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Mysql, OpenOffice Upgrades Getting Good Reviews

  • TechNewsWorld; By Ric Shreves (Posted by tadelste on Nov 6, 2005 7:03 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: MySQL
Ric writes: "News from the open source Security, strength, a lower TCO: find out about all the advantages of IBM Middleware on Linux. Latest News about open source world last week was dominated by product releases, including two big ones: MySQL 5 and OpenOffice 2. As a result, it seemed like everyone with a computer and a tech column was busy writing reviews.

"I confess right off the bat to being too wrapped up with other things to download either of these programs and install them. OpenOffice is definitely on the list, but not until I get some free time to really sit down and learn it. Lets face it, we're all spoiled by Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) Office"

[Ed: No Ric, we we're not all spoiled by Microsoft Office. - tadelste]

Intel® Linux™ versus Microsoft® Windows

Recently, I had a chance to vet information from a leaked document. The process usually involves verification of the original source through a number of techniques. I often find vetting leads to more discoveries which lead to more and more.

I call this last adventure an eye-opener. You might see it the same way. But let's keep this a secret between us. We wouldn't want the press to find out about it because they would certainly bury it.

Nokia launches OSS website

Cell phone giant Nokia has launched a portal to manage its open source software projects and promote community involvement. features Nokia open source news and links to all of its OSS projects.

Firefox Takes the Good With the Bad

  • TechNewsWorld; By Jennifer LeClaire (Posted by tadelste on Nov 5, 2005 6:41 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story on Wednesday reported that the open-source project's browsers have a total global usage share of 11.51 percent. The total usage share of Mozilla increased 2.82 percent since April 2005. Microsoft's Internet Explorer still dominates the global browser market with a global usage share of 85.45 percent. [Ed: These are the kinds of erosion we saw beginning in the mid 1990's, only it was Microsoft chipping away at other's market share. - tadelstein]

Linux on cell phones moves up the stack

  • Network World; By Phil Hochmuth (Posted by tadelste on Nov 5, 2005 5:54 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Those who follow the development of Linux as an operating system for running mobile phones, voice-enabled PDAs and other communications gadgets should keep an eye on LiPS.

Linux Lab sets its sites on the Linux desktop

The Open Source Development Lab (OSDL), which employs Linux creator Linus Torvalds and strives to be the "center of gravity" for Linux, is preparing to aggressively move its Desktop Linux Initiative forward. Architects from over 20 key desktop-oriented Linux projects will gather Dec. 1-2 at the OSDL's Portland, Ore. headquarters to set strategic directions and standards, and find synergies amongst Desktop Linux organizations, the OSDL says.

The meeting, which comes hot on the heels of the Desktop Linux Working Group's recent Linux client survey, will focus on analyzing Linux desktop deployment case studies, and discussing technical and architectural strategies to help accelerate world-wide adoption of Linux as a desktop platform.

KOffice Meets the Users

Are you using KOffice? What are you using KOffice for? Why did you decide to use KOffice? What are your main problems? We want to know who uses KOffice and we are especially interested in companies and people using KOffice applications in the course of their business. We have done usability testing with OpenUsability on some of the KOffice programs and will be working more with them. Now we want to reach our users directly and ask them what they think.

Linux Today's Editor's Note: Helping Save the World

  •; By Brian Proffitt (Posted by tadelste on Nov 5, 2005 2:44 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Linux is saving the world.

Yes, you read that right. I wrote "is saving." Not "will save" or "has a chance to save."


Is. Saving.

Nokia debuts Linux-powered Internet tablet

Nokia demonstrated a compact, handheld tablet device powered by Linux at LinuxWorld in New York this week. The Nokia 770 Internet Tablet has a WVGA (800x480) screen, and is intended to offer convenient Internet browsing and email through built-in Wi-Fi, or via a Bluetooth connection to a compatible mobile phone. It will ship in Q3, 2005 to select European and American markets.

Tsunami-inspired FSF award focuses on humanity

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced a new annual award that honours the use of free software in "the service of humanity".

