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Linux Features Prominently at This Year’s CES

  •; By Linux-news (Posted by linuxaria on Apr 15, 2012 7:11 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
The yearly Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the right spot for buyers and industry insiders to gather information regarding the hottest electronic devices and upcoming products. Previously, the stage was ruled by Google’s Android. Never the less, this year Linux attracted lots of attention, as reported by a article. Below are a portion of the Linux products which were presented at this year’s CES.

A new Linux Game – The Great Jitters Pudding Panic

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Apr 14, 2012 8:41 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
In the Indie game “The Great Jitters Pudding Panic“, done by the German developers kunst-stoff, you are a Green pudding and your goal is to exit from an haunted house without fainting from fear, while at the same time trying to scare the monsters in the maze. It’s an uncommon subject for sure for an action puzzle game, but the game will take you from the start with his great graphics and smart puzzle, let’s see some details on this funny game.

Will the Raspberry Pi usher in a new generation of Linux users?

If you have not heard of the new Raspberry Pi yet, then you surely will soon enough. The new budget computer has just passed its Conformité Européenne testing, so now it can be stamped with the commonly seen CE mark and sold throughout Europe. A limited number of units were sold before the device was certified, and distribution was halted until the Pi passed the quality control tests. The distributors of the Raspberry Pi also took the time to make sure that the device meets all the regulations enforced by Australian, Canadian, and US supervisory bodies. So now the new Raspberry Pi, starting at the mere price of $25, is ready to be unleashed upon the world, but what does this mean for Linux users and developers?

Protect Linux from cold boot attacks with TRESOR

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Apr 6, 2012 7:45 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
While reading an interesting Blog I discovered a new treasure: TRESOR, in short TRESOR is a secure implementation of AES which is resistant against cold boot attacks and other attacks on main memory. Contrary to popular assumption, DRAMs used in most modern computers retain their contents for seconds to minutes after power is lost, even at operating temperatures and even if removed from a motherboard. Although DRAMs become less reliable when they are not refreshed, they are not immediately erased, and their contents persist sufficiently for malicious (or forensic) acquisition of usable full-system memory images. This is a cold based attack.

Happy April Fools’ Day a collection of April fool involving Linux !!

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Apr 1, 2012 7:21 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Publish news this day is always risky, so I will just do the best wishes for a happy April 1 and point out some very interesting news that i’m sure you’ll like.

1) Chrome Multitask Mode lets you browse the web with multiple cursors at the same time, so you can get more done, faster. Welcome to the ambinavigation revolution.

Don’t issue Direct Shutdown or Halt in Unix and Linux – Examples

  •; By Linux-news (Posted by linuxaria on Apr 1, 2012 12:00 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Multiuser systems such as Unix should never be just “shut off”. Active users connected to the system are rightfully miffed if their terminals die without warning. Even if the users have all logged out and gone home, there may be background jobs and daemons ticking away. Daemons get mad if their processes are suddenly curtailed.

A less obvious danger lays in the way the Unix file system works.

World Backup Day – Let’s see some strategy for Linux

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Mar 31, 2012 11:03 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I just discovered that today it’s the world backup day, and with the slogan on the webpage: “DON’T BE AN APRIL FOOL. BACKUP YOUR FILES. CHECK YOUR RESTORES.” they remember that is always a good habit to have 1 (or more) backup of our important data.

But in the days of social network, cloud computing and emails always left on remote servers, where are all our information and how we can save them securely ?

A Politically Incorrect game for Linux

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Mar 31, 2012 6:02 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Do you want to play a game with extreme violence in a background populated with characters that are American Caricatures ? Welcome to Postal 2.

The game is not new (first released in 2003) but has been recently released on Desura, a thing that make it really easy to be installed on our Linux box.

Postal 2 (stylized as Postal²) is a first-person shooter video game by Running with Scissors, and it is the sequel to the 1997 game Postal. Both are intentionally highly controversial due to high levels of violence and stereotyping. Unlike its predecessor, Postal 2 is played completely in first-person based on the Unreal Engine.

OpenShot! We can be all great directors, with our Linux, of course

Today we all have in our pocket, in the office or our child’s room, a device for shooting videos. Maybe with high quality or HD. Today, with this simple tutorial, I’ll show you how to do, i do not say a new film for an Oscar, but some video with friends or some home movies with your family. Maybe you can take a birthday, a battesimo or a wedding and at your home with a few hours of patience you’ll have a really catchy videos. Video effects, background music, effects with dynamics writing and anything else! In short, everything you want with very little. In fact you can install this software on any PC running Linux (for example in this article I will use Ubuntu 11.10) and with video requirements not so high.

Ubuntu TV? It’s not a science fiction but pure reality … Here’s how!

