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RIAA vs Linux and DVDs

  • Slashdot; By CmdrTaco (Posted by tadelste on Dec 1, 2005 2:59 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
PlayfullyClever writes "The entertainment industry has put itself on the fast-track to destruction, using well-proven tactics as explained in Preventing DVD Playback on Linux Like Prohibition in the 1920's. Are their heavy-handed tactics to lock up and control everything we touch signs of plain old human stubborness?" Or more likely- greed.

Comment of the Day - December 1, 2005 - Legal DVD Players for Linux

Bmac writes that legal DVD players exist for Linux. Can you switch the licensed components in these distributions to your own?

Related to:
The RIAA - Hollywood - DRM - Linux Suicide Pact

Firefox flaw highlighted

Mathew Broersma writes that Firefox rose to popularity after its 1.0 release in November 2004 as an alternative to Microsoft Internet Explorer, lacking that browser's most serious security flaws. Now that the novelty has faded, however, some users are highlighting Firefox's shortcomings compared with competitors such as IE, Opera, Apple's Safari and the KDE project's Linux-based Konqueror.

As a fellow journalist, I find his words disturbing. You can find this sort of slant in the bowels of slashdot. Why would anyone want to subscribe to a magazine that says "now that the novelty has faded..." when referring to Firefox.

Firefox is not a novelty. It has achieved market share that the other browsers he mentioned cannot match. Microsoft's Internet Explorer has lost market share since Firefox became available. Novelties don't challenge monopolies like Microsoft.

Broersma's only real beef emerges when he writes:
One issue that has been getting attention since the Wednesday release of Firefox 1.5 is a bug that causes Mac OS X systems to use 100 percent of available processor resources in some cases, such as when scrolling in some Web-based applications (such as Google Maps) and holding down the mouse button.

The bug has been known since before the release of Firefox 1.0, but has never been fixed, critics noted. (The Mozilla project has assigned the issue bug no. 141710.)
Broersma mentions other problems with no authority other than "someone noted". Does this guy sound like a shill for Microsoft? What do you think?

Ghanaian's look to SA for IT insight

Ghana's deputy minister of communications was in Cape Town this week and spent time at the city's Bandwidth Barn to gather ideas to form similar IT incubation projects in Ghana. The minister also talked about the value of open source software in developing his country's e-Government strategy.

Mozilla's Firefox Garners Quick 2 Million Downloads

Mozilla's servers weathered the release of Firefox 1.5 much better than last year's roll-out of 1.0, a Web performance company said Thursday, with the systems showing no evidence of downtime.

Mozilla's distributed network of mirror sites in 30 countries, said U.K.-based Netcraft, "appears to be handling current download demand with few difficulties."

Novell Reports Financial Results for Fourth Fiscal Quarter and Full Fiscal Year 2005

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Dec 1, 2005 1:52 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
Net Revenue Grows Seven Percent to $320 Million, Linux Subscriptions More Than Triple to 65,000, and Identity Solutions Grow 35 Percent Year Over Year

Opinion: To Serve Small Business

"IT service companies have been telling small businesses 'trust us' for a long time. With nowhere else to turn, our customers trusted us to deliver reliable and economical IT solutions. Was their trust misplaced? Happy with the status quo, failing to investigate or innovate alternatives, have we simply been feeding off our customers?"

SCO Fattens Its War Chest

  • eWEEK Linux; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by tadelste on Dec 1, 2005 9:33 AM EDT)
  • Groups: SCO; Story Type: News Story
SCO was able to sell $10 million worth of shares to existing shareholders and a member of its board of directors.

Jboss chief terms Sun open source move a hit at IBM

Saying he is "ecstatic" about Sun's move to open source its software stack, JBoss CEO Marc Fleury characterized the move as a strike against IBM, not JBoss.

Using Libre Software to Web-Empower the Church

  LXer News: 12-01-2005

The Web Empowered Church aims to web empower 10,000 churches by 2010. Using Typo3 and other libre software, this ministry could change the way churches view and use the Internet.


IBM wants Solaris to Linux converts

The kind engineers at IBM have delivered a new tool for moving customers off Sun Microsystems' Solaris operating system and onto Linux.

