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Red Hat Readies for Government Scrutiny

"There have been a couple of runs at trusted operating systems in the past, but the difference between what's out there now and what we're announcing is that, in the Linux world, we'll have trusted capabilities in a standard distribution," said Paul Smith of Red Hat.

Using Mutt Part 1: Getting Started

So I've written about mutt a few times before, but for the most part I've jumped ahead into advanced usage. Since I've recently gotten a few beginner-level mutt questions, I've decided to devote a few blog entries to mutt basics.

Mac users locked out of AmEx application process

Mac users are second-class citizens again with at least one employer shutting out them out from its Web employment application. The American Express website shuns Mac users when they attempt to apply online for employment with the following message: "at this time, the system does not support Mac environments. If you don't have access to a PC at home or work, please check out a local public library for internet access, local internet cafes, or the nearest government Work Force Center.

Linus Torvalds: Linux 2.6.14

  • Linux Today; By Linus Torvalds (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 10:56 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
2.6.14 was delayed twice due to some last-minute bug-reports, some of which ended up being false alarms (hey, I should be happy, but it was a bit frustrating)

But hey, the delays - even when perhaps unnecessary - got us to look at the code and fix some other bugs instead. So it's all good.

KDE/Qt Extension for Traditional Eastern Languages

A research group in the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have been working on an operating system to support traditional Eastern languages such as Mongolian, Uighur and Tibetan. We have now extended Qt and KDE 3 to support these langages. Some screenshots show the scripts in use (mirror).

Building IT Infrastructure in UK Schools

  • GrokLaw; By Ian Lynch (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 10:08 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
BECTA (British Education Communication Technology Agency), is the UK agency in charge of defining IT policy for all schools in the United Kingdom. Among other things, they define standards for infrastructure for all the schools in the country.

Fsf edges toward GPL 3.0 draft

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) will release guidelines next month defining a process for discussion and comment on the GNU GPL 3.0, reports. General Counsel Eben Moglen says the FSF hopes to give the community time to "absorb the process" prior to unleashing a draft GPL 3.0 in January.

Free Oracle Database Takes On MySQL, SQL Server Express

Oracle is now fielding a free database.

The company on Friday posted a "freebie" version of its 10g product to the Oracle Technical Network (OTN).

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition, or XE, targets hobbyists, new database developers and others who might want to try out the technology, said Andy Mendelsohn, senior vice president of database server technologies for the Redwood Shores, Calif., company.

Open-source code verification service goes freebie

  • Network World; By Phil Hochmuth (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 6:05 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Black Duck Software, which provides a service for untangling the licensing legalities in using various open-source software, said last week that it would give away free access to its database through the end of 2005.

Open Source ECM Project Launched

  •; By Jim Wagner (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 5:18 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
After four months of developer scrutiny, Alfresco is seeing the light of day with the general availability of the open source enterprise content management (ECM) application, officials announced Monday.

Linux OS Finds Support in Kerala Association

  •; By Shantheri Mallaya (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 3:20 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Kochi-based All Kerala Computer Manufacturers and Dealers Association (AKCMADA) is considering pushing the use of Linux OS in the state.

The rationale behind the move is the scope for higher margins and additional service in the long term that the open source software provides PC dealers. With the shift to Linux, the association is also encouraging its members to steer away from pirated software often bundled with the PCs that they sell.

P. K. Harikrishnan, president of AKCMADA, said, "Hardware margins are an area of concern, and offering pre-loaded Linux operating system would generate valuable margins. In the long run it would also enable the charge for service and support for software. We are currently addressing this as well as the legal angle of selling a PC."

Linux training hits the road

Let the academy come to you, says Linux Holdings managing director, Kin le Roux. The training company is planning to offer Linux short courses at small towns in Southern Africa with their "Academy on Wheels".

Management Tool Blends Open Source, UI, Config Profiles

  •; By Vance McCarthy (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 1:54 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
GroundWork Open Source Solution is shipping an upgrade to its end-to-end IT management software based on a variety of Open Source modules, bringing to admins an easy to use UI, new configuration tools, and even middleware for data capture.

Mysql CEO on e-mail's failings and MySQL's next steps

Widespread corporate adoption of Web-based applications is a sure bet for the future, and that future will also bring a more scalable and user-friendly MySQL, said MySQL AB CEO Marten Mickos.

In part two of our conversation with him, Mickos discusses those trends, as well as the pitiful state of e-mail applications today and MySQL's changing user base. In part one, he predicted that partnerships with proprietary systems and software vendors are the key to putting open source on the corporate IT map.

Rethinking Open Source Strategy

  • IT Management; By One thing is for sure... The open source movement is gaining momentum and serious technology manager (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 12:57 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
[Ed: This is one of the most confusing pro-open source articles I have read. Ultimately, the author gives his reasons why FOSS works. He starts off, however, saying that the major companies he had at a panel we not enthusiastic about FOSS. He named the firms and suddenly, I realized he was speaking with the wrong people. Some of those companies have made major investments in Linux. Stay cool until you finish. It's not that bad. -tadelste]

One thing is for sure... The open source movement is gaining momentum and serious technology managers are beginning to rethink how they might participate in the open source movement. So what would you say if I asked you straight up, Wwhat are you doing about open source software in your companies?''

Slashdot /. Why Do People Switch to Linux

[Ed - Slashdot picked up on our survey. Thanks to everyone who participate - tadelste]

tadelste writes "During the last month, conducted a survey of readers who use Linux. They asked readers why they switched to Linux and received a plethora of answers. Surprisingly, anti-Microsoft sentiment had less to do with the choice than one might imagine. Linux stands on its own merits.

Goodmail Offers Fast Track to Customer Inboxes

  • ClickZ News; By Kevin Newcomb (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 9:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
"Ninety-five percent of e-mail users fear identity theft, and nearly 30 percent categorically refuse to open messages from financial institutions," he said. "Goodmail CertifiedEmail will be distinctly labeled both in the inbox list view and when the message is opened so the user can quickly recognize that the message is certified and thus authentic and safe to open."

Citadel: Groupware Secret Revealed

  • Lunacy Unleashed; By Michael Hampton (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 8:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Now you’re in on the secret. Sick of sendmail’s security bug of the week? Exchange crashed again and took everyone’s calendar with it? Microsoft Outbreak let another virus into the intranet again? Want your email and calendaring to Just Work? With a nice web interface for the road warrior executive types? It’s time to take a good look at Citadel.

Open Source Consulting Principal To Address Goldman Sachs Investor ...

Goldman Sachs has invited Open Source Consulting principal Tony Hansmann to speak at the Software & IT Services Retreat, November 7-9 in New York City.

Senior Software Tools Engineer - Job Opportunity

  • (Posted by tadelste on Oct 28, 2005 8:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNU
Our client, ClearSpeed Technologies, have a vacancy for a senior software engineer to join their team developing compiler, linker and assembler libraries for high performance, massively parallel SIMD architectures. The role entails the development of fast highly optimised development products that extract performance from the processor and solutions.

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