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« Previous ( 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 50 ) Next »How To Find When A Command Is Executed In Linux
Whether you’re a system administrator or a programmer, understanding how long a command takes to execute can be useful for optimizing performance. This brief tutorial explains how to find when a command is executed in Linux.
How To Check If You’re Running Wayland Or X11 Display Server In Linux
Is your Linux system using Wayland, the new display server, or the older X11? Learn how to check if you're using Wayland or X11 in Linux.
How To Install COSMIC Desktop Environment On Fedora
In this tutorial, we will give you an overview about COSMIC DE and its features, and then we will walk you through the steps to install COSMIC Desktop Environment in the latest Fedora 39 Linux system.
How To Create Desktop Menu Entries For AppImages With desktop-file-install Command In Linux
The desktop-file-install utility allows you to create desktop entries (shortcuts, menu items, launchers) for AppImages and other application bundles in Linux.
How To Find Which Package Provides A Command In Linux
Learn how to find which package provides a specific command in various Linux distributions with examples.
MarkText: A Simple And Elegant Markdown Editor For Distraction-Free Writing
MarkText is a sleek, open-source Markdown editor for distraction-free writing and note-taking, with real-time preview, themes, and extensive export options.
How To Count Files And Directories In Linux: A Beginner’s Guide
Knowing how to efficiently count files and directories in Linux is a valuable skill for system administrators and anyone who works with large amounts of data. In this guide, I'll share how I use simple command line tools, such as find, wc, and ls, to quickly find the exact number of files and directories in Linux and Unix operating systems.
How to Search for Files and Directories within Specified Range in Linux
In this tutorial, let's explore how to use the maxdepth and mindepth options with the find command to search for files and directories within specified range i.e. depth levels in Linux with examples.
How To Find Parent Process ID In Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to find the Parent Process ID (PPID) of a given process in Linux using ps and pstree commands for better process management, troubleshooting, and security.
How To Empty Files Without Deleting Them In Linux
Discover five different ways to empty a file from command line without deleting the file itself in Linux and Unix-like operating systems.
Why Aliasing rm Command is a Bad Practice in Linux
In this brief tutorial, we will learn why aliasing 'rm' command to 'rm -i' is a bad practice with a practical example. We are also going to learn about the best practices and safer alternatives to alias the rm command in Linux.
How To Prevent Crontab Entries From Accidental Deletion In Linux
In this post, we'll walk through how to recover your lost crontab entries, how to back up crontab entries regularly, and strategies to prevent Crontab entries from accidental deletion in the future.
Pika Backup: The Ultimate Desktop Client For BorgBackup Users
Are you concerned about losing valuable photos, documents, or music from your Linux desktop? Pika Backup offers a stress-free solution! In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll delve into what Pika Backup is, its features, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to install and use Pika Backup on Linux for backing up and restoring files.
How To Manage Flatpak Applications Effortlessly With Warehouse In Linux
Discover Warehouse, a user-friendly graphical application to install, open, manage flatpak applications and remotes in Linux and Unix.
This brief guide describes what is TTY and how to switch between TTYs without using function keys in Linux operating systems.
This brief guide describes what is TTY and how to switch between TTYs without using function keys in Linux operating systems.
How To Install Podman Desktop In Linux
In this detailed tutorial, we will explore what Podman Desktop is, its features, and how to install Podman Desktop across various Linux distributions.
How to Manage Multiple SSH Connections in Linux Efficiently (Step-by-Step Guide)
Discover how to efficiently manage multiple SSH connections in Linux, enhancing security and productivity with advanced tips and best practices.
Simple Linux Hacks: Group-Based Bash Prompt Customization
Learn how to change Bash prompt for a specific user group in Linux. Ditch the generic prompt, and set a custom Bash Prompt to distinguish users command line appearance based on group membership.
Sysget: The Ultimate Solution for Unix-like System Package Management
Sysget is a front-end for popular package managers, simplifying your experience on Unix-like systems by allowing you to use a single syntax across different package managers.
Personalize Your BASH Prompt in Linux: Add Colors and Styles the Manual Way
Tired of the same old boring BASH prompt? Let's give it a makeover! In this guide, we are going to learn how to customize the BASH prompt and enhance the bash prompt's look by adding some colors and styles.
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