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What About the Linux/Unix Arena at

  • Linux DevCenter; By Tom Adelstein (Posted by bstadil on Nov 21, 2005 2:30 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story may be one of the fastest growing web sites on the global Internet. I know why: They listened to Tim.

Wsis - Some open-source boosters see missed chance

  • Computerworld Australia (Posted by bstadil on Nov 20, 2005 5:13 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Advocates of free software and open-source software were neither protesting nor dancing in the halls of the Kram conference and exhibition center at the Internet summit in Tunis. A few critics, including Richard Stallman, questioned why they even came

Over 40% of Open Source Developers Fix Bugs in Under 8 hours

  • IT News Online (Posted by bstadil on Nov 20, 2005 2:21 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
According to a survey by Evans Data Corp., open source software (OSS) developers find and fix software bugs quickly, with 17% of them being able to find and repair severe bugs in less than four business hours on average.

Introduction to new visual shell: Vshnu

  • LinuxMagazine; By Jerry Peek (Posted by bstadil on Nov 18, 2005 4:56 PM EDT)
Do you spend a lot of time moving around the filesystem with cd commands, typing ls to see what’s there? Do you build lists of arguments on the command line using wildcards or filename completion? If you do a lot of work with files and directories, vshnu is worth a look.

Even MORE Problems For Sony BMG

  • Security Pronews (Posted by bstadil on Nov 18, 2005 12:12 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNU
[ED-We have covered this in detail but this summary is priceless and accurate I might add bstadil]

So, let quickly recap: Sony sells CDs with DRM software containing rootkit malware. They get caught. They offer a fix. The fix makes matters worse. The Sony exec in charge puts foot in mouth. Viruses surface using the holes provided by the rootkit. Charges of copyright infringements (what's the DRM for anyway?) on open license software surface as well. Sony's getting sued. They issue a recall on the offending discs. In the meantime, Sony's losing record sales and credibility at a time of year when people spend more money than ever. Also consider they're trying to push through their Blu-Ray DVD technology and the PlayStation3.

GNU/Linux Web-Radio & Podcasts

  • (Posted by bstadil on Nov 17, 2005 9:53 PM EDT)
FYI, Here is a new website that lists 12 Linux/ GNU regular Web-Radio & Podcasts!. Hopefully TheLinuxShow will show up one of these days as well.

Worldwide Mandriva Linux 2006 install party 11/26

  • Mandrive (Posted by bstadil on Nov 16, 2005 10:59 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Mandriva
Following the release of Mandriva Linux 2006, Mandriva is mobilizing its network of Linux User Groups (LUGs). Free community installation sessions will take place around the world. Major participating locations include the United States, Brazil, Canada, China, Moroco, and the island of Reunion. More than 60 cities are involved, including a dozen in China and 15 in Brazil.

Microsofts secret weapon! = Temper Tantrums

  • InformationWeek; By John Foley (Posted by bstadil on Nov 16, 2005 3:36 PM EDT)
[ED- This got to be a joke or is InformationWeek seriously suggesting that a temper tantrum by the CEO is their secret weapon? For once we really need to "get the facts" TM -bstadil]

Reports that Steve Ballmer broke into a screaming fit when he learned that Kai-Fu Lee was jumping ship to Google should warm the hearts of Microsoft fans. That's the kind of mad-as-hell attitude that, focused in the right way, will work to Microsoft's advantage

Gp2x - Open source games console

  • (Posted by bstadil on Nov 15, 2005 11:22 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
It can play games. It can play your Movies. It can play your music. It can view photos. It can read Ebooks. It runs on just 2 AA batteries - And it can do all this in the palm of your hand or on your TV screen.

[ED- Anybody know more about this console? Please post a comment if it is not just vapor and /or any good bstadil]

Gates to tout Microsoft's supercomputing move

The computing giant ventures takes on supercomputing with a beta of its first supercomputer operating system.

[ED - Linux commands 76% of the top 500 supercomputers. What can MS possible gain from this endevour? Wonder what their licensing scheme will be. Per CPU? bstadil]

Linux runs 76%+ of top 500 Supercomputers

  • Top500 (Posted by bstadil on Nov 14, 2005 3:12 PM EDT)
Linux wipes the floor with any other OS at the just released top 500 list. This is truly amazing.

Chip guys say software chaps reverse Moore’s Law

  • TheInquirer; By Mike Magee (Posted by bstadil on Nov 13, 2005 5:01 PM EDT)
SENIOR SEMICONDUCTOR FOLK here at this show think that software engineers are turning the whole industry on its head by halving the time it takes to make great software in the 18 months half as dumb again.

We think the semi guys are saying software engineers are stupid. But then the semi guys are too diplomatic to put it that way.

Sony stole code from Lame in their rootkit

  • Dewinter (Posted by bstadil on Nov 13, 2005 12:13 AM EDT)
Sony themselves felt they were exempt from copyright law when they decided to harass their customers with the now infamous rootkit.

It turns out that the rootkit contains pieces of code that are identical to LAME, an open source mp3-encoder, and thereby breach the license. Who is counting as long as Celine Dion's stuff is protected.

KDE 3.5 Release Candidate 1

KDE 3.5 is almost finished, so we have prepared a first release candidate. We want to have it tested as much as possible, so please give it a show

Gates stirs Microsoft with dramatic 'more meetings' plea

  • TheRegister; By Andrew Orlowski (Posted by bstadil on Nov 10, 2005 7:22 PM EDT)
[ED: Both the TheRegister and TheInquirer are pretty miffed about Microsoft's Memo leak. In not so many words accusing MS of gaming the Press and the Fourth Estate eating the bull Raw. What better way to counter than a spoof leaked memo]

MEMO from billg

Subject: Internet Software Services

Microsoft has always had to respond to innovators in the software business and seize the PR initiative.

Ten years ago this December, I wrote a memo entitled The Internet Tidal Puddle in which I attempted to undo the damage caused by my book, The Road Ahead, published just three months previously.

In The Road Ahead I failed to mention the internet at all. The same month, Netscape had floated on NASDAQ, creating the largest ever first day gain. Clearly, there was a puddle in the road ahead. So in my memo I warned that we could either step round the puddle, or step right into it, and risk being drowned.

In 1995 none of our products made use of TCP/IP. Now, a decade later, I can safely say that many of them do.

Thin client server revitalizes old PCs

  • (Posted by bstadil on Nov 10, 2005 5:52 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
2X Software Ltd. has released a new thin-client software suite that aims to simplify thin-client deployment and give new life to old PCs, by converting them into thin-client terminals. The client-side operating system is a "small footprint Linux-based OS," and the server-side software works on Linux

Industry group forms to buy Linux patents

A group of tech giants linked up on Thursday to promote Linux globally, with the unveiling of a new company called the Open Invention Network (OIN). They are IBM, Novell, Philips, Red Hat, and [Ed Rootkit sleazeball] , Sony

Forget Munich's Linux Migration, It's Already Done by Extremadura (Spain)

We changed the desktop systems from Windows to Linux during the weekend, when the civil servants came back next Monday morning they found Linux running on their desktop machines". Wow! So Munich is receiving all the press about their careful and detailed migration to Linux on the desktop and here comes one of the poorest region in Europe showing that this can be simply done during a weekend.

OpenSync and KDE Cooperate on Unified Data Syncing

The OpenSync and KDE teams have joined forces to create a unified library to synchronize data from mobile devices with the data on the desktop

Pols Battle Over Future of Open Document

Legislators in the Massachusetts will meet in the coming weeks to reconcile differing bills on the use of open documents by state agencies, and the outcome may alter the landscape for open document software, analysts said.

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