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Xbox's own Blue Screen of Death.

  • XBox Scene (link works) (Posted by tadelste on Nov 23, 2005 1:30 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
>> Jsgongwon, one of our forum members, reported that his newly bought Xbox 360 keeps crashing while playing Project Gotham Racing 3 in single player mode. He's playing with the default settings, and apparently his Xbox crashes even before the end of the first lap. Crashes on Xbox Live and on startup occur too. He included screenshots of the crashed Xbox 360 (see below - more pictures on and a video of the crash here(9MB) (mirror: here(2MB XviD)) A quick look on our forums (more, more and more) seems to indicate he's not the only one. Several of our members seems to get crashing 360s. It doesn't seem to be related to a specific game, as we get reports of the Xbox 360 crashing with several games. And it's not all the same Error-number either (E79, E74, E64, real crashes, ...). I quickly checked over at TeamXbox and they also have a large thread and poll about defective Xbox 360s.

It's a bit early to guess what's exactly going on here (software, hardware, heat problem, 'user errors', ...) or how big the issue really is. We'll report back when we have more. If you have issues with your Xbox 360 too, report it!


Ubuntu Update to Kernel 2.6.12-10 Wireless Work-around

Ubuntu 5.10 displayed updates today. If you use a wireless card you may have to do a work-around. This applies to NDISwrappers and Linuxant driverloader.

What Linux admins are thankful for

  • Network World; By Phil Hochmuth, (Posted by tadelste on Nov 23, 2005 11:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
With Thanksgiving upon us, lets look at some of the open source tools and applications for which Linux pros are most thankful.

Browser Makers to Give Trusted Sites a Green Look

Developers of four of the most widely used Internet browsers have agreed to make a number of changes to their products to make Web browsing a more secure and trustworthy experience.

Among the changes, which were informally agreed to during a recent meeting, are plans to create a new way of informing Web surfers that they are visiting a trusted Web site and major changes to the look of pop-up Windows.

Announcing Fedora Core 5 Test1

  • Mailing list; By Warren Togami (Posted by tadelste on Nov 23, 2005 10:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Fedora
For some, it will be a day of thanksgiving - a day to be grateful for the many blessings they have. For others, it will be a day of mourning ( For Fedora Core fans, however, it will be a day of rejoicing and installing, for we are proud to announce:

Sun support of PostgreSQL seen as boon to open databases

  • Search Enterprise Linux; By Jack Loftus (Posted by tadelste on Nov 23, 2005 10:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Sun
When Sun Microsystems announced plans to integrate PostgreSQL into its Solaris operating system and offer support to customers running the software, it became a fair question to ask whether or not the news would affect open source vendors who have based their own products on the popular database.

Information Builders pushes Linux on IBM mid-range

  • Computer Business Review (Posted by tadelste on Nov 23, 2005 9:28 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM
Information Builders Inc has strengthened its ties to IBM Corp's mid-range server platforms through an expanded alliance program for resellers aimed at bringing enterprise business intelligence onto Linux platforms

Postx Receives Three Nods for SC Magazine 2006 Awards

CUPERTINO, Calif., Nov. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- PostX, the leader in the delivery of encrypted email communications for businesses and consumers, today announced that SC Magazine and its readers have nominated the PostX Messaging Application Platform (MAP) as a finalist for Best Email Security Solution and Best Email Encryption in this year's Reader's Trust Awards in addition to Best Security Solution for Health Care in the Excellence Awards. Finalists will be selected in each product category based on SC Magazine judge's deliberations, reader votes and vote validation exercises.

Comment of the Day - November 23, 2005 - The Sky is not Falling

jayrfink writes: Things are not as bad as you might think.

Related to:
Linux News: Does Microsoft's Monopoly Power Extend to Government and Media?"

The Biggest Threat to Microsoft Might Not Be Those G-men at All, but Apple

  • PBS; By Robert X. Cringely (Posted by tadelste on Nov 23, 2005 6:19 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups:
Here's where I go out on a limb, but I think Microsoft's clearest threat still comes from Apple, though not the way most people expect. Yes, Apple is about to take Microsoft to the woodshed when it comes to Internet movie distribution. Yes, Apple already super-dominates the music player market where Microsoft doesn't even really exist. But the real jewel is one Microsoft has to lose, not gain -- the PC platform, itself.

Bits from DDPO (

The Debian Developer's Packages Overview page at [1] has recently received some new features that I'd like to announce here.

Device Profile: Bivio 500 network appliance platform

  • (Posted by tadelste on Nov 22, 2005 6:58 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Bivio used embedded Linux to build an 8-port programmable network appliance platform targeting emerging and complex network applications requiring Layer 4-7 packet processing at wire speeds. The Bivio 500 features a PowerPC control processor, along with an undisclosed data plane processor. It runs a 2.4-series kernel.

Intel starts big client Linux push

  • The Inquirer; By INQUIRER staff (Posted by tadelste on Nov 22, 2005 6:05 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Intel; Story Type: News Story
CHIP GIANT Intel appears to be pushing the Linux operating system for all it's worth - and not just in the server market. A web site earlier this month published what appeared to be an internal Intel memo which claimed that the chip firm hopes to sell hundreds of millions of cheapo Linux equipped client systems in rural China.

[Ed: It's us by the way. -tadelste]

Linux News Asks is Microsoft's Open Office XML Strategy in Restraint of Trade?

Under an older theory of monopolistic practices Microsoft may be in restraint of trade. In its obsession with Linux, could this be the third strike? You should ask your attorney.


Free Agent: A French Penguin Visits

I used Mandrake Linux for years before switching to Fedora Core and then to Ubuntu Linux last spring—around the same time Mandrake, which is based in France, bought a Brazilian Linux distributor called Conectiva and renamed itself Mandriva.

Comment of the Day - November 22, 2005 - Writing Editors About Microsoft

Tuxchick writes:"Since reporters on the tech beats tend to be so unquestioning of the Microsoft party line, pitch it as a political story to higher-up editors".

Related to: other media contacts for 'Microsoft's Monopoly Power

The Ultimate Linux Career Challenge

  • Linux DevCenter (Posted by tadelste on Nov 22, 2005 12:52 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story

There you are all bright-eyed and eager, ready to roll up your sleeves and go to work in the exciting new world of Free/Open Source software. You have rosy visions of getting paid to do enjoyable, challenging work. Maybe even fat stock options...

You can't count on fat stock options, because they are just as hard to come by as they are in any profession, but getting paid to do enjoyable, challenging work is exciting all by itself, and quite probable in the FOSS world. While the FOSS world is vast and diverse, there are three arenas that I think offer the most opportunities:

Novell to Concentrate on Linux and Open Source

Novell has announced it will concentrate its business on key growth opportunities in the Linux and Open Source and Identity and Resource Management markets, resulting in a restructuring of the business that will reduce annual run rate expenses by more than $110 million. Novell anticipates that it will record a restructuring charge in the range of $30-35 million in the fourth fiscal quarter ended Oct. 31, 2005.

RSS on the Rise

RSS brings great possibilities to content publishers and advertisers, too. Any piece of microcontent can be tagged, then distributed via an RSS feed. RSS is sometimes mistaken for content instead of what it truly is: plumbing that connects users to that content.

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: Microsoft and Open Standards

  • eWEEK Linux; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by tadelste on Nov 22, 2005 10:03 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Microsoft
Opinion:How many times does Microsoft have to lie about being open before people get it?


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