Showing headlines posted by dcparris

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Linux continues to make strides

I don't think anyone will be surprised by this, but watch out for Linux (am I five years too late?). According to market-research company IMS Research, the role of Linux in mobile systems will maintain a steady growth path. In addition, an increasing number of companies are announcing plans to develop Linux platforms. Admittedly, Linux phones still represent a small segment of the overall handset market.

Logicblaze Upgrades FUSE Open Source SOA

LogicBlaze made a big splash in late March with the release of their FUSE open source SOA runtime environment -- and they've just announced a new 1.2 version of FUSE that's designed tocompete even more strongly with commercial SOA solutions.

Review: Tabbing Through Firefox 2.0

  • LinuxPlanet; By Sean Michael Kerner (Posted by dcparris on Jul 31, 2006 3:33 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mozilla
How many tabs can you fit in one Firefox 2.0 window? While not as culturally stimulating as the Tootsie Pop question, it is nonetheless one of the new features explored in this mini-review of Firefox 2.0 Beta 1.

Fedora Weekly News Issue 57

Welcome to our issue number 57 of Fedora Weekly News. In this issue, we have following articles: 1 One Laptop Per Child: An Education Project 2 The K12 Open Source Interview Series Has Begun 3 OSCON Day 0 - Freedom 2.0 4 Donations and Big Developer Payouts 5 Use Fedora Directory Server For Manageable LDAP 6 Book review: Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed 7 Fedora Weekly Reports 2006-07-24 8 Fedora Core 4 and 5 Updates 9 Contributing to Fedora Weekly News 10 Editor's Blog

Wind River updates embedded Linux suite

Wind River has updated its commercial embedded Linux distribution, along with three vertical-market "Platforms" based on it. Many of the new features in Wind River Linux 1.3 target telecommunications, traditionally an area of Wind River strength. The company additionally updated its Eclipse-based development tools, and contributed some 300,000 lines of code to the open-source Eclipse project.

New Linux Kernel 2.4 maintainer

While releasing Linux 2.4.33-rc3 Marcelo Tosatti has announced that in future Willy Tarreau will maintain the Linux kernel series 2.4. Four and a half years ago Mr. Tosatti had at the age of 18 taken over the position of maintainer of the kernel series 2.4 from Version 2.4.15 upwards from Linus Torvalds. However, since the publication of the kernel series 2.6 Linux 2.4 has -- not unexpectedly -- seen its importance diminish. Thus of late Kernel 2.4 has only received minor corrections, with new functions and drivers for up-to-date hardware in short supply. Witness the patches for 2.4.31 and 2.4.32, which were down to 25 and 54 kilobytes (bz2 format) respectively, whereas, for example, the packed patch for upgrading 2.6.16 to 2.6.17 alone came to almost six megabytes.

CLI Magic: Feh for image viewing

  •; By Michael Stutz (Posted by dcparris on Jul 31, 2006 12:50 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: GNU, Linux
Too many Linux image viewers are tinged with little annoyances -- they take too long to load, are slow to redraw the display, have limited format support, sport inconvenient controls -- so when you want to settle on one, inevitably there's something to make you utter feh! in general discontent. Good call -- feh is the name of a speedy little viewer that packs in a surprising number of features for its size.

Actel Broadens Support for CoreMP7-Based Designs With New ...

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., July 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Actel Corporation (Nasdaq: ACTL) today announced SoftConsole, a free software program development environment for Actel's CoreMP7, the industry's only soft 32-bit ARM7 microprocessor core for field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Based on the widely used, open-source Eclipse Integrated Design Environment (IDE) and ARM7 GNU compiler and debugger, SoftConsole provides a cost-effective, reliable way to write and debug software programs for CoreMP7. The free tool enables designers to quickly and easily develop embedded system applications based on Actel's single-chip, flash-based FPGAs.

[Not sure whether this is really FOSS or not. If so, it might be a good thing for those who use the ARM7 platform. - dcparris]

Socialtext Releases Open Source Wiki

Socialtext ( has released Socialtext Open for immediate download. The company said that Socialtext Open is the first open source wiki with a commercial venture as its primary contributor. It has all of Socialtext’s enterprise grade code aside from its enterprise management and enterprise integration tools. Socialtext also announced the availability of its Technical Professional Service, a new Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Application Programming Interface (API) that enables developers to integrate and extend Socialtext Open, and the Socialtext Open Roadmap for the next 3 months.

