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Red Hat Listed Among 50 Top Tech Companies (in Asia)

Red Hat is listed among ZDNet Asia's 50 Top Tech companies 2006. It is also one of the fastest growing companies with 210.4% year on year income growth over 4 years.

Oxygen Icons Website Launched

David Vignoni, Kenneth Wimer and Nuno Pinheiro, 3 of KDE's finest artists, are very proud to present the Oxygen website, explaining what Oxygen is and the direction it is going in.

Red Hat falls on analyst's downgrade

Bank of America analyst Kirk Materne cut his rating on Red Hat's shares (RHAT:22.99, -1.37, -5.6%) to neutral from a buy, saying the stock's march upward leaves only moderate room for upside in the intermediate term. While Red Hat's long-term growth prospects are intact, the shares are less compelling for the near-term, he said.

Novell to continue Linux desktop options

Novell has backed down on a decision to end support for the KDE desktop on the SUSE Linux distribution, following an outcry from users.

Storage heavyweights to build open management platform

Eight storage industry heavyweights have joined forces with the intention of creating an open standards storage management platform. The new management platform will be released free of charge and the individual organisations are expected to release their existing storage code to the open source community.

Comment of the Day - November 15, 2005 - What's not to like?

One of our editors, Don Parris asked : "I'm curious to know what brings you here? If you have recently made us your primary news site, perhaps you'd share your reasons?" Here's an interesting response.

Related to:
Survey: What Brings You to LXer?

China rejects free Mac software

  • C/Net News; By Alorie Gilbert (Posted by tadelste on Nov 15, 2005 5:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal yesterday, MIT's Media Lab turned down millions of free copies of Apple's OS X operating system, an offer extended by Apple Chief Steve Jobs himself. The proposal was Apple's attempt to support theuniversity's effort to supply children in developing nations with cheap laptops, the paper reported. The university decided to use free, open-source software instead because designers can freely tinker with it, the paper said.

But in a note to CNET News "clarifying" the Jounral story, Media Labs co-founder Nicholas Negroponte said Jobs' offer applied only to China and that officials in China actually rejected it last year.

"I took (Jobs') offer and mentioned it to the Minister of Education (of China)," Negroponte said in an email relayed by a Media Labs spokeswoman. "He said: 'No thank you,' that they preferred Linux and Open Source."


Be your own Certificate Authority (CA)

  • Raoul's Land; By Raoul (Posted by tadelste on Nov 15, 2005 5:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
This article describes how to become your own Certificate Authority (CA) and issue your own server certificates. Be advised that noone else, apart from you, your internal network’s people or your friends, will or should trust this kind of certificates. These are intended only for providing secure communication with your own services.

Setup the SSH server to use keys for authentication

  • Raoul's Land; By Raoul (Posted by tadelste on Nov 15, 2005 5:35 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
An SSH server can be set up in various ways, but in this document I’ll describe how it can be configured to:

* only support connections through the 2nd version of the SSH protocol (SSH-2)
* use 2048-bit DSA keys for user authentication, without permitting authentication with passwords
* allow only a specific group of users to authenticate


Internet security: Cisco flaws

Finnish researches today announced a high-risk vulnerability in a security protocol that serves an important role in key exchanges in IPsec VPNs. The severity of the flaw depends on different vendors, some of whom report it exists in their products and others who for now maintain their offerings are unaffected. But its impact could be great, given those vendors include heavyweights Cisco Systems, 3Com, Juniper Networks, Microsoft and IBM.

Speak freely at LinuxWorld 2006

Next year's LinuxWorld sees a change of formats. You won't have to pay to see the keynote speakers, and there will be two hot keynotes a day. Exhibitions for Africa is also planning four training modules on two tracks for our edification.

First Complicated, Then Simple

This column often focuses on devices or software that can be popped out of the box and put to work in no time. Be forewarned, the bulk of this week’s installment will be dedicated to something that is nowhere near that simple, but offers great rewards for the adventurous.

The subject is putting Linux, the open-source operating system, on your PC. Results should be more or less the same, regardless of the hardware you use. But some Linux variations are more suited to the unique demands of notebooks than others. Your friendly reviewer--with considerable assistance from his computer-scientist brother--used kubunto (pronounced kay-ubuntu) from Ubuntu on a ThinkPad from Lenovo.

SAP's Agassi denies anti-open source remarks

  •; By Tom Sanders (Posted by tadelste on Nov 15, 2005 8:22 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
SAP has back-peddled on some controversial statements about open source made by one of its executives during a speaking engagement at the Churchill Club in Silicon Valley.

[Ed.- Yes, spelling geeks, it's "back-pedaled." -tuxchick]

XFCE Screentshots

You hear so much about KDE & Gnome, what about XFCE? For those of you who haven't used or seen it, here's some good screenshots.


Linux News Wary of Gartner Reporting on Microsoft Vista

LXer Day Desk: 11-15-2005

Not to suggest that Bill Gates and Michael Dell have any influence on famed Gartner Distinguished Analysts, I tend to look skeptically at their pronouncements. Once Silver Lake Partners, a Silicon Valley private equity-investment firm took an increasing stake in the Gartner, I started pondering the effect of having Bill and Michael as investors in Silver Lake limited partnerships. So, when Gartner said, hold off on Vista until 2008 I started looking for a catch.

Cape company gets SA's first Asterisk accreditation

Connection-Telecom co-founder and Asterisk developer Steve Davies is the first South African to be awarded the Digium Certified Asterisk Professional accreditation.

Shuttleworth Affirms Commitment to Kubuntu

In some good news for KDE, Mark Shuttleworth, the famous African entrepreneur, announced at the Ubuntu Below Zero conference that he is now using the Kubuntu distribution (screenshots) on his own desktop machine and affirmed his commitment to the KDE-based distribution.

[ANNOUNCE] fedora-netdev kernel repository


This message is to announce the availability of a new Fedora-based kernel repository. The kernels available there are based upon the standard Fedora kernels, with the addition of current upstream networking patches which are more recent than the Fedora kernel's upstream base.

Apt metadata for RHL 7.3 and 9

Due to an error I introduced into a publish script, the apt metadata information for RHL 7.3 and RHL 9 had not been updated since Sept 15 of this year. I have fixed this error and uploaded the latest information, which was generated on Nov 13. I apologize for any problems this may cause.

Linux eats its way out to the mainstream

  •; By Patrick Tarpey (Posted by tadelste on Nov 15, 2005 2:54 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
Patrick Tarpey writes: "Without ballyhoo or headlines, open source is eating away at the enterprise computing core and moving steadily outwards. Open source desktops are here already, but I believe it will be at least three years before we see any real effect on the Microsoft-dominated corporate desktop. So on the surface nothing looks untoward,..."

[Ed: I don't know. The idea of ingesting anything Microsoft sorta ruins my apetite. - dcparris]

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