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« Previous ( 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... 15 ) Next »Kubuntu 13.10 - A great alternative to Ubuntu, Mint and Windows 8
I tried Kubuntu for the first time last week and I was very impressed. It really is a great alternative to Ubuntu and Mint for all those Windows users thinking of switching. It works well with EFI, is dead easy to install and KDE has come on leaps and bounds.
Give that old computer a lift with antiX
If you have an older PC lying around with Windows XP (or even Windows 98) on it then replace it with antiX and you will make your computer more secure and perform better.
How to install Minecraft for Linux
Read this guide showing how to install Minecraft. The article also includes a look at an open source Linux alternative that actually looks very close to the real thing.
Dual boot Windows 8 and Ubuntu? Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 without affecting Windows
I wrote a guide a while ago showing how to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 8. This is a follow up guide showing how to upgrade the Ubuntu part to the latest version 13.10.
Everyday Linux User review of SparkyLinux
SparkyLinux is another Debian based Linux operating system which uses lightweight desktops such as Openbox and Razor-QT. This is a review of the Razor-QT edition of SparkyLinux 3.1.
Video Editing and Screencasting within Ubuntu Linux
In the past week I have found myself using video editing software for the first time. This article looks at some of the tools I have encountered for screencasting and video editing, using Ubuntu, as well as mentioning some of the pitfalls I encountered.
Point Linux 2.2 - Is there life on Mars?
Point Linux 2.2 is based on Debian and uses the Mate desktop. It looks and feels like Ubuntu 10.04 which for some people will be very appealing. Read the full review here.
"Instant Ubuntu" - A brief outline of Ubuntu
The eBook "Instant Ubuntu" is a guide for newcomers to Ubuntu aiming to show potential users how to install Ubuntu and some of the features within Ubuntu. But Is it a worthy read?
How to customise Lubuntu and LXDE
In my recent review of Lubuntu 13.10 I mentioned that it is possible to customise the Lubuntu desktop. This article shows you how to manipulate the LXDE controls to alter the desktop appearance, add panels and position them, create items on panels and modify the menu.
Is Lubuntu the perfect operating system for netbooks?
Netbooks generally struggle when attempting to run mainstream operating systems so a lightweight operating system such as Lubuntu should be a perfect alternative. I have spent a week running Lubuntu on an ageing machine and this review looks at how it fared.
Stress Testing Linux Web Servers
Many businesses depend on their servers and the sites they serve to generate revenue. Comprehensive testing using a selection of the tools we’ve covered here is critical for avoiding lost revenue and the embarrassment of downtime.
OS4 OpenLinux - Lightweight Linux based operating system for the Commodore Amiga enthusiast
OS4 is based on Xubuntu Linux but is there enough of a difference to give OS4 a unique identity. The inclusion of an Amiga emulator is certainly a nice touch.
12 great Linux operating systems for netbooks
Everyday the question is asked "which is the best operating system for my netbook?". Any answer given is subjective and down to personal opinion. Here is a list of 12 Linux distributions that work really well on a netbook.
Knoppix 7.2 - It's alive
Following on from the Klaus Knopper interview earlier this week here is a review of the Knoppix 7.2 live operating system.
An interview with Klaus Knopper
Knoppix is one of the oldest distributions, yet it is as relevant today as it was when it was first released.
A couple of weeks ago I approached Klaus Knopper (Founder of Knoppix) via email asking whether he would be interesting in answering a few questions about the Knoppix project.
A couple of weeks ago I approached Klaus Knopper (Founder of Knoppix) via email asking whether he would be interesting in answering a few questions about the Knoppix project.
From Windows to Ubuntu - A success story
If you have a PC that's reaching the end of its usable life, I'd encourage you to give Ubuntu a try. It kept my notebook going for a year and a half as my primary PC, and I still use it to check email, and surf the web when my other notebook isn't handy.
Our Favourite Linux Cheat Sheets
Graeme Caldwell is a Linux System Administrator and in this guest article he shares some useful command line cheat sheets
How to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 8 in 10 easy steps
I spent some time over the weekend installing Ubuntu alongside Windows 8 and the following is a guide showing the steps I performed to achieve this task.
Linux Popularity Among Enterprise Users Continues To Grow
Linux continues to make inroads into the enterprise sphere beyond the web hosting industry, according to a recent survey by SUSE.
Korora - The little blue penguin shows off it's happy feet
The basis of this review is to determine whether Korora meets it's objectives which are to provide a complete, easy to use computing system that “just works” out of the box.