary of industry body Linux Australia -- will take up the post for one year from Monday 17 April, taking over from incumbent Branden Robinson.

Process your email with procmail

  •; By Shashank Sharma (Posted by dcparris on Apr 14, 2006 5:00 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Mutt is a fine command-line email client, but it lags Evolution and Thunderbird in its ability to do email filtering. The procmail mail processing utility can help. It is highly configurable, allows for far better email filtering than Thunderbird, and as is customary with command-line applications, it is fast. While procmail is most commonly employed on the server side, its ability to handle POP and IMAP protocols makes it useful for desktop users as well.

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