Showing headlines posted by Jeff91

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Bodhi Linux 1.0.0 Stable Released

After two more weeks of hacking and user feedback since our final release candidate the Bodhi Team and I are proud to announce the availability of the first ever stable release of the Enlightenment based Bodhi Linux (1.0.0).

Many a Tux Do Not Exist

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 26, 2011 6:46 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
So I was reading a review of the latest Zorin OS posted over at the Dark Duck blog and the title of it is rather interesting: "Tux Which Does Not Exist..." The reason Dark Duck gives for his curious title is the fact that Zorin OS does not exist on what is respected by many as the one stop shop for most all information on the internet - Wikipedia

The End of the N900 (and Maemo Linux) in the USA

I like the Maemo operating system, the fact that it is a real Linux based operating system on my handset (not some Java based OS) is the reason I ponied up the 500$ about a year ago for the device. I live in the United States, which means that T-Mobile is the only mobile carrier that provides anything faster than 2g speeds on the N900.

Tiny Core Fraud on Source Forge - A Slippery Slope

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 24, 2011 4:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
This evening it was brought to my attention that the Tiny Core page on source forge was not added by anyone from the Tiny Core project itself - but simply by someone trying to solicit donations from themselves with someone else's work!

No FAFSA for FOSS Users

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 21, 2011 10:34 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
You might share in my shock when I found out that this free application cannot be filled out from a free operating system. When clicking the "start here" button on the FAFSA main page from a Linux based operating system you are kindly redirected to the incompatible browsers page...

Lazy Linux Distro Reviews

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 21, 2011 7:02 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
I've been reading more reviews of the late and I've been astonished how many "reviewers" don't really even look at the distro they are reviewing!

Holding on to KDE 3.5.x and Gnome 2.x in 2011

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 21, 2011 1:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNOME, KDE
One of the many beauties of FOSS - the ability for fork a project. The previous stable versions of both KDE and Gnome will live on in two new projects.

The Joys of Open Source Software

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 16, 2011 11:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
You know, I've been using open source software for some time now and occasionally I forget all that I walked away from when I left the closed source world. In addition to the power, freedom, flexibility, I've grown used to in the world of Open Source Software I sometimes forget one other benefit FOSS comes with...

Enlightenment Desktop on Linux Tablet PC Demo

Linux powered, Enlightenment desktop with a touch screen optimized interface running on an Asus T101MT Tablet/Netbook covert-able. See how powerful Linux can be on your touch screen computer.

Bodhi Linux Final Release Candidate Goes Live

The Bodhi Linux team and I are proud to announce the release of our third and final release candidate. This release includes several important bug fixes including several that increase boot time...

Twenty Sleek GTK Themes for your Linux Desktop

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 9, 2011 11:22 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
Last month I posted about twenty two different icon sets you could use to class up your Linux desktop. Today I would like to share with you twenty of my favorite GTK themes that look fairly sleek. A picture is worth a 1,000 words as they say - so how about we just stick to a screen shot overview...

On The Quality of FOSS Blogs

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 8, 2011 7:24 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
This evening I read an article that struck a bit of a nerve with me. I am just a little disappointed that some where as popular as dedoimedo gave such a biased post with obviously little research into what the project was about. I guess in the end it is a healthy reminder that you need to take everything you read on the internet with a (sometimes huge) grain of salt...

My Thoughts on Bodhi Linux

Bodhi Linux is a relatively new Linux distribution that is based on Ubuntu but uses the Enlightenment desktop environment/window manager. I’ve recently mentioned Bodhi here, but since then I’ve installed the second release candidate (0.1.6) of Bodhi Linux on my upstairs computer, and after using it for about five or six days I can definitively say that I love it!

Bodhi Linux RC2 0.1.6 First Look and Initial Impressions Video

My immediate reaction? I love the theme/profile selection. I love the tablet/netbook usability. I love how minimal/lightweight it is...

Open Source Software is not Free

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Mar 1, 2011 12:05 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
One of my favorite quotes is - Nothing is ever free. I believe this statement to be true for a number of reasons. The important thing to recognize is that I believe the "free" in this quote and the "free" in FOSS are two different types of "free"...

Bodhi Linux v0.1.6 Rc2 Distro Review

If a picture is worth a 1,000 words a video is worth much more than that! Video overview of Bodhi Linux v0.1.6 Rc2 a nice looking minimalistic distro which uses Enlightenment desktop environment.

22 Great Icon Sets for your Linux Desktop

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Feb 21, 2011 4:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Spice up your desktop a bit with some fresh icons!

Bodhi Linux 0.1.6 RC2 Releases

After three weeks of user input and a few bugs reports the Bodhi team and I are happy to present our second release candidate (version number 0.1.6).

The Version Number Game

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Feb 20, 2011 2:57 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
We all play it. Every hacker, code monkey, and developer that produces a piece of software - The Version Number Game. Version numbers are suppose to represent the progress of a piece of software makes over time...

Samsung is Backing Linux

With Nokia's recent news of jumping off the Linux bandwagon, it makes this Linux user wonder if a couple years down the road if we are going to have any choice other than Android when choosing a Linux based handset. I keep fairly current on news in the FOSS world, but I had never heard about the LiMo Foundation until a few days ago.

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