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How to use the uniq command to process lists in Linux

Processing data can be a challenge. Let's see how the uniq command works and how it supplements the sort command.

Exploring Podman RESTful API using Python and Bash

Check out Podman's new RESTful API using Python and Bash.

A Linux sysadmin's introduction to cgroups

Defining cgroups and how they help with resource management and performance tuning in this first article kicking off a four-part series covering cgroups and resource management.

Tracking time with Timewarrior at the command line

See how this great Linux time tracking software helps sysadmins manage tasks and resource allocation.

How to manage cgroups with CPUShares

Managing access to CPU time using CPUShares with cgroups in part two in this four-part series covering cgroups and resource management.

An introduction to web application firewalls for Linux sysadmins

You've used host-based firewalls and network firewalls, but have you ever considered implementing a web application firewall? You should.

A beginner's guide to gawk

The gawk command is a standard sysadmin tool. Learn to use it to extract information from files and your system.

Need to know technologies for junior sysadmins.

Sit down and have a conversation with some experienced sysadmins about technologies valuable to aspiring sysadmins.

Quantum computers and future of system administration

We are on the threshold to the next gigantic leap, thanks to quantum computers. Sysadmins, are you ready?

Technologies for container isolation: A comparison of AppArmor and SELinux

This article takes a look at AppArmor and SELinux security technologies and explores the capabilities of each.

Sysadmin tools: Creating network diagrams with

Got diagrams? Need diagrams? Check out, an open source tool for drawing all sorts of visualizations.

Balancing Linux security with usability

Your system should be secure, but open enough to serve its function. Here are some tips on how to strike that balance.

Using ssh-keygen and sharing for key-based authentication in Linux

SSH key-based authentication is helpful for both security and convenience. See how to generate and share keys.

Turn a Kubernetes deployment into a Knative service

Discover great flexibility, easier deployments, and auto-scaling features by using Knative services.

Linux sysadmins: Understand ncat's power to avoid accidental security risks

The ncat command is a sysadmin's Swiss Army knife, but be careful to ensure you're using it safely.

5 ways to harden a new system with Ansible

Use Ansible to harden newly-deployed servers for consistent configurations with security in mind.

Hard links and soft links in Linux explained

Let's discuss when you should use hard links or soft links, and the syntax of the ln command.

Taming the tar command: Tips for managing backups in Linux

Put tar to work creating and managing your backups smartly. Learn how tar can create, extract, append, split, verify integrity, and much more.

An introduction to Kubespray

By combining Ansible and Kubernetes, Kubespray can deploy Kubernetes clusters on multiple machines.

Build a personal Git server with Gogs and Podman

Use a personal git server to save and manage your own code, to share code across different machines in your network, or to share with a small team.

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