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LONG-TIME Tech Heads readers will know I've been exploring Linux operating systems over the last year. In 12 months must have tried at least as many Linux distributions and, finally, think I have found the perfect one for novices and experienced users alike. In August, Novell SUSE announced a project called OPEN SUSE, to produce an operating system in conjunction with the Open Source community. It was a first for SUSE, but I'll wager it won't be the last because the resulting OS is dazzling.

Popular Free Writers Tool, OpenOffice Launches Version 2.0

Aria C. Munro writes: "Ideal for authors, web editors, and writers of all kinds, is compatible with Microsoft Office products, without the price."

Munro adds: "Significant improvements have been made in the functionality of proprietary office suite filters, allowing for improved compatibility between office applications, including Microsoft Office. In addition, import support for Corel WordPerfect documents has been added, allowing for easier cross-suite communication.

"Available in 36 languages, with more on the way, and able to run natively on Windows, GNU/Linux, Sun Solaris, Mac OS X (X11) and several other platforms, banishes software segregation and isolation and dramatically levels the playing field. And, with its support for the OASIS Standard OpenDocument format, eliminates the fear of vendor lock in or format obsolescence. The OpenDocument format can be used by any office application, ensuring that documents can be viewed, edited and printed for generations to come."

VMWare Inc. Releases Free Virtual Machine Runtime

  • Slashdot; By CowboyNeal (Posted by tadelste on Oct 20, 2005 7:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
rfinnvik writes "VMWare Inc. has released a new free (as in beer) virtual machine runtime called VMware Player.

Hypersystems Provides Customization Services for Gallery Open ...

hyperSystems, Inc. announces the introduction of customization services for Gallery, an open source web based photo album organizer. Customization services for Gallery will include template creation, search engine optimization, keyword generation, e-commerce integration and software installation.

Linux - Mono - .NET: An Exclusive SYS-CON.TV Interview With Miguel de Icaza

Mono is the leading non-Microsoft implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification. The CLI is the foundation of .NET. Because Mono runs on a number of platforms, it is the main choice today for people who want to run .NET applications on non-Microsoft platforms such as Linux.

.NETDJ's editor in chief recently interviewed Mono's creator, Miguel de Icaza, via telephone - directly from Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington!

Atto Receives Brocade Fabric Aware Status For SAN Storage Area ...

Celerity 4-Gb Host Adapter, ATTO FibreBridge 2400C/R/D Fibre Channel-to-SCSI bridge verified

Europe Ponders -- Open-Source Or Proprietary?

With a study noting the gains of open-source software over proprietary Microsoft software reverberating throughout Europe this week, a new software industry alliance pledging cooperation among its members was launched Thursday.

The European Software Association (ESA) was unveiled in Brussels with a goal of speaking as a common voice for a fragmented industry. It has 26 members including Microsoft.

Although the ESA had its origins in meetings with Microsoft's Bill Gates, it maintains that it is not a surrogate for the software colossus.

Mozillarization of

While sat here watching Ben Goodger doing a talk about Firefox at EuroOSCON, it got me thinking about this concept of taking a huge and bloated project (such as Netscape) and cutting it down to the core and releasing a spin-off project such as Firefox. With all of the recent discussion and email I have been receiving triggered from Opening the potential of, it makes sense if this process was drilled into

Embattled Linux fights back

  • Asia Times On-Line (Posted by tadelste on Oct 20, 2005 2:11 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
BEIJING - The Chinese Government should stick to its policy of strongly supporting open-source software to build a robust domestic industry, an industry veteran has said. "Open-source software provides a big opportunity for China to develop its fledgling software industry," said Lu Shouqun, president of the China Open Source Software Promotion Union.

Lu, also a former senior government official, was responding to a report released by the China Software Industry Association (CSIA) in late August which called for the government to review its preference for open-source software. The government's "excessive preference" for the open-source Linux platform is harming the domestic software industry, and Linux's business model is flawed as the low, or no, charge is thwarting the profitability of Linux developers, the CSIA asserted in the report.

Open Source Props For Microsoft?

Sean Michael Kerner has written an article about the Free Software Foundation acknowledging Microsoft. He quotes:

"Since we so rarely have an opportunity to say something positive about Microsoft, let me begin by congratulating them," Georg Greve, president of the FSFE, said in a statement.

