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Backing up your network with RANCID

A couple of years ago, my employer, a large state university, was looking for an open source replacement for CiscoWorks to assist us in backing up our network configurations. We found RANCID (Really Awesome New Cisco config Differ), tried it, and have used it ever since.

Linux Professional Institute, Ubuntu and MySQL Certification exams ...

The Linux Professional Institute will provide certification testing during LinuxWorld Conference & Expo San Francisco, August 15 - 17, 2006 at Moscone Center North

Rock Linux 3

Rock Linux is a collection of tools to build a GNU/Linux distribution from scratch. There are also ready-for-use versions of Rock Linux available like Crystal Rock, Generic Rock and a Live CD. The developers released Rock Linux 3, in which a lot of things are improved compared to version 2.0.3, the last available version. The announcement together with the English changelog looks as follows:

[Site is in Dutch, though the article contains a fair amount of English - dcparris]

[Sloppy translation by hkwint - hkwint]

Trojan poses as Firefox extension

Firefox users are being warned to watch out for a new Trojan that that pretends to be an extension for the web browser.

If you have to maintain legacy OSes, you might have some concern for this one. Not much, but it's better to be aware. LXer recommends upgrading all legacy OSes to modern, robust OSes with greatly reduced vulnerabilities, such as GNU/Linux or one of the BSDs. - dcparris]

Ibm, strongest proponents of open source policy

IBM is one of the strongest proponents of open standards and has a long history of working with the open source community. "We believe open source promotes innovation and quality code,"

[Hmmm.... See what happens when you talk out both sides of your mouth? - dcparris]

Open source at the National Education Computing Conference

Open source software made a big showing earlier this month at the National Education Computing Conference (NECC) in San Diego. Presentations were made on a variety of open source topics including advocacy, programming, deployment, and education software. [...] Huffman comments that the "time needed for a Windows-using high school student to acclimate him or herself to the Linux desktop [is] 10 minutes."

[Based on my experience during a recent family reunion, I would say that is highly accurate. - dcparris]

ISO 27001: A new standard for IT security

  • IT Manager's Journal; By Mikael Vingaard (Posted by dcparris on Jul 27, 2006 2:49 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups:
Information security flaws can create havoc within your business operations. The ISO 27001 standard for information security management systems can help to locate existing security problems and prevent future threats before they prove harmful to your organization.

Scalix To Open Source E-Mail

Scalix will offer up a good chunk of its next e-mail release to the open source world, the company said Wednesday. Components of Scalix Community Edition will be available under a license modeled on the Mozilla Public License (MPL). That will enable the legal use of third-party code not licensed under the MPL to coexist with commercial code. A commercial license will also be available for the Scalix enterprise product.

While this is not the first company to open source a software package, but now we're seeing a market battle centered around Free/Open Source Software

Comodo launches Zero Touch Linux (ZTL)

Comodo Group has announced the launch of Zero Touch Linux (ZTL) for Back Office Automation in one easy to install package.

Sun and Greenplum Launch Commercial Open Source Data Warehouse ...

Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Greenplum unveiled a data warehouse appliance built from open source software and general purpose systems. Powered by the Solaris 10 Operating System (OS) and PostgreSQL, both the mature product of open source development, this breakthrough solution aims to deliver two orders of magnitude better price-performance over the competition.

Editors of Mac website switch to Ubuntu

The editors of popular Mac website ResExcellence have switched to Linux and made public their complaints about the Mac community. Judging by most comments posted by readers they are not making any friends.

KDE and Distributions: SabayonLinux

Sabayon Linux is quite a new addition to the family of KDE distributions.

Tutorial: Overhauling CUPS: Pushing Windows Printer Drivers

  • LinuxPlanet; By Carla Schroder (Posted by dcparris on Jul 27, 2006 9:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: GNU, Linux
Network printing is a leading cause of high blood pressure and premature hair loss in our long-suffering network administrator demographic. Fortunately, the FOSS world, as usual, does its best to mitigate our suffering. Today you shall learn how to use CUPS and Samba together to set up automagic client printer installations.

LXerFest Charlotte 2006

LXer Announcement

A few LXer readers are meeting up with Editor-in-Chief, Don Parris in Charlotte, North Carolina this coming Saturday...

The Open Source Revenue Model

Matt McAlister has a really interesting piece examining an Open Source CRM (SugarCRM) versus He observes a trend through the lens of SugarCRM that is happening more and more - companies focused around Open Source software that drive revenue from services alone:

Linux app converts speech files to searchable text

Wizzard Software is shipping speaker-independent voice recognition software aimed at adding large-vocabulary, offline voice-recognition capabilities to server-based Linux applications. The company says WizzScribe SI can convert large volumes of audio data into searchable text, for data-mining, storage, analysis, and information archiving.

This does not appear to be FOSS. If FOSS equivalents exist, we would be interested in learning more about them.

Re-thinking the Windows Refund

LXer Feature: 25-Jul-2006

LXer's Don Parris challenges the Windows Refund movement to rethink its platform.

System Administration: Another Step toward the BIND -II

  • Linux Journal; By Tom Adelstein (Posted by dcparris on Jul 24, 2006 12:29 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Yesterday, we looked at anamed.conf file for a single domain we called Rather than send you back to the earlier article, we'll reproduce the file contents below: options {

Bea blends open-source and proprietary in long-term move

  • Computerworld New Zealand; By Stephen Bell, Wellington (Posted by dcparris on Jul 23, 2006 9:13 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community, GNU
A “blended approach”, combining open-source and proprietary software, is the economical and safe route to go to get application development done “securely” and on time, says Bill Roth, vice-president of BEA’s Workshop development environment business unit.

[Roth's anti-GPL comments are pretty galling. Mixing 'OSS' with non-free? Ugh! It was for freedom that Stallman set us free. - dcparris]

OLS Day 4: Kroah-Hartman's Keynote Address

  • NewsForge; By David 'cdlu' Graham (Posted by dcparris on Jul 23, 2006 1:00 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
The fourth and final day of the 2006 Ottawa Linux Symposium saw the annual tradition of the closing keynote address, this year by Greg Kroah-Hartman, introduced by last year's keynote speaker, Dave Jones, and the announcement of the next year's speaker.

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