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KDE India Founded

A group of enthusiastic KDE users and developers met last week at the FOSS.IN conference in Bangalore, one of the largest Free and Open Source Software meetings in the world, to combine their efforts in various regions of the country under a common banner and build a central platform for all things KDE in India. Along with spreading KDE awareness in India, especially in colleges and with local businesses, has a few more practical goals. will provide Indian KDE developers and users with a community hub to coordinate with and support each other.

Google Earth for Mac OS X Beta posted online - Where's the Linux Version?

"Ok, so you know there is a beta of Google Earth floating on the net. I’m sure you would love to play with it. Wait no longer my children. A VERY MYSTERIOUS person sent an email to our tipline with the download link," UNEASYsilence reports.

MacDailyNews Note: We have run this application on Max OS X 10.4.3. It seemed to work well enough in our brief testing. We did have to hit "Command-." on the first run to stop the application from attempting to connect to the Google server, as it seemed to hang there forever. Subsequent runs of the app. worked without needing to hit "Command-."

Xen Open Source Project Readies Version 3.0

The Xen project has released version 3.0 of its virtualization software, its first major release in over a year, and XenSource, the folks that are commercializing the open source VMware competitor, claim that it is now really enterprise-ready - but not without its new XenOptimizer.

Xen 3.0 is a so-called community release that signals that the code base is functionally complete and ready for further testing and validation by the Xen community and qualification by vendors. It's expected to be distributed by Novell and by Red Hat.

Red Hat to Compete Against SourceLabs and SpikeSource in Open ...

Red Hat will compete with Spikesource and SourceLabs, who are in the business of validating, integrating, productizing, certifying and supporting LAMP stacks, by early 2006 with three certified open source software stacks through the Red Hat Network that are production-supported.

Each stack will be certified and supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and delivered in a subscription model. Pricing will start at $599 per server.

Massachusetts OpenDocument adoption: no conflict of interest

  • OReilly; By Andy Oram (Posted by tadelste on Dec 10, 2005 7:29 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story

Three weeks ago I editorialized about a controversy stirred up by the Boston Globe and sources in Massachusetts about the state government's adoption of the OpenDocument format. I'm happy to say the whole matter has blown over, now that the facts are in.

The Globe reports today (not on the front page, but where such news is normally reported--in the City & Region section) that a review of IT director Peter J. Quinn is finished and that no wrong-doing was found. The findings match the analysis I presented in my blog, with minor updates. Quinn was told to finish the paperwork for his trips, which his boss Eric Kriss had waived.

It's nice for the government in Massachusetts to recognize that officials can meet with relevant experts and communities in the course of decision-making.

Andy Oram is an editor for O'Reilly Media, specializing in Linux and free software books, and a member of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. His web site is

Digg Story

Linux News says Netscape's Browser Regaining Market Share

  • Lxer Day Desk; By Tom Adelstein, Editor-in-Chief (Posted by tadelste on Dec 10, 2005 6:51 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: LXer Features; Groups: Mozilla
LXer Day Desk: 12-09-2005

So, everyone one forgot that Mozilla got its code from Netscape. A Press Release back in January 1998 said, "The company plans to post the source code beginning with the first Netscape Communicator 5.0 developer release, expected by the end of the first quarter of 1998. This aggressive move will enable Netscape to harness the creative power of thousands of programmers on the Internet by incorporating their best enhancements into future versions of Netscape's software".

So, maybe those folks who say the code endures while companies come and go - have a point. Whatever, Netscape's browser is back.

Firefox 1.5 sparks adoption

Mozilla Corp's recent release of its new Firefox 1.5 sparked new user adoption, putting the browser on track to reach the 10% market threshold, according to NetApplications, which tracks these things.

Large Scale Collaboration Project at the Central Hospital in Lausanne/Switzerland

7,000 Employees of the "Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois" (CHUV) in Lausanne, Switzerland entrust Open-Xchange Server for their communication platform.

