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How Microsoft distorted the facts in the Vienna conclusions

  LXer Day Desk: 12-07-2005

Lately, many signs exist showing how Microsoft's monopoly power extends to government and media. We can add a new example to this list: The “Vienna conclusions”. It seems, their power even extends to distorting findings in official UN documents. The story contains all usual elements: Sponsorship, not willing to participate in public discussions, a conflict of interest of one of the members of the committee, and a Microsoft PR worker making a ridiculous statement. After that, of course, Microsoft denied most of it and ignored the rest.

LXer Feature: Christmas Linux-Style: Giving the Gift of Time

Penguin values can turn the Christmas season into something worthwhile, instead of a stressful greed-fest that leaves you broke and exhausted.

Blogosphere goes wild for Firefox P2P extension

  • ZDNet UK; By Ingrid Marson (Posted by tadelste on Dec 31, 2005 2:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Bloggers around the world have been talking about the latest Firefox extension, even though it isn't yet available.

Shining a light on patents

2005 in review We're all pinko now

Following Bill Gates Linux Attack Money: DeLay - Abramoff Financial Links Emerging

  •; By Tom Adelstein (Posted by tadelste on Dec 31, 2005 11:19 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups:
Hidden among the by lines of newspaper articles today you may find a story here and there about the connections between former Preston Gates lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay. The articles allege that one of DeLay's foundations, the U.S. Family Network, received money from corporations, failed to live up to its charter and provided favors for contributors.The reports also allege the foundation kept the donor list secret.

Another of DeLay's Charities was also financed by corporations, the DeLay Foundation for Kids, include the Gates and Dell family foundations as donors who contributed at least $350,000 to Mr. DeLay's charity since 2001 reports CREW.

KernelTrap: No Updates Through January 8'th

I won't be posting updates to the KernelTrap front page through January 8'th as I'll be away on a short vacation. All the many tasks that have been keeping me too busy to maintain the site regularly the past few months are finally wrapping up, so the new year should see much more frequent updates again. Until then, be sure to visit theforums andjournals which continue to be updated.

Open source software helps online tea vendor

A couple years ago, I decided to start a Web-based tea business. My hardware decision was already made -- I had an old iMac at home, which was going to become the main business computer. Software was more of a worry. I realized that if I wanted to keep the business on a shoestring, I was going to have to find creative ways of cutting back expenses. For me, the answer was open source software. Many of the open source programs I use are maturing fast, and can now be used as full-featured substitutes for similar proprietary software.

Bill Gates' Linux Attack Money and the Resignation of Peter Quinn

Recently, we witnessed the power of Microsoft's political machine when one of the champions of free and open source software, Peter Quinn resigned as CIO of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In my opinion, Microsoft just blinked and everything went south. Other writers have also commented on the chain of events in Massachusetts. For example, Andy Undegrove writes a farewell piece in his blog to the maligned public servant. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols also writes an article about this issue in Microsoft Wins, Open Standards Lose. Steven writes: "CIO Peter Quinn's story tells us that if you go up against Microsoft, you can expect everything and the kitchen sink to be thrown at you." Well Steven, as much respect and admiration as I have for you, Microsoft didn't even breathe hard. They looked in the direction of bean town and people started doing their bidding. That's what happens when you own a country.

Embedding Python in Your C Programs

C, meet Python. Python, this is C. With surprisingly little effort, the Python interpreter can be integrated into your program to add features quickly that could take months if written entirely in C.

Exabytes Upgrades Linux Hosting Plan

Exabytes, a web hosting company, today announced that it has upgraded the existing linux hosting plan, by increasing the webspace and bandwidth, alongwith a price reduction. Furthermore, multiple domain feature is also added.

Demand at the Fount of Open Source Part Two: A Primer Based in ...

  • Technology Evaluation Centers; By Josh Chalifour (Posted by tadelste on Dec 31, 2005 3:43 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
The first part of this article concerned the Free and open source software (FOSS) origin and rapid evolution as manifested in global customer demand trends. This second part reviews reasons behind why enterprise clients and government organizations generate this demand, as well as why software providers should continue efforts to meet the demand. Together, these articles should offer an overview of FOSS concepts for both enterprise software clients and vendors that would like to be let in on the buzz resonating from FOSS-related change in the software industry. (6 pages)

Hunting for the Perfect Linux Media Center

  • eWEEK Linux; By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (Posted by tadelste on Dec 31, 2005 2:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Analysis:A Linux-based drop-in replacement for WMC 2003. Is that so much to ask? (Linux-Watch)

Windows 0-Day Exploit Helped by Open Source?

[Ed: This wound up as a submitted item and one that would usually wind up in the trash bin. Instead, we'll let you decide.- tadelste]

Even before many security firms and even Microsoft issued advisories for the recent zero day Windows Metafile exploit, the open source Metasploit tool was allowing users to make hay with the vulnerability. So is Metasploit helping to spread the zero day outbreak, or is it helping security professionals to protect against it? The answer depends.

Mysql offers several key advantages:

According to the website:
TechSpot offers uninfluenced PC Hardware and Technology information: unmatched product reviews, tech-industry news, buying guides, drivers updates and hundreds of system optimization tips available in our 'guides & tweaks' section. TechSpot was launched in May 1998 and is published daily by hardcore tech enthusiasts and professionals.
Every few days, we see a submission from them about some open source release. So, we'll continue to post these unless we start seeing some complaints.

Open Source Relational Database, PostgreSQL Version 8.1.1 Launches

  • (Posted by tadelste on Dec 30, 2005 6:02 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Nova Scotia, Canada - (The Hosting News) - December 30, 2005 - As many web devlopers already know, PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database system. According to the website,, ''PostgreSQL has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS X, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows. It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL92 and SQL99 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, ODBC, among others, and exceptional documentation.

Unisys predicts growth in open source in 2006

( Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)Open source software solutions and support will be among the five areas where US IT company Unisys (NYSE: UIS) sees greatest growth in 2006, Unisys' Southern Cone technology director Sergio Morales was quoted as saying in a statement.

Linux Advisory Watch - December 30, 2005

This week, advisories were released for phpbb2, ketm, tkdiff, dhis-tools-dns, Mantis, NDB, rssh, OpenMotif, scponly, msec, fetchmail, cpio, php-mbstring, and libgphoto. The distributors include Debian, Gentoo, and Mandriva.

Hunting for the perfect Linux Media Center

  • (Posted by tadelste on Dec 30, 2005 12:34 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I want a drop-in replacement for WMC (Windows Media Center) 2003. I want something that will not only let me watch DVD or video files on my computer, I want a program that will also serve as a digital video recorder (DVR), ala TiVo, and enable me to watch videos, no matter what their native format, from my network's hard drives

Gnu Telephony Stack Opens Up VoIP

  •; By Sean Michael Kerner (Posted by tadelste on Dec 30, 2005 11:31 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: GNU
The GNU (define) Telephony stack is out and aiming to provide users of proprietary VoIP (define) stacks with a free software alternative. The GNU Telephony stack is backed by support from Tycho Softworks, whose owner is also the maintainer of GNU Bayonne, one of the key components of the stack.

Linus tells Merkey, "Cry me a river"

Remember Jeff Merkey, the developer that tried to hijack GPL'd code from the Linux kernel under cover of Cherokee law? He's still active on the LKML (Linux Kernel Mailing List) and still a controversial figure. During the past two weeks, he's squared off there to lecture Stallman on the evils of the GPL and Torvalds on breakage in user space. He probably should have stopped with Stallman, because he found anything but a sympathetic ear for his troubles with Torvalds.

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