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eWEEK Names VMware Workstation a Top Product of 2005

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Jan 9, 2006 11:10 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
Fifth Generation of Powerful Desktop Virtualization Software Honored for Pushing the Technology Envelope

China Says Yes to Linux, No to Open-Source Middleware

Though Linux is rising in popularity in China, the majority of enterprises still prefer commercial software over open-source middleware.

xlibs-dev Mass Bug Filing

  • Mailing list; By David Nusinow (Posted by tadelste on Jan 9, 2006 9:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Hello everyone,

As many of you may have noticed, Xorg 6.9 has been uploaded to unstable. With this upload, the xlibs-dev metapackage is no longer built.

Open-source GPL licence draft out this week

The first draft of the open-source GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3 will be unveiled this week, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US.

Lies, damned lies and US-CERT statistics

The US-CERT's list of vulnerabilities make it very clear that nothing is quite as misleading as IT statistics, especially when it comes to comparing Windows and open source software.Here Jason Norwood-Young does some quick analysis and comes to a completely differerent conclusion.

Open Source for the Enterprise

Book review Whether it’s IDEs like Eclipse, build tools like Ant or testing tools like the xUnit family or even entire languages like Perl, Python or PHP, there are plenty of developers who have added open source software to their toolkit. Moving open source to IT infrastructure or onto the desks of end-users is a different kettle of fish entirely. All of a sudden there are support, maintenance and licensing issues that have to be addressed, often by decision-makers who lack the geek-factor that developers have in abundance.

Time to Cull Proprietary Software from Open Source Branding

For all the good the Open Source concept has done, perhaps we need to start thinking about more restrictive terms. I just rejected an article from IT Week that demonstrated the depths to which people will go to get on the train. The writer seemed to praise Microsoft's UNIX Services as a step toward killing Linux by bridging the gap.

That's why I believe it's time for a culling as GNU/Linux and the Open Source Craze draws proprietary companies to take on the brand.

Google Offers Free Software Pack

Friday, January 06, 2006: Google has unveiled the Google Pack beta which is a free collection of safe and useful software. The Google Pack includes software from Google and other companies that help in improving the user experience online and on the desktop. The software will enable users to easily discover, install and maintain software to surf the web faster and safer, communicate better, and effectively manage information in just a few clicks.

Terra Soft Launches Yellow Dog Linux v4.1

Saturday, January 07, 2006: Considered as the most complete and integrated release to date, Yellow Dog Linux v4.1 supports Apple's latest PowerBooks and G5 PowerMacs with dual-core CPUs. The new release offers support for backlit keys, PCMCIA cell phone and modem and Atheros wireless cards.

Yahoo and Google eye bigger role in everyday computing

Yahoo Inc. says it will release software to give people access to its e-mail, map guides and other services from TVs and mobile phones.

The world's most-visited Web property and its chief rival, Google Inc., may not make computers or DVDs, but they want to be an integral part of how people use their devices in the rapidly emerging age of digital, portable media.

Time to Bar Windows From the Enterprise

  LXer Feature: 5-Jan-06

LXer editor, Don Parris, responds to Scott Bekker's article, Seven Reasons Not To Bar Windows From the Enterprise". Bekker's article considers a general mistrust of Microsoft, along with more "practical" (read technical) reasons why Microsoft has not earned a spot in the enterprise workplace. If you're an enterprise customer, there is one solid reason to bar Windows, Office, and Microsoft in general from your business.

Digg Story

Comment of the Day - January 5, 2006 - Fundamental Mistake in Article About Ubuntu

SNF comments on Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols article: "First, the good news: although they go by different names, there's really no fundamental difference between the Ubuntu brothers. "

[ed: While Steven is one of our readers most popular newswire authors, he writes alot. In this case, I agree with SFN's comment. -tadelste]

Related to:
Reviewer finds Ubuntu good, but not good enough

Comment of the Day - January 3, 2006 -

Fritz writes: Here's my conspiracy theory of the day.

Microsoft writes insecure buggy code on purpose.

Related to:
Don't wait for Microsoft to fix WMF flaw

Basic Autotools

Setting up software for distribution can be a daunting task. Most of the the time, a well written makefile does the trick. Sometimes a little more is needed - or even expected. The GNU autotools for setting up a software distribution can help iron out some of the problems a programmer might run into.

Password-less Encrypted Connections with OpenSSH

Believe it or not a lot of users out there do not know how to set up password-less encrypted connections with OpenSSH.

Comment of the Day - January 4, 2006 - Why SCOX got another $10M

  • -Article; By number6x (Posted by tadelste on Jan 7, 2006 8:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: LXer Features
number6x writes: Am I certain they are criminals? I believe so, and stated that it is my opinion. I believe that Ralph Yarro and others involved in the Canopy companies engaged in activities that will not stand up to investigation by authorities. But I guess that they are not technically criminals, until they are convicted. By law they are innocent until proven guilty.

Related to:
SCO out to kill SuSE

Slush Funds, Litigation for Linux Advocates

Opinion: Microsoft cannot afford to lose in their Office Productivity Suite and their influence in Government. Microsoft executives have always referred to Office as their cash cow. They cannot let the OpenDocument Format kill the goose laying the golden eggs.

Secondly, if any governments switch away from Microsoft products, Redmond would lose the lynch pin of its upgrade revenue. So, they just cannot allow someone else to become entrenched where they hold all the keys. They're playing an interesting game in these two areas which few understand.

iAudio Follow-Up: Using GNU/Linux to Make Video For iAudio

  LXer Review: 28-Dec-05

Need to know how to make your video clips work on your iAudio? Check out iAudiophile!

Is The Boston Globe In Agony Over Peter Quinn?

  LXer Feature: 2-Jan-06

LXer editor, Don Parris, responds to an article by Kathleen Parker regarding her editorial, "The Brutal Blogosphere".

Digg Story

Once again, I delay a switch to Windows

Like all computer users other than a few free software zealots and Mac addicts, I secretly prefer Windows to all other desktop operating systems. I run Linux only out of cheapness and a old-hippie desire to "stick it to The Man." But lately Microsoft has started to embrace open source so lovingly that in a gesture of support for their new open-mindedness I was ready to dump Linux on my two daily-use computers and install Windows instead. Then another Windows security hole popped up. Darn! Once again, it looks like I'm stuck with free, reliable, secure Linux, at least for the next year or two.

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