Showing headlines posted by tuxchick

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Machine vision COM and cameras go Linux

Vision Components has launched two Linux-based, smart machine vision cameras and a COM built around a Xilinx Zynq SoC, each supporting up to 4.2MP video. Over the last decade, smart cameras for machine vision have been transitioning from DSPs to systems that combine DSPs or FPGAs with ARM or x86 processors running Linux. The latest […]

Front and back-end developers should make friends

Natalie Kozlowski is a front-end web developer at CodeGuard. She's a self-taught coder who embraces open source and will be giving a talk about how to interact with your front-end developers at this year's All Things Open conference in Raleigh. In this interview, I caught up with Natalie prior to the conference. I learned more about her background, like how she earned a degree in Professional Writing, what led her to her current job as a front-end developer, and how she applies the open source way to her job. read more

Make a Birthday Card for Mom in Linux With Scribus

  •; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Oct 12, 2014 9:17 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
A good project for getting familiar with Scribus is to create a cheery greeting card. Let's say we have a nice color printer and some good card stock, and we're making Mom a birthday card. Moms love photos of their kids, so find a nice one of yourself. Open Scribus, click the New Document tab, and set your page size and orientation (figure 2). My example is US Letter, landscape, two-sided.

Ubuntu can now stream Netflix videos via Chrome

Canonical announced official support for streaming Netflix videos on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS, and later, using Google’s Chrome browser v37 and later. “Thanks to recent efforts at Netflix and Canonical, Ubuntu now supports watching Netflix with Chrome version 37,” stated Canonical in a blog post today. “Chrome is available to all Ubuntu users with […]

A 2D Ocarina of Time, DIY arcade cabinets, and more

Open games roundup Week of October 5 - 11, 2014 Happy Saturday, open gamers! In this week's edition of our open source games news, we take a look at a fan version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that removes the third dimension, MIT's game design MOOC, and more! read more

Assorted Fun Linux Command Line Hacks

  •; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Oct 9, 2014 10:55 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Today's fun command line festivities are inspired by Command Line Magic, who hangs out on Twitter sharing excellent Linux command line incantations for all occasions. Today's assortment includes shell rainbows, Is the Internet on Fire?, Star Wars Traceroute, and creating annoying sounds from the console.

Raspberry Pi-based kit teaches kids to program

Kano has begun selling a $150, Raspberry Pi-based educational computer that teaches kids to program using visual tools and the Debian-based Kano OS. Kano’s hugely successful Kickstarter project funded last December, with more than 10,000 investors ordering $99 and $119 Kano open source DIY kits for a total of $1.52 million in proceeds. Last month, […]

What Network Function Virtualization means for OpenStack and open source

Last week's launch of OPNFV is a good opportunity to think about a simmering debate in the OpenStack developer community for a while now—what exactly does NFV (Network Function Virtualization) have to do with OpenStack, and is it a good thing? read more

Linux based touch-panel DAQ system includes GUI software

Lascar launched a Linux-based data acquisition system with a 4.3-inch capacitive touchscreen, an ARM9-based Freescale i.MX283 SoC, and a free GUI program. Salisbury, UK based Lascar Electronics sells seven Windows-based “PanelPilotM” panel computers of various sizes, and it has now launched its first Linux-based line called the “PanelPilotACE.” The PanelPilotACE is “more of a blank […]

Open Source Day to build FOSS skills at Grace Hopper conference

Open Source Day at the Grace Hopper Celebration this year starts today! The program is committed to helping women grow their skills and interest in using open source technologies. "Our program philosophy is about tackling disaster response challenges in partnership with other industry and technology experts," said Harmony Mabrey of Microsoft Disaster Response. For the first time this year, Open Source Day is providing opportunities for women of all skill levels to participate in this important mission. read more

Data Recovery Techniques on Linux

  • HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials - Linux (Posted by tuxchick on Oct 8, 2014 7:44 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Data Recovery Techniques on Linux When one of my friends called telling me that he had accidentally deleted some important files from his drive, his exasperation was understandable. It happens to everyone at some point of their computer-using lives. Unfortunately, in his case, those were some extremely important documents that, had he not recovered them, could have proven very costly.

The Cow Says, Have Fun!

Sometimes, when the clock hits 3:00am, and you've been in the server room since 9 o'clock the previous day, you start to get a little batty. That's the only explanation I have for programs like cowsay in Linux. Still, I'm glad they're there, because life wouldn't be nearly as fun without them. Here's a quick list of silly Linux programs off the top of my head.

Pocket-sized mobile touchscreen web server runs Tizen

A mobile personal web server called “The Egg” runs Tizen on an Intel Atom and features a 12-hour battery, a 2.4-inch touchscreen, and up to 256GB of storage. Arizona-based startup Eggcyte has taken to Kickstarter to push a more private alternative to public cloud storage and social networking sites. The Egg is available in packages […]

Whats new with Fedora Badges

Hey Everyone, It has been a while since we had a badge post, with getting ready for Fedora 21, Shellshock and getting planning started for Flock 2015, things have been […]

Coding is fun! Europe Code Week is back

Europe Code Week is organized by Neelie Kroes' Young Advisors with the support from DG Connect at the European Commission and runs from October 11 - 17 this year. It's a program all about teaching kids and adults how to code and understand more about technology. read more

SUSE, MariaDB and IBM team up to tame Big Data

SUSE and MariaDB (the company formerly known as SkySQL!) officially teamed up today, joining forces with IBM Power Systems, in a partnership that promises to expand the Linux application ecosystem. According to sources at SUSE, customers will now be able to run a wider variety of applications on Power8, increasing both flexibility and choice while working within existing IT infrastructure.

Open IoT alliance to tackle smart, connected LEDs

The open source AllSeen Alliance, which is standardizing IoT built around Qualcomm’s AllJoyn platform, has launched a Connected Lighting Working Group. The Linux Foundation announced the AllSeen Alliance last December to promote Qualcomm’s cross-platform AllJoyn open source project for Internet of Things interoperability. Since then, the Allseen Alliance has launched a number of working groups, […]

Fast way to update Bash on Debian based distributions to secure it against Shell Shock.

Fast way to update Bash on Debian based distributions to secure it against Shell Shock. 

Lennart Poettering's Linus Torvalds rant

  • ZDNet | Linux And Open Source Blog RSS (Posted by tuxchick on Oct 6, 2014 9:34 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Open-source mailing lists and IRC conversations are as prone to flame wars as anywhere on the Internet, but now systemd co-creator Lennart Poettering is calling out Linus Torvalds in a more public forum for helping to create attacks on him.

Why US Feds and g-men kick up a stink about a growing smartphone encryption trend

It's the inconvenience, stupid Analysis Over the last few weeks law enforcement officials on both sides of the Atlantic have been kicking up a fuss over Apple and Google deciding to include effective encryption on their smartphones.…

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