Showing headlines posted by PV
« Previous ( 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 )Ditching KDE Applications
I like a lot of KDE applications, but they were starting to slow down on my GNOME system. Plus, Gloobus Preview is awesome.
Review: Elementary OS 0.1 "Jupiter"
Elementary OS 0.1 "Jupiter" is fast, slick, and pretty, and it's an amazing distribution, but the developers did promise some things that couldn't be included in the end.
Apple's Stupid Trademark Cases: Now Including Emacs
Apple's lawsuit threats have gone beyond the "app store" name and surrounding controversy; they now target Emacs, that venerable text editor. WHAT!?
Review: Bodhi Linux 1.0.0
Bodhi Linux released its first stable version, 1.0.0. It has a few aesthetic and organizational issues, but its application selection makes it much better than before.
Ubuntu: Even the Computer-Averse Can Use It
One of my relatives who in the past rebuffed my attempts to install Ubuntu on said cousin's laptop is now happily using Ubuntu 10.04 and could even connect and configure a Lexmark printer without help.
Why I Think All Browsers (Mozilla Firefox Included) Will Survive
There's an article on ZDNet saying that Internet Explorer will survive and Firefox won't. Here's why I disagree, why I'm excited about Mozilla Firefox 4, and what I've changed about it.
Review: Chakra 2011.02
Chakra is an interesting Arch-based distribution that uses KDE. It's fairly user-friendly and has most applications regular users would need, though the installer is crash-prone.
Review: openSUSE 11.4 KDE
openSUSE 11.4 is out and comes with KDE 4.6 or GNOME 2.30 (though other DEs are available). I tested it using a live USB on my laptop. Despite the troubles Novell seems to be having right now, openSUSE 11.4 looks to be the best release yet.