Showing headlines posted by grouch

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Linux needs to disappear

Okay, I confess that I chose this headline to draw you into this blog entry. A more accurate headline would be"Operating systems need to disappear". But I don't want my meaning to be misconstrued. The term"operating systems" would have to include proprietary operating systems. If I say"proprietary operating systems need to disappear", I mean they should be wiped off the face of the earth. When I say Linux should disappear, I mean that end users shouldn't need to know it's there. Big difference. Add to that the fact that I would love to see Linux asthe operating system for all computing devices, and there's not much left to use as a headline except"Linux needs to disappear".

Leading Linux phone partners form "Adcore-Tech"

The mobile phone joint venture formed by NEC and Matsushita/Panasonic reportedly will include Texas Instruments (TI), and will be known as "Adcore-Tech Co. Ltd." TI will have a 12 percent share, and the venture will be capitalized at $103.8M, about 17 percent more than reported earlier, EE Times-Asia is reporting.

Linux Leader Takes Aim At Free Software Movement

Linus Torvalds, who helped create the open source operating system Linux, is blasting the Free Software Foundation (FSF) again as the group releases its latest draft of a revised General Public License (GPL).


The FSF and the Software Freedom Law Center released the second discussion draft of the GNU GPL version 3 last week. The draft marks the halfway point of a yearlong public review process for proposing changes and finalizing the GPLv3.

[There have been a lot of stories about this since the Groklaw story broke. Most have been repeats of a few snippets of the Groklaw comments. This one, at least, provides some context. -- grouch]

Red Hat tipped towards expansion in telecoms

Linux vendor Red Hat has signaled its intent to extend its presence in the telecoms sector with the launch of a tailored partner programme.

Red Hat | Government News | July 2006

* GOVERNMENT NEWS: The Department of Defense releases report: "Open Technology Development Roadmap"
* WEBINAR: Service-Oriented Architecture
* GOVERNMENT TRAINING SPECIAL: GSA Federal Government discount
* RED HAT ROADSHOW: Linux in New York City
* UPCOMING EVENTS: Red Hat Government tradeshows

Borrowing a PC? Put Linux on it, via a USB drive

Don't worry about having to borrow someone's swim trunks again

Fedora seeks women developers

The project is trying to attract female coders, but some members of the FOSS community doubt it will be a success

Defense maps out an open-source approach

  •; By Joab Jackson and Dawn S. Onley (Posted by grouch on Aug 1, 2006 1:53 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community
The Defense Department has a practical reason for using more open-source software and incorporating open source into its procurement cycle.


"This report highlights how open source has shifted from a curious alternative to a mainstream engine for value creation for industry," said David Mihelcic, chief technology officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency.

News from KDE Web Dev

The Quanta development team is pleased to announce our Hot New Stuff server implementation is now running. This means that Quanta Plus users can now begin taking advantage of KNewStuff. We are also preparing for exciting new developments we want to work on during the upcoming Akademy in Ireland.
Finally development has resumed on Kommander, read on for full details.

Linux Phrasebook: Lifesaver in the murky waters of CLI

The Linux Phrasebook , written by Scott Granneman, is one Linux book that will stay within easy reach of my desktop. If you're fond of Linux, and you're not a programmer or network administrator, chances are you'll like this book. It can help you gain control over the appearance and performance of your Linux workstation without spending hours looking for answers online.

Wind River Opens Code to Open-Source Community

Wind River’s support for the open-source software community continues with the release of more than 300,000 lines of code to the Eclipse Foundation.

Advanced, customized searching with Opera and Firefox

Whether you're keeping track of the news, conducting research, viewing photos, or reading blogs, searching is an integral part of your Internet experience. Search engines, aggregators, and RSS all exist to help you find what you are looking for on the Web. If you make the same kinds of searches on a regular basis, then your browser can help you, too. If you use a recent version of Opera or Firefox, you already have the tools you need to perform advanced searches on any Web site quickly and accurately. Here are some tips on how you can customize the Opera and Firefox search bars and address-bar keyword searches, in order to include regular and advanced search options for your favorites sites.

Europe, Middle East, Africa Training News - July 2006

* Monthly trivia question
* Take Red Hat training: Get new music
* RED HAT MAGAZINE: A traveler's diary: Red Hat in Latin America
* TIPS FROM RHCEs: Sharing a hot spare device in software RAID

Report: Defense Department Marches Towards Open Source

In a new initiative to spur more use of open source software within the US Defense Department, the department's Office of Advanced Systems and Concepts has begun teaming up with Red Hat, Novell, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and AMD--along with big systems integrators and "non-traditional" open source companies--to glean insights that will help shorten the learning curve to deployment.

Installing Applications on Ubuntu with Add/Remove

The term "Add/Remove Programs" seems more appropriate to Windows than to Linux however, Ubuntu does offer this option (besides apt-get and synamptic) to locate and install software on your Dapper Drake machine.

[Thanks to tripwire45 for this story. -- grouch]

SCO is Distributing ELF Under the GPL Still. Yes. Now. Today.

I have some pictures to show you. They should knock your socks off. They should knock SCO's socks off, too, and then they should knock a huge chunk out of SCO's case. I'm quite serious.


And what, pray tell, might the moral of this story be? To me, it's that once again the GPL has proven itself to be the MVP of the SCO wars. I hope none of you ever forgets that someone had the foresight many years ago to plan for the SCO's of this world. Richard Stallman was villified, sneered at, mocked and attacked for designing the GPL back then.

Browser wars continue to intensify

Two reports over the past week, plus one in the previous two weeks, add to the growing recognition that the internet browser space is the theatre upon whose stage the battle for IT marketshare will be fought in future.

Wind River Targets Mobile Handhelds and Telecommunications Equipment With the Latest Release of Its Commercial Grade Linux Platforms

New Release Anticipates Customer Demand in Key Growth Segments of the Device Software Optimization Industry's motto: Get played, get paid

Mega-millionaire Bob Young, the red-hat wearing Canadian who brought Linux software to the commercial world and acquired the Hamilton Tiger-Cats football club, has something else on his mind these days: Internet video.

[The above is the only direct connection this story has to GNU/Linux, but I couldn't resist. -- grouch]

Momentum builds for 'revolution' to recycle electronic waste

On a recent sunny Saturday near the banks of the Willamette River, teenagers gathered on a warehouse loading dock called the "smash zone." Before a crowd of cheering onlookers, they took baseball bats to their old computer printers and fax machines, breaking them into hundreds of pieces before the remnants were swept into a giant recycling bin. Welcome to Geek Fair 2006.


"There are so many computer illiterate people out there who have lots of money," says Clayton Kern, an environmental biology major at Unity College in Unity, Maine, who makes it a habit to pick up and recycle computers left on the curb. "If some small, easily fixable thing breaks on their two-year-old computer, they just chuck it and get a new one."

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