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Why Closed Source Software is More Secure

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jul 28, 2011 5:56 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial, Humor
One of the things open source advocates often pride themselves on is their software of choice being more secure than the closed source alternatives. I'm beginning to wonder if we shouldn't though...

Lessons Learned: Linux + Sony Vaio F Series

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jul 27, 2011 6:24 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
Earlier this week I finally made the move and picked up something that had an Intel i7 processor in it. I favor laptops for the mobility they offer and I was lucky enough to get a good price on a Sony Vaio VPCF115FM. The first thing I do with any new computer that comes into my possession is boot Linux on it of course. I just so happen to keep Bodhi 1.1.0 on my flash drive and soon enough I was booted into my live environment...

Losing work because I use Linux

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jul 19, 2011 10:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
I am starting graduate school this fall. New school, new town and this means I am looking for a new job. offers a web based tutoring service for high school students. I have a fair bit of tutoring experience (and I am a certified high school teacher for mathematics in Illinois) so I figured I was more than qualified for their online tutoring position...

Seven Great Enlightenment (DR17) Themes

If you have been by my blog before then odds are you know I am a large fan of the Enlightenment desktop. While there are a number of reasons DR17 is my desktop of choice, one of them is the wonderful selection of themes that exist for it. The following are seven of my favorites.

Lots of Support for One Percent!

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jul 13, 2011 12:02 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
I was reading an article in Information Week cleverly titled "The OS Mess". The article raises the issue of the technology world becoming flooded with a plethora of different operating systems. I think having a variety of different platforms available is a good thing. Competition stimulates innovation and market growth.

Bodhi Linux… Ubuntu might have a competitor

Bodhi Linux is yet another attempt to convince users that you don’t have to pay 54£ (Windows 7 Home Premium) in order to use your computer for basic tasks like writing emails and browsing the Internet. Based on the ever-so-popular Ubuntu Linux, Bodhi pushes the boundaries a bit further in ease of use, resources required and “ohhhh prettyyy” factor.

Six Signs Android really isn't Linux

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jul 9, 2011 2:43 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
Many people argue that Android has put Linux into the hands of millions of users. While there is no doubting that Android has been a raging success, I would argue that Google has put Android into the hands of millions of people - not Linux. The following are my reasons for claiming such.

Seven Months of Bodhi Linux in Pictures

Bodhi Linux is still a fairly young project. We gained a good bit of recognition for providing a usable Enlightenment desktop while many others still do not (if they offer one at all). We started back in just November of last year, but the project has matured a good deal in just this short bit of time. The following are screen shots (and some history) from the nine developmental and two stable releases we have had during the last seven months.

Bodhi Linux for ARM Alpha 1

Over the past couple of months since we added this layout we have had many requests from users to get Bodhi running on embedded touch screen devices. Today I am happy to announce the first availability of an Alpha version of Bodhi Linux for ARM devices. The ARM version of Bodhi is built on top of a Debian base, which provides stability on top of the speed the Enlightenment desktop provides.

10 ways the Linux community can fix the mess on the desktop

  • Tech Hurricane; By Himanshu Kohli (Posted by Jeff91 on Jun 29, 2011 6:41 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial
I have been a huge fan and user of Linux for well over 10 years. In that time, I have seen just about every piece of drama that can come from a community. Much of that drama has been focused on the desktop. Sometimes users were simply throwing stones as to which desktop was better. But the drama unfolding of late is much worse. The state of the Linux desktop has become a circus that centers around the creation of Ubuntu’s Unity desktop. The minute that desktop was announced, things started getting worse.

Hacking to make things Usable

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jun 27, 2011 6:58 PM EDT)
  • Groups: GNOME
I've noticed a disturbing trend occurring with software. Until recent months it was largely limited to closed source software such as iOS, but today we see it even in the FOSS world...

The Bodhi Guide to Enlightenment - E17 Desktop Overview

Many users can be slightly confused when first using a new desktop environment. The Bodhi team has put together a desktop user manual that provides both a text based and graphical means for learning about the E17 desktop.

Adobe: Thank you sir. May I have another?

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jun 15, 2011 5:16 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
If you use Linux on the desktop then odds are you know that getting support from big name companies that produce software is typically difficult at best. They tell us we don't have enough market share, they tell us we have too many different configurations, they tell us there is too much fragmentation to create software for us...

Anyone Can Use The Linux Operating System

LXer Feature: 13-Jun-2010

Today’s topic of conversation is something I feel fairly strongly about. It is something I have seen happen countless times, both in person and posted various places around the internet. Some semi-tech head (or Windows system admin) downloads this “Linux” thing and decides they are going to boot it up. They don’t look up their hardware online for compatibility, they just pop the disc in and expect everything to work...

Why I Love Bodhi Linux

I’ve written about Bodhi Linux a couple of times before, but I’m back today to tell you why I absolutely love Bodhi (now at version 1.1.0) more than ever.

Enlightenment, DR17 and EFLs

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jun 11, 2011 5:07 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Enlightenment
Terminology is something that is important to get correct when working with technology. When reading about the Enlightenment desktop I've found that many people often confuse the difference between Enlightenment, DR17 and EFLs.

HOWTO: Easily Take Screenshots in the Enlightenment Desktop

Something I have had Enlightenment users ask about a few times now is how to take a screen shot. Enlightenment now has a built in "Shot" module that allows you to quickly take and save/upload screen shots.

BluSphere - Sleek Linux Pre-Installed Computers

  • Thoughts on Technology; By Jeff Hoogland (Posted by Jeff91 on Jun 8, 2011 7:16 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
I would estimate that 95% of the issues I have helped people with (and seen posted) are related to the installation and setup of the operating system. Purchasing a computer with Linux pre-installed on it resolves all of these issues.

Gaming on Linux? Why yes we can!

Who said gaming can't be done on Linux? Starcraft 2 + Savage 2 + Left for Dead 2 all running on a Linux box at the same time.

Bodhi Linux Service Pack 1 Ready to Go

One of the things Bodhi does differently from other distributions is that we make offline application installation easy. With this in mind each of our Bodhi updates will be accompanied a few days later by a "Service Pack". The service pack is a single file that handles seamlessly updating an offline Bodhi Linux computer.

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