The Free Software Award for Projects of Social Benefit is "presented to the project or team responsible for applying free software, or the ideas of the free software movement, in a project that intentionally and significantly benefits society in other aspects of life," reads the announcement.

How to Make Millions Writing Free Software

  • eWEEK Linux; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by tadelste on Nov 4, 2005 10:48 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
Opinion: So long as your program does whatever it's supposed to do, you're at least in the race for financial success, which is reserved for those who go beyond identifying a need. (

Report: The Yin and Yang of Open Source Commerce, Part 4

  • LinuxPlanet; By John Terpstra (Posted by tadelste on Nov 4, 2005 10:00 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
"The bulk of Linux business opportunity is demonstrably in the SMB/SME marketplace, a market that is presently under-serviced by Linux companies. The nature of the market as a whole has been discussed, and in this concluding part of the series, the competitive situation is briefly mentioned so as to round out the argument that it is time for seriously profitable Linux business activity from businesses that know the rules for success..."

Ethereal Trouble

  • Linux DevCenter; By Noel Davis (Posted by tadelste on Nov 4, 2005 8:14 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Welcome to Security Alerts, an overview of recent Unix and open source security advisories. In this column, we look at problems in sudo, Ethereal, Apache mod_auth_shadow, fetchmailconf, lynx, Mantis, pnmtopng, gnump3d, Squid, unzip, uim, Curl, and imlib.


  • Glasgow Daily Record; By Steve Lawson (Posted by tadelste on Nov 4, 2005 7:51 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Ubuntu; Story Type: News Story
Twelve months ago Ubuntu barely registered on the Distrowatch ( list of favourite OSes. In the past six months it's soared to number one, beating distributions from major global companies - we're talking phenomenon here, folks.

Lessons on open source politics from the campaign forge

What do we know about"open source" political campaigns? More with every loss. Including a huge one, two months ago.

Red Hat partners SQL Star

Red Hat announced the appointment of SQL Star as a preferred partner. SQL Star, currently in software and learning services, will now be a Red Hat Authorized Training Partner and a Red Hat Advanced Business Partner.

Intel has to flee to China to sell Linux PCs

LXer received a document from an anonymous source with the message "I read your article on linuxJournel about countries growing use of Linux. The attached article was posted in Intel's intranet site." It reveals that Intel expects to sell hundreds of millions of Linux-based computers in rural China. If Intel can sell a Linux computer in rural China, why can't they do the same thing in the United States?

Red Hat Set For Rising Margins

Rick G. Sherlund of Goldman Sachs initiated coverage of Red Hat (nasdaq: RHAT - news - people ) with an "in-line" rating given the stock's high valuation premium.

The stock trades at 64 times the analyst's calendar 2006 earnings estimate of 39 cents per share, well above the broader software group median of 22 times estimated 2006 earnings.

Red Hat is expanding margins and growing at a much faster rate than the rest of the industry. Its Enterprise Linux (RHEL) platform has gained a leading market position and supports major hardware, database and applications systems.

FreeBSD Project Launches FreeBSD 6.0 - Raises the Bar for Open Source Operating Systems

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Nov 4, 2005 1:11 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
The FreeBSD Project announces the availability of FreeBSD 6.0, an open source operating system derived from BSD UNIX, which offers a powerful alternative to Linux, Solaris, and Windows. FreeBSD enables enterprise organizations to utilize open source technologies that focus on reliability, security, and scalability.

Comment of the Day - November 4, 2005 Linux Looks More Attractive than Windows

Skapare writes: "In the USA, computer manufacturers are not really selling you a computer so much as they are delivering your eyes to the multitudes of marketing offers that are integrated into the various sample programs installed in the system, or accessed through the default browser home page that is not easy to change (though telco and cable broadband providers manage to do so at times). It's a model not unlike how printers are sold (nearly give away the low end printer, and make obscene profits on cartridges ... e.g. the razor blade practice)."

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Chinese Halloween with Intel

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