Showing headlines posted by Scott_Ruecker
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Originally scheduled to be held in Hong Kong next week, Open Source Software Summit Asia has been held over to 2008, organizers confirmed.
In a country with resources so limited its students have to take turns attending school, a new government program will boost those same students into the 21st Century by providing one Edubuntu-loaded computer per student. How research and planning led to one of the largest educational Linux deployments ever.
Fedora's Pirut is a useful tool for basic software installation and package searches. However, if you really want to take control of package management, you need to get back to basics with yum. Just as, on Debian systems, dpkg is the back end underlying apt-get and graphical tools such as Synaptic, so on RPM systems, yum is the hidden power behind Pirut and the Pup updater. Not only does yum have more options than Pirut, but you can enhance it with additional plugins and utilities, many of which work only with yum.
"Ok, I've been slacking on the -stable front for a bit here, and didn't realize how far behind I've gotten. Everyone has been sending patches in, which is great, but now we are facing a HUGE 114 patch release," began Greg Kroah-Hartman. He continued: "As there's no real way that everyone can review all of these patches, I've decided to split them up into 6 different categories, and will be sending patches out in these categories for review. If people can just glance over the ones in the areas they care about, I would really appreciate it."
LXer Feature: 18-Nov-2007With the holidays upon us I thought a Top-10 gift ideas for the Linux Gadget Geek would be good reading. gOS makes a big splash, Info and opinion on Walmart selling $199 PC's, a DSL 4.0 review, Linux continues to dominate the TOP500 World’s Fastest Supercomputers, Forrester thinks that Linux is for real, Carla Schroder continues her "Linux Backups For Real People" series and a computer consultant finally installs Windows..for the first time ever.
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is extending the Red Hat battlefield to the channel with an extension to Oracle's longstanding alliance with IT reseller CDW.
The recipients of the 2007 Linux Medical News Freedom Award are:Domestic category: Co-recipientsWeb Reach, Inc. Mirth Project.WorldVistA for WorldVistA EHR CCHIT Certification.International Award:Paul G. Biondich, MD, MS Regenstreif Institute for OpenMRS project.Distinguished Achievement Award:Gerry Douglas, MD Malawi RHIO.It was a particularly tough year to choose since all the entrants were excellent. Congratulations to all!
Linux creator Linus Torvalds announced the third release candidate for the upcoming 2.6.24 kernel summarizing, "hmmm.. Lots of small fixes, some cleanups, and a few things like the cris updates that aren't really either, but which won't affect any normal user, and will hopefully make it easier to sync up in the future. Network driver fixes, some IDE and infiniband updates, some late cpufreq updates, and a hwmon update."
When you travel a lot, once in a while it just seems that you are on"The Trip from Hades", and you wonder why you travel as much as you do. That is the way my most recent trip to a conference called "WALC2007", held in Coro, Venezuela seemed to start. First of all, the conference invitation came late, and I was already engaged to go to another conference. However, that conference could not confirm that they could pay my travel expenses (my only request), and I eventually opted to go to Venezuela, which I had first visited in 1994, and again a few years later.
"HAMMER work is still progressing well, I hope to have most of it working in a degenerate single-cluster (64MB filesystem) case by the end of next week. (cluster == 64MB block of the disk, not cluster as in clustering)," noted Matthew Dillon on the DragonFlyBSD mailing list. He continued, "gluing the per-cluster B-Tree's together for the multi-cluster case is turning out to be more of a headache and will probably take at least 2 weeks to get working. Some fairly sophisticated heuristics will be needed to avoid unnecessary copying between clusters."
Miklos Szeredi posted a request for comments titled "fuse writable mmap design". He explained, "writable shared memory mappings for fuse are something I've been trying to implement forever. Now hopefully I've got it all worked out, it survives indefinitely with bash-shared-mapping and fsx-linux. And I'd like to solicit comments about the approach."
Chumby is a wireless Linux-based stuffed plush box that can do pretty much anything you can hack it to do. That was the promise when wewrote about it in theSeptember issue of Linux Journal. Now it's also reality: Chumby is more
In nearly 10 years of experimenting with, and, later, using Linux, I have never been presented with a situation where someone actually asked me to preside over their initial foray into the use of the open source operating system on a regular basis.
This is part 6 of Ulrich Drepper's "What every programmer should know about memory"; this part contains the second half of section 6, covering the optimization of multi-threaded code. The first half of this section was published in part 5.
The Economist asks,Will Facebook, MySpace and other social-networking sites transform advertising? Good question, but it's the wrong one. The right question is,Can we equip customers to become independent of sellers and their controlling intentions Including the unwanted crap that constitutes far too much of the world's advertising? For the good of both sellersand buyers?read more
Many people still question whether Linux will ever make it fully into mainstream computer acceptance. A $199 computer now available on a major superstore's shelves just in time for Christmas might change all that. Anyone who wants a computer to just to send email and instant messages and watch YouTube videos should like the Everex gPC, which is powered by a nifty Linux distribution called gOS.
Supporters of the open access movement (OA), the open-source-inspired community that promotes free access to academic research, are disappointed but not discouraged by the defeat of a bill that would have required research published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States to be available to the public. Instead, they see the bill as an important step in raising awareness about OA among American legislators and the general public. Nor do they rule out the eventual passage of the OA provisions.
The Krita donation drive has succeeded beyond the expectations of the Krita developers. Donations from all over the world made it possible to buy two Intuos graphics tablets and two art pens for the Krita developers to test their software with. The Krita developers are very grateful to the community for making this possible. The Intuos tablets and art pens make it possible to develop brushes and tools that make use of advanced features such as tilt and rotation for Krita 2.0.
Red Hat plans to begin a private beta test of new open-source messaging software next month, hoping to shake up a section of the server market currently dominated by proprietary rivals and give the Linux seller a new revenue source.
Right after Halloween, Wal-Mart introduced Everex's Ubuntu Linux-powered TC2502 gPC for a list price of $198. Two weeks later, they're sold out. Everex tells DesktopLinux that more will be coming though. Wal-Mart only bought an initial run of approximately 10,000 units. For once, Wal-Mart's vaunted supply chain management system failed to predict just how popular an item would be. Wal-Mart offers a similar Everex model with more base memory and Windows Vista Home Basic called the Everex Impact GC3502 Desktop, for $100 more. Wal-Mart still has plenty of those.
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