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Invoke dynamic languages with Java scripting API

You don't need to compile dynamic languages into Java bytecode to use them with a Java application. Part 1 of this two-part article introduces the Java scripting API's features. It uses a simple Hello World application to show how Java code can execute scripting code and how scripts can in turn execute Java code.

Install and configure Network Information Service (+)

NIS+ is a network-wide naming and administration service that works on a client-server model. The server maintains all the details of the users and clients in a central database. In this article, get step-by-step instructions on how to install, configure, and administer NIS+.

Classic UNIX tricks offer help for modern problems

This article presents a collection of simple techniques that you can combine into a system for more digestible feeds containing only updated records. You should be able to assemble a solution for your particular needs from this information. This is a nice batch of ticks for solving many problems.

Visual Studio and Eclipse compared and contrasted

All integrated development environments (IDEs) share similarities because they're all built for the same purpose. But they have differences, too. Some of these can be attributed to application domains, but others result from the IDE design. Getting started with Eclipse can be confusing. New concepts, such as plug-in architecture, workspace-centric project structure, and automatic build can seem counterintuitive at first

Building UNIX Software from Source Code

If your UNIX system lacks a tool you need, chances are you can find an apt solution in the enormous inventory of software available online. This month, learn how to build software from source code. There are instances where the software you need is available but is not (yet) part of any repository. Given the predominance of package management, most software comes bundled in a form you can download and install using the package manager. However, because any number of versions and flavors of UNIX are available, it can be difficult to offer every application in each package manager format for each particular variation. If your UNIX installation is mainstream and enjoys a large, popular following, chances are better that you'll find the software prebuilt and ready to use. Otherwise, it's time to roll up your sleeves and prepare to build the software yourself.

Let your RSS feed speak to you

This article shows you VoiceXML applications, built on a number of different solutions to generate the VXML required to listen to an RSS feed. You'll start with a simple XSL transform and then move to more advanced Perl- and Java-based solutions to generate the output. Learn how to use the interactivity in the VXML and dynamic scripts together to produce quite complicated voice-based applications with relative ease.

The Web Common Alerting Protocol can save lives

The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is a simple, standardized XML data format used by the United States Department of Homeland Security that can save many lives.

Testing strategies in Ruby on Rails

The Ruby on Rails community embraces testing like the USA embraces American Idol. They watch their test case results roll by with great regularity. Ruby developers talk about testing; they blog about it; they even participate behind the scenes, not with cell phone votes but by contributing open source frameworks.

Extend the Eclipse SDK with Mylyn 2.0

Now in release 2.0, Mylyn (formerly called Mylar) enhances productivity by seamlessly integrating tasks into Eclipse and automatically managing the context of those tasks as you work. Part 1 introduces Mylyn's task management facilities and integration with repositories such as Bugzilla, Trac, and JIRA. You'll learn how context management eases multitasking and reduces information overload in Part 2.

Develop multitasking applications with PHP V5

Many PHP developers believe that because standard PHP lacks threading capabilities, it's impossible for a practical PHP application to multitask. Not true...

Google Mashup and Web 2.0 storage solutions

Google Maps API along with DB2 or Informix, PHP, JavaScript, and XML let you create an easy-to-use map with your data on it. Use custom icons, change the map type, create a sidebar, and use event handlers. Once created, manage your mashup data cache. Also, be sure to check out how you can use new Web 2.0 tools, principles, and practices in your company.

Finaly we get new elements in HTML 5

  • IBM/developerWorks; By Elliotte Rusty Harold (Posted by solrac on Aug 9, 2007 1:08 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Community
Pure HTML enhancements grew hardly at all in the last eight years. It basicaly stopped in 1999 with HTML 4. Now the future looks bright. Recently, HTML has finaly came back to life.

Emacs editing, Pt.5: Shape your Emacs view

This tutorial, the fifth in a series, shows you how to manage and manipulate the shape your Emacs session—examine how to partition the Emacs screen, create multiple X client windows for a single Emacs session, and display multiple buffers in each window, dividing the screen with horizontal and vertical divisions.

Second Life coders challenge to rebuild Sentenal

  • IBM/developerWorks (Posted by solrac on Aug 7, 2007 2:50 AM EDT)
  • Groups: IBM; Story Type: News Story
This is a puzzle-based adventure game in Second Life that will test your coding and building skills while working your brain.

Don't overlook efficient C/C++ command line processing

This article provides a reference for a good discussion on how to use gperf for effective command-line processing in your C/C++ code.

Develop Web apps with Wicket and Geronimo

In this tutorial, learn how to set up your system to develop a simple Web application with Wicket, using Apache Geronimo as your application server and Apache Derby as the embedded database.

What ever happened to Web engineering?

  • IBM/DeveloperWorks; By Peter Seebach (Posted by solrac on Jul 27, 2007 8:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community
Web pages have become a major functional component of the daily lives of millions of people; you, the Web developer, are in a position to make that part of everyone's lives better.

Easing Configuration with Java

Configuration can be a maintenance mess and add to a developer's burden. This article introduces a Java framework with which developers can define their application's configuration in terms of high-level interfaces; the framework then generates automatic implementations of these interfaces backed by a physical configuration source, like a properties file or database. This approach, designed and detailed by Merlin Hughes, is intended to improve on the practices of using string constants and manual type conversion when handling configuration data, while maintaining compatibility with existing configuration tools and files.

Turn SQL into XML with PHP

Ever wished for an easy way to transform SQL result sets into XML? It's a PEAR package named XML_Query2XML, and it provides a comprehensive framework to efficiently turn the results of a database query into a customizable XML document.

Get started with the Eclipse Platform

  • IBM/DeveloperWorks; By Chris Aniszczyk and David Gallardo (Posted by solrac on Jul 24, 2007 12:15 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Eclipse, IBM
Find out about the Eclipse Platform, including its origin and architecture. Starting with a brief discussion about the open source nature of Eclipse and its support for multiple programming languages, we demonstrate the Java development environment with a simple programming example. We also survey some of the software development tools available as plug-in extensions. This follow-up to David Gallardo's "Getting started with the Eclipse Platform" offers new information relevant for Eclipse V3.3.

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