Matsushita Electric to Reorganize Overseas Mobile Phone Operations

  • LinuxElectrons; By ByteEnable (Posted by tadelste on Dec 10, 2005 2:05 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Osaka, Japan – (NYSE: MC) Matsushita Electric has said that one of its subsidiaries, Panasonic Mobile Communications (Panasonic Mobile), will phase out overseas 2.5G GSM mobile terminal operations due to severe global competition. By concentrating resources into next-generation mobile terminal technologies, as well as unifying platforms and core technologies for the Japanese and overseas markets, Panasonic Mobile aims to improve development efficiency and product competitiveness. Sales and service activities for the current GSM products will continue.

Open-Xchange Inc. Enhances Support for Mobile Devices with Free, Limited Time Upgrade Offer

SyncML Technology Enables Smooth Interface With Most Mobile Devices; Major Swiss Hospital Chooses Open-Xchange Server for Latest Innovation

Is Firefox the new target for hackers?

  • (Posted by tadelste on Dec 10, 2005 12:10 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Given that Firefox has already entered double-digit market share territory in just one year, grabbing users from Microsoft's Internet Explorer, is it logical that hackers will increasingly target Firefox with a whole host of exploits?

"Dig into the details of existing Firefox issues and you'll find threats that allow remote users to access and control your system, launch denial-of-service attacks, leave you vulnerable to phishing, and even spoof dialog boxes to trick you into performing unintended actions. These are similar to the issues that have put IE users at risk for years," writer Dan Dinicolo asserts in a new PC Magazine article.

The Open Source Business Conference

  • SYS-CON Media; By Bill Claybrook (Posted by tadelste on Dec 9, 2005 11:13 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Novell; Story Type: News Story
Matt Asay, the founder of the Open Source Business Conference, discusses his views on the conference and open source businesses and products. Matt works at Novell as director, Open Source Strategy. Prior to Novell, he worked with Lawrence Lessig at Stanford and subsequently at Lineo.

Mandriva "back in black," CEO says

Mandriva Linux, known as Mandrakesoft eight months ago, has had quite a year. The Paris-based company believes it's ready to bounce back into the race to capture international market share from competitors such as Red Hat and Novell. Only 18 months ago, the company was in the throes of bankruptcy.

Syndication and the Live Web Economy

What new economy does syndication suggest? And does Linux point the way?

Comodo Retains Peppercom as First Agency of Record to Drive

Peppercom and Comodo will launch an aggressive communications campaign to raise awareness of Identity and Trust Assurance as the cornerstone for creating trust online

Add LXer to new Gmail RSS feed

Gmail just added a nifty RSS feed directly into your Gmail account. It is easy to do but LXer is not yet one of the default tech sites so you need to do it manually.

Go to Settings in your Gmail account and click on the new Web Clips tab. Then take this URL

and paste it into the search box. Google will acknowledge this as a valid feed and the add button will appear. Hit it and presto your are done

You probably need to edit the initial feeds. I had all kind of gunk suggested by Google.


African broadband access accelerates

Broadband access in Africa has grown significantly over the past four years with at least 20 fixed-line operators introducing ADSL services, according to a report published this week by Balancing Act. The reports says, however, that at current prices broadband access in Africa is still the domain of the privileged classes.

Maria Winslow's LinuxWorld Blog: Open Source Java Application ...

Geronimo, an open source Java application server under the Apache umbrella, has come a long way

Report: Sun Gives Red Hat, Novell Their Niagara Marching Orders

Sun Microsystems is "talking publicly" this week with both Red Hat and Novell SuSE about doing native ports of their respective Linux distributions to the high-powered and relatively low-priced RISC-based T1000 and T2000 Fire Servers rolled out in New York on Tuesday. Find out more about how the open source bug has bitten Sun in this report from Jacqueline Emigh.

Wikipedia's open-source label conundrum

  • CNET; By Daniel Terdiman (Posted by tadelste on Dec 9, 2005 11:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Despite a media habit of referring to Wikipedia as an open-source project, it looks only a little like the open source projects common in software.

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