Just some time ago, at the Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas,Canonical  has debut among the big names in the industry. Canonical has stunned the expectations of themselves and members of the organization staff. He brought in his stand, an innovation that has created so much interest among the participants that there were hundreds of curious on average every minute. You know the news? The Ubuntu  TV! It’s a really interesting project, but especially ambitious from Canonical.

Search Wikipedia Through CLI (Shell) In Linux

  •; By linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Mar 27, 2012 10:16 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Wikipedia : One of the most important web portal in  geek’s life. Whenever I need to search anything I use two things. First open up the Google  and then search for the related  wikipedia  page. Exploring wikipedia page using shell is possible. Interested fact is that we can do it without even opening the cli browser. We can make wikipedia text query over dns for an ip address. I learned this trick from Ajay Sharma ( ). Thanks to him for teaching me this wonderful trick. Let’s explore how to do it.

Dropbox on Linux

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Mar 16, 2012 7:47 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
How many times have you searched for an important file but can not remember where is it ? Have you left the USB stick in your briefcase? Or, HDD backup in the office? Or even left in the USB in your car ? What a mess, right? What do you think of a way to save all your files in a safe place and have it always at your disposal? I have the right solution for you! DropBox! It’a multi-platform online storage service. It runs on Linux, Windows and even on your Android smartphone!

How to download recursively from an FTP site with Wget

  • (Posted by linuxaria on Feb 27, 2012 2:48 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
In these days I had to download a lot of files from a remote FTP server, the best solution in cases like this one is to login on the remote server and do a zipped archive of all the files (for this use tar -zcvf archivename.tgz /path/to/archive/) , in this way you’ll have to download just 1 file that is also been compressed and FTP can do perfectly this. But this time I had no shell on the remote server, just a FTP account, so what’s the best way to download a large number of files recursively ?

Your old PC can be an useful download center, here’s how

There are many articles covering the subject of trashware. You do not know what is this phenomenon? Trashware is when you use a PC, perhaps obsolete, to do something useful, especially using Open Source software with low requirements, with regard to system resources. Today we will not speak about media center or navigation station. We’ll talk about something much more concrete and useful! A download center … You really got it right! You will use your computer from the network to download all the files you want using the system “.torrent”. Naturally download only legal files, this is clear.

How to get exit status from a piped command in Linux shell

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Feb 24, 2012 5:07 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
It’s funny how through small daily tasks sometimes it happen to find new features or commands that you do not knew not, and today this thing happened to me. In particular, I had to do something trivial on the shell of a server, run : command1 | tail-n 2 i use tail to keep, from a significant long output, only the last 2 lines which then i use in another function, but beyond this, I needed to understand if command1 was terminated with an exit code of 0 or if the code was not 0 which number it was.

Happy Birthday, SimplyMEPIS

This is the inside story on a Linux distribution known as SimplyMEPIS. Like a lot of stories, there is more to it than meets the eye. And while on the surface, this is a story about a Linux distribution, there are some life lessons that can be found in it.

Ice Cream Sandwich the best Android ever

Google’s Latest release of Android version 4.0 typically referred to as Ice Cream Sandwich has definitely changed the way in which people visualize smartphone. Essentially the most spectacular thing concerning the Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich is it provides almost as good consumer experience in smartphones as in tablets. There are numerous smartphones manufacturer already on the verge of launching their latest version of smartphone with Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich. For e.g. Samsung Galaxy s, Motorola Droid Bionic etc. It’s well known the constantly rising need for the first tablet to get shipped with Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich i.e. ASUS Transformer Prime.

Cinnamon: A New Delicious Flavour For Linux Users To Enjoy

Gnome 3 has failed to win users over. Unity was so unpopular it wiped out Ubuntu’s lead on Distrowatch and made Linux Mint number one. With the dominant desktop (Gnome) and the dominant distribution (Ubuntu) both failing to set users’ hearts racing we’re reminded once again why we love using Linux – there’s so much choice.

Do you want to turn your old PC into a digital Jukebox? Here’s a step by step guide

  •; By Linuxaria (Posted by linuxaria on Feb 12, 2012 7:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
There are many people that have old computers in their basement or attic, and they do not use it because they are considered too old and outclassed. Today we will see a possibility to recover an old PC, we will see how to turn your PC into a fantastic digital Jukebox. You will have the opportunity to listen to music like a professional real station! What do you need? Nothing more than your old PC and, of course, some average speakers or audio system.

If you want the best, pick up your Android smartphone and you will see what we can do!

Virtually Speaking

Game changers that show up in life often do not show up in the way and the when we expect them.? ?That often leads us to not accuracy see them for what they are.? ?This is going to be a year of game changing in? ?2012,? ?and most of us do not yet see it.

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