" According the FSFE, two of the new shared source licenses may well meet the requirements of the Free Software Definition. It warns, however, that its evaluation was only preliminary and that the other licenses offered by Microsoft are still clearly proprietary "non-free" licenses..."

And in a conference call this afternoon, I heard a recap of Microsoft's presentation at a State CIO conference. They evidently recognize that the community process is taking over IT, especially in government. So, they're now just a member of the community doing what they can to just get along. - Ed.

Making advances in open source

A rising rival to Microsoft's Office suite gets a major overhaul. Also: Marc Andreessen sees a bright future for PHP.

Ballmer: Microsoft Losing More Than Winning Against Linux

  • ComputerBusiness Review; By Jason Stamper (Posted by tadelste on Oct 20, 2005 12:22 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Microsoft; Story Type: News Story
Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer was on good form during a Q&A session with an audience at a Gartner Symposium in Florida yesterday, having the audience in stitches on more than one occasion, as well as coming out with the kind of marketing speak wont to baffle and enlighten in equal measure.

Asked for his thoughts on the fact that when it comes to platform migrations, more people are moving from Unix to Linux than from Unix to Windows, he conceded that: "We're not winning more than we're losing." Which is a roundabout way of conceding that it's losing to Linux more often than winning.

Transcend announces Flash Drive/MP3 Player Combo, the T.sonic 310

Now this is very special, the T.sonic 310 from Transcend is a radically distinctive hybrid that combines all the advantages of a hi-speed USB 2.0 flash drive with a high quality MP3 player, but that’s not all. Transcend has managed to integrate a unique feature into the T.sonic 310’s innovative cubist design, a TouchPad controller. The T.sonic 310’s easy to use futuristic TouchPad, responds to your fingertip control and allows you to raise or lower the volume, replay/skip tracks and fast forward/rewind music during playback.

The T.sonic 310 supports Linux Kernel 2.4 or later.

Open Source Software: It's Not (Only) About the Money

  • B-EYE-Network; By Pete Loshin (Posted by tadelste on Oct 20, 2005 11:54 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Advantage: open source.

What about stability? You've spent a lot of time, effort and money building sophisticated business intelligence systems. So what happens when your vendor decides it's time for an upgrade? This is a good idea if that piece of software never worked right, or if you need a new feature provided by the upgrade.

Review: Run With The Big Dogs On Chubby Puppy Linux

Chubby Puppy Linux "fills out" the regular Puppy Linux release with the addition of the suite of applications. It's a full figured Linux version in a fast, lightweight liveCD package. It will put a little bite into that shaggy old retired desktop. Rob Reilly reviews.

Genius releases new 300k pixels PC camera 'LOOK 312P'

... You can also use DD theme party printer to print out the pictures that you have captured. We are providing Linux driver also for the Linux users. ...


  •; By Sarah Lourie (Posted by tadelste on Oct 20, 2005 9:20 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Novell; Story Type: News Story
This year's Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), being held in Boston next month, is different from past years in that there is now a track for CIOs. Why? According to Matt Asay, conference director and director of Novell's Linux Business Office and Open Source Review Board, it's because open source has arrived -- in the executive suites.

Microsoft to Storm Linux Strongholds

.. Ballmer knows he's got a long roe to hoe. 'The day I come in front of the Gartner audience and say we have a better Unix than Linux, that'll be a good day.'"

Open source portal lets Goodwill CIO help those in need

  •; By Jack Loftus, News Writer (Posted by tadelste on Oct 20, 2005 9:19 AM EDT)
When Goodwill first selected Liferay, Bergman admitted he was the one who had the most reservations about going with an open source software (OSS) product.

"I was the person who was the most concerned, and it was my IT team that really tried to allay some of those fears," Bergman said.

DVD Jon Hired by San Diego Music Startup

  • GlobeTechnology; By Associated Press (Posted by tadelste on Oct 20, 2005 8:40 AM EDT)
SAN DIEGO — The Norwegian who became a hacker hero at age 15 will have to adjust to warmer winters.

Jon Lech Johansen, also known as "DVD Jon" for his work with software to crack copy-protection in DVDs, began work in San Diego this week at MP3tunes, the digital music service started in February by Michael Robertson, an iconoclast in his own right.

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