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Larry Ellison talks Linux

BERKELEY, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Larry Ellison told the Financial Times this week that he was thinking of doing a Linux 'distro" (the term for individual variants -- short for distribution) to support the Oracle database. RedHat stock immediately took a hit.

GoblinX 1.3 live CD emerges

  • (Posted by dcparris on Apr 20, 2006 10:25 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
A new stable version of the Slackware-based GoblinX live CD, GoblinX 1.3, is now available for free download. GoblinX 1.3 uses a 2.6.15 Linux kernel and the XFce desktop environment as a default, although KDE 3.5.1 is included.

Column: Reforming a digital pirate

(Comtex Business Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)LAWRENCE, Kan., Apr 20, 2006 (University Daily Kansan, U-WIRE via COMTEX) --Buying software in a box was an alien concept to me from day one of my digital life. In the early 90s, a respected veterinarian gave me my first pirated copy of Windows 3.1. I traded war games with the son of the man that ran a local church camp. Most people in my small home town hadn't even heard of the Internet yet.

Migrating to Linux: How much Windows-like functionality to give end users?

Last week the press, especially that segment least friendly to Novell and open source, headlined the fact that 3,000 out of 5,000 Novell employees had the capability to boot Windows on their computers. One typical headline read: "Novell's shift to open source makes slow progress."

[Dave's point is a good one - something many of us have been saying for some time now. Glad he could join the party! - dcparris]

Dapper beta due tomorrow

Ubuntu Dapper Drake, originally set for release Wednesday 20 April until it was postponed to 1 June, will instead be released as a beta tomorrow. We take a look at what to expect from the world's most popular desktop Linux distribution. Execs Outline Open Source Momentum is one of many OSTC-owned websites that is popular with the open-source development community. Jay Seirmarco, General Manager, and Ross Turk, Engineering Manager, recently updated the organization's progress in an exclusive SYS-CON interview that can be found at

Microsoft, Autodesk Unsuccessful in Patent Suit

"We continue to contend that there was no infringement of any kind and that the facts in this case show that Microsoft developed its own product activation technologies well before z4 Technologies filed for its patent," Microsoft spokesman Jack Evans wrote in an e-mail.

Web Hosting Provider Zen Internet Offer Linux Hosting Trial for 1 ...

April 19, 2006 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Web hosting provider and Internet Service Provider (ISP) Zen Internet (, who won the ‘Best Business ISP’ award in February 2006, has announced it is offering new customers a trial of its Linux web hosting packages for only 1 British Pence.

[That's roughly $0.02 for us Americans. I wonder if they offer a reseller package? ;-) - dcparris]

Linux blossoms in China

BEIJING, China (UPI) -- China`s Linux market will be worth more than $51 million annually by 2010, up from $11.8 million last year, researchers say.

Xandros, Scalix Team on SMB Linux-Groupware Server Combo

  • Linux-Watch; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by dcparris on Apr 20, 2006 4:54 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Xandros is making a move at the Linux SMB server market by offering its forthcoming server OS with Scalix groupware baked in. (Linux-Watch)

Subversion Open Source Project Founder Brings Enterprise ...

CollabNet, a leading provider of on demand distributed software development solutions, today announced its new offering, CollabNet® SubversionTM On Demand for the enterprise. The solution provides the infrastructure and services large enterprises need to reliably and easily deploy the Subversion open source, version control system to hundreds of users within global, software development teams. With the cost and service benefits of an on demand model, CollabNet Subversion On Demand allows Global 2000 companies to safely apply open source practices in the enterprise for more effective distributed software development.

Handicapping The Open-Source Shakeout

The long-predicted consolidation of the open-source software market is finally starting to happen. But which path will the market take--disappearance of the pure-play open-source vendors, or a winnowing to a few strong ones?

Hp Aims to Ease Linux Management On Blades

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Wednesday rolled out software aimed to simplify the management of its BladeSystem blade servers running Linux, said the company.

Linux vendors to Back Unified Standard

More than a dozen technology companies, including IBM Corp. Red Hat Inc. and Novell Inc. are planning to support a new integrated server and desktop Linux standard unveiled at next week's Linux Desktop Summit by the Free Standards Group (FSG).

Dhs Bug Hunt Returns Mixed Reaction

The results of a Homeland Security Department-funded bug hunt spanning 40 popular open-source programs has thus far met ambivalence from the open-source community. While many projects are using the results to improve their software, others are bemoaning the high number of false positives.

Debian Sarge release patches security, fixes "serious" problems

The Debian project team has released a second revision of Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 "Sarge." The release adds security updates to the stable version, along with corrections for some "serious problems," the team said. The distro uses a 2.6.16 kernel and the GNOME desktop environment as default.

Solid aims to fill Innobase shoes for MySQL

  • Computer Business Review; By Staff Writer (Posted by dcparris on Apr 20, 2006 12:22 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: MySQL
Finland-based Solid Information Technology Ltd hopes to pick up where Innobase Oy left off by announcing plans to develop an open source storage engine for the MySQL database.

Security benefits of open source

  • Search Enterprise Linux; By Andrew Bardin Williams (Posted by dcparris on Apr 19, 2006 9:09 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Enterprise-level features, flexibility and cost have always been key factors for organizations that choose open source over proprietary technology. For IT managers in the government sector, however, these benefits often take a back seat to another software characteristic: IT security. Is open source secure enough for the government's IT infrastructure?

[One criticism of this article - Massachusetts is not trying to pass an "Open Source" document policy. They are trying to pass an "Open Format" document policy. - dcparris]

Powerful PostgreSQL-oriented Database Structure Modeling ...

  •; By Avril Forde (Posted by dcparris on Apr 19, 2006 6:17 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Database Designer for PostgreSQL lets you build your database structure visually. It diagrams all of your tables, the references between them, views, and stored procedures. You can even import existing PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, Sybase, Oracle, Informix, MSSQL, DBF, and other types of databases into your diagram using Universal Reverse Engineering through ADO.

The California Open Voting bill passed a committee vote today. ...

The California Open Voting bill passed a committee vote today. This has been its first test.

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