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Simple Image Reducer - Pretty slick, Pretty easy, Pretty light, & Pretty nice.

  • LXLE; By Ronnie (Posted by buntfu on May 14, 2013 7:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Ubuntu
Simple Image Reducer may be a somewhat unknown tool, of course I say that about every piece of software I just recently discovered. As if I know about every piece of software out there, go figure. In a relatively short time this excellent low resource tool to reduce and rotate images, has become a favorite go to application.

Don't forget to blame the little guy for screwing Linux over.

  •; By Ronnie (Posted by buntfu on Apr 16, 2013 2:57 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
Everyone in the industry and particularly home users like to blame the obvious large targets for Linux never (at least at the time of this writing) quite making it to the average users Desktop in the masses. Many blame Microsoft, Apple, Patents or just anything proprietary in nature. However I feel that there is one particular reason, made up of millions of small contributors, of why Linux has truly never landed on the Desktop. Who or what is it you ask? Your local PC shop is just as guilty and equally damaging as any of the large proprietary companies conspiring to hold Linux down.

Fehlstart: a simple, quick application launcher written in C

  • (Posted by buntfu on Apr 5, 2013 9:56 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Fehlstart, I believe, is a relatively unknown little gem. A real beauty if your looking for nice but truly lightweight launcher. Fehlstart is a German word meaning “false start” also defined as an “early start”. The author wrote Fehlstart because gnome-do and others do way more than what he needed; gnome-do runs on mono which requires too many resources to perform a simple task like application launching.

So you think Claws Mail is ugly and lacks features? Think again.

  •; By LXLE (Posted by buntfu on Mar 29, 2013 10:35 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Claws Mail has many extra features compared to Sylpheed and is more powerful, yet is just as fast, lightweight and stable. Also, with the right plug-ins and theme loaded, it really very hard to beat. Many additional plug-ins are available. A simple search in (your package manager) will return numerous plug-ins to add to Claws Mail. Some common, very useful ones are, BogoFilter (spam), Clam Anti-virus, GtkHtml2 HTML Viewer (html emails), Notification, and vCalender.

The LXLE Official Release: Adds great features, Polishes edges, Leaves beta in the dust.

After 10 thousand downloads within a month for the beta of LXLE; many suggestions, tips and help came pouring in, it was simply amazing. After some investigating and clever work, its finally official. Did I miss anything? Probably. Is it flawless? Probably not. Is it a pretty damn nice full featured desktop OS that'll run good/great on any PC made it the past ten years? You bet, but hey, I'm biased.

LXLE - Lubuntu Extra Life Extension - A remastered LTS release for greater support of aging hardware.

Why 12.04 and or only LTS releases? With each release hardware gets dropped. Not a good thing if your trying to keep an aging computer fully supported, working as intended and simply nice, fast and capable. Although not an official LTS release for Lubuntu. It is the only defacto one.

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