The Migration Kit for Solaris to Linux arrives at no charge and can be picked up by business partners, ISVs and customers. Those interested in the kit will likely use it to shift Solaris C/C++ software over to Linux running on IBM's Power, x86 and mainframe systems. This toolkit complements a more structured migration program IBM announced in conjunction with Red Hat in May.

Thales - Red Hat link for defense and security

LONDON — Thales computer operations has entered into a hardware partner agreement with Red Hat. Under the agreement, Thales will deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux software in embedded defense systems and will also act as a reseller for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other Red Hat solutions when specific defense and security markets are serviced by the Thales group.

Review: Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL

If you are not familiar with the Core series of books from Prentice Hall PTR, I recommend that you quickly remedy the situation. My personal favorites are, "Core Java 2, Volumes I and II " by Horstmann and Cornell. Special mention goes to Wesley Chun for his great introductory Python book, "Core Python Programming", the 2nd edition of which is said to be coming out Summer 2006.

Community Announcements > TechLINKS - The Guide to Technology in ...

Computerworld reports that Sun Microsystems is planning to release more of the company’s core code--including the Java Enterprise System, the N1 Grid computing system, and more--as open source over the course of the coming year.

The goal, according to Sun, is to put its products in the hands of developers who might not otherwise have the budget to purchase the software. By making the products open source, developers will be able to download and use the products for free--and hopefully drive service and support contracts back to Sun in the future. Now Embedded into Firefox 1.5 Search Toolbar

A quick note from that a link to this ready-reference database is now embedded directly and automatically into the new Firefox 1.5 search toolbar. Additionally, Firefox 1.5 users can download a plug-in and have an option to search highlighted text with via a right-click. The agreement calls for an ad-revenue split between Answers and Mozilla on Answers traffic originating from the Firefox search toolbar.

Can Microsoft kill Python?

  • - O'Reilly Media; By Jeremy Jones (Posted by tadelste on Nov 30, 2005 6:45 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Microsoft; Story Type: News Story
First of all, let me say that I am not a Microsoft hater. I will say that I am not fond of the majority of products I have used which bear the Microsoft label. They tend to leave me feeling as though my hands are tied and my options are limited and that I'm being "guided" by a paternalistic entity who feels that he knows what is best for me...but rarely ever really knows what is best for me. Whatever my experience, Microsoft creates products which are great for the majority of people out there. That is why Microsoft is such a successful company. Further, I believe that Microsoft has done more to push the computing world forward more than any other single company. So, I am by no means anti-Microsoft.

Creating Live CD Linux with PCLinuxOS

  •; By Dmitri Popov (Posted by tadelste on Nov 30, 2005 6:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
For the sake of simplicity let’s assume that you will use the computer’s entire hard disk for PCLinuxOS. Before you can boot your computer using the created PCLinuxOS disk, you have to make sure that your PC’s CD-ROM drive is set as the first boot device. Usually this can be done by changing settings in BIOS, and the exact steps depend on your computer model and BIOS version. Once this is done, you are ready to boot PCLinuxOS. Start your computer and insert the PCLinuxOS in the CD drive. During the boot, you will be asked to log in either as guest or root. Log in as root using root as both user name and password. When the system is finished booting, double-click on the Livecd-Installer shortcut on the Desktop to launch the Livecd-Installer tool.

New Release of CONNX SQL Engine, Version 10.0, Unlocks Enterprise Data on UNIX and Linux Platforms

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Nov 30, 2005 6:27 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- CONNX Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of simplified data access management and integration software solutions, announces the release of CONNX 10. This release features a native Linux/UNIX implementation of the powerful CONNX SQL Engine, enabling Web services and Java applications to access enterprise data via a single server.

UGS Speeds Linux Port of Its Digital Product Development Software with Support from AMD

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Nov 30, 2005 5:29 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
PLANO, Texas, Nov. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- UGS Corp., a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services, today announced it is in the final development stages for porting NX(TM) software, its comprehensive software solution for digital product development, to Linux(R) operating system on x64 technology.

U.S. Army Purchases SGI and VRSim Immersive Virtual Reality Welding Trainer Systems

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Nov 30, 2005 4:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
Safe, Cost-Effective, No Waste Environment Will Speed Welder Training

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