[Say, is this one of those rat trap schemes - you know, where they give you part of the program under a gratis or libre license, but you have to get the commercial edition for the 'real' features? - dcparris]

Proudly African

  •; By Jason Norwood-Young (Posted by dcparris on Jul 31, 2006 10:40 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
Comments on OSNews bring home Africa's reputation problem. We're certainly undeserving of the rest of the world's scorn.

[Great insights from Jason on an important issue. - dcparris]

Cedega and Linux: Let the Windows games begin

If there's one area where Linux distributions fall behind Windows, it's games. Most PC games are built for Windows. Where does that leave Linux users? With Cedega, a melding of Wine and DirectX developed by TransGaming. Today, Cedega 5.2.3 officially supports about 50 games, though in reality it can run a lot more.

[Note the licensing issues box in the article. It doesn't seem like an ideal project to me, but I'm not addicted to games, either. - dcparris]

Photoshop in Linux

  • Manila Standard Today; By Chin Wong (Posted by dcparris on Jul 31, 2006 9:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: GNU, Linux
CAN you run Adobe Photoshop on Linux? Many Web designers, graphic artists and bloggers might consider the answer to this question crucial when considering a shift from Windows.

[You might be interested if you must have Photoshop. Frankly, I guess I would need to be a much more serious image editor to "need" this non-free software. - dcparris]

Xen not ready for prime-time, says Red Hat

A senior Red Hat executive today maintained the Xen open source virtualisation environment was not yet ready for enterprise use, despite "unbelievable" customer demand and the fact rival Novell has already started shipping the software.

Google Opens the Hood on Open Source

When the co-founders started-up Google, their main source of funding was their credit cards. Any way they could find to leverage resources was critical. One approach was to use open source software. Basically, this is software that is freely available – so long as all additions to the software is also made free.

Firefox 1.5 may be released late in the summer

Mozilla revealed yesterday that it has released a new update patch for its popular Internet browser, Firefox. This is expected to be the fifth and last update for the current Firefox series before the release of Firefox 2.0, which is expected to be released on September 26.

KDE 3: All About the Apps (Part 4)

  • KDE Dot News; By Carsten Niehaus (Posted by dcparris on Jul 30, 2006 6:37 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: KDE
This is part four of the the successful series All About the Apps, reminding us that while KDE 4 development may be fun, to watch to find great apps working today KDE 3 beats them all. This time we report on the Linux equivalent of Cubase - Rosengarden, the great Basket, KPhotoAlbum and the next version of KDevelop.

Objectweb Releases First Complete Open-Source Enterprise Content ...

ObjectWeb and eXo Platform SARL today announced the availability of the first complete open-source content management and repository solutions that allow users to create, manage and store documents from a customized, single point-of-access Web portal.

Lotus and Linux – the powerful duo arrives early

  • Computerworld New Zealand; By Neil McAllister (Posted by dcparris on Jul 30, 2006 3:45 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM, Linux
A full year ahead of schedule IBM has brought Lotus Notes to the Linux desktop. A Linux client for Notes wasn’t expected until the arrival of Hannover, the next major release of the Notes platform, in 2007. But Big Blue had a surprise up its sleeve and, earlier this month, it announced the availability of a Linux version of the current Notes 7 client.

LXers Hog The Barbecue

LXer Feature: 30-Jul-2006

LXers attempted to eat high on the hog Saturday while being mobbed by gorgeous women...

French copyright law puts squeeze on open source

July 28, 2006 (IDG News Service) -- France's Constitutional Council has made a stringent new copyright law even harsher, modifying three articles of the law and striking out a fourth in a review of its constitutionality. The changes mean that unauthorized sharing of copyright files such as music tracks will become a criminal offense, while those who reverse-engineer DRM (digital rights management) systems in order to develop interoperable software will face six months in prison and a fine of $36,000.

[This is horrendous! - dcparris]

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