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Citadel: A Bastion of Groupware Functionality

  • Enterprise Networking Planet; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Apr 9, 2008 3:47 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Which brings us to my favorite groupware and messaging server, Citadel BBS. Citadel is 100% GPL, and doesn't play games with making either binary or source downloads easily available. If I had to describe Citadel in a word, it would be "simplicity". It is a complex application with a lot of power and flexibility, but it's easy to install and administer. It has an excellent installation script that builds the whole works from source code, and the same script is also an upgrader. Unnecessary complexity may wow the PHB set, but we real people know that simplifying the management of a complex application takes some real engineering skills.

Instant Messaging for Introverts, or Rude is Plain Old Rude

  • O'Reilly Weblogs; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Apr 7, 2008 1:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
The author of this article, Joe Kissell, is a man after my own heart. He doesn’t care for instant messaging, and doesn’t have much use for cell phones either. Mr. Kissell writes:

“The introvert trait of not dealing well with interruptions comes into play in a couple of different ways with IM.”

Nobody, but nobody works efficiently with interruptions and juggling multiple tasks...

The Ugliness of it All

But what will be the outcome of all this? Let me outline the following steps in Microsoft’s strategy in regard of standardization. This can be described as a pincer movement. First, Microsoft will try to kill ODF....Next in line will be XPS. If you don’t know what XPS is, check it out from the source. Yes, you got that right. PDF reloaded. Now with more patents, OOXML dependencies, and legal traps.

Will a Little Openness Solve Your Web Identity Crisis?

There hasn't been much of a stampede to implement Internet identity management in the consumer space. Microsoft's Passport was the first serious attempt. OpenID is the second, and as far as I know those two are it. Passport is like a zombie; it never quite dies, but isn't really alive either. It just shambles along, dropping body parts here and there, and often forgetting its own name.

Maintaining clarity

Not long ago, OLPC undertook a drastic internal restructuring coupled with what, despite official claims to the contrary, is a radical change in its goals and vision from those that were shared with me when I was invited to join the project. Adding insult to injury, I was asked to stop working with Walter Bender...I was to report instead to a manager with no technical or engineering background who was put in charge of all OLPC technology.

Care and Feeding of Baby Linux Users

LXer Feature: 15-Mar-2008

This brand-new Linux user, this refugee from the Redmond wastelands, was stretching her wings and trying to fly. She edited xorg.conf all by herself, though not quite the right way. She exposed a bug in Ken's customer support (don't use writable CDs for recovery disks). Now how many new Linux users can even find xorg.conf, let alone have the boldness to muck with it? Or even experienced users? The Ubuntu forums are cram-full of command-line fear and loathing; the very sight of a text file drives them into seizures. I think Paula's eagerness to explore and try new things should be rewarded.

Manage Linux Storage with LVM and Smartctl

  • Enterprise Networking Planet; By Carla Schroder (Posted by tuxchick on Mar 13, 2008 2:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
LVM creates logical storage volumes, and allows you to increase the size of your volumes painlessly on live filesystems. Smartctl uses your hard disk's built-in Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) to test its health, and to warn you of impending failures. SystemRescueCD and Knoppix CD both include LVM, mdadm, and smartmontools when you need an external repair or management disk.

Lindependence 2008: Kicking the Windows habit for one month

On July 4th, 2008; a significant percentage of Felton, California, will go Microsoft-free for one week…maybe an entire month.

Ubuntu Linux: Subtitles, Video Editing and DVD Authoring

There are many tools available for Ubuntu/Linux to create or translate subtitles in many different formats. I needed to figure out a Subtitle format that supports utf-8. Then I needed to find a software that allows me to embed the subtitles on the Video without any significant quality loss. After trying Subtitle Editor, Gnome Subtitles, Gaupol and Ksubtitle; I finally settled on Subtitle Editor.

Nexuiz 2.4 Offers Impressive Graphics

  • Phoronix; By Michael Larabel (Posted by tuxchick on Mar 2, 2008 2:45 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Since the release of Nexuiz 1.0 in 2005, we have been tracking its progress as one of the leading open-source first person shooters. With time, this fast-pace game has picked up a nice level of artificial intelligence for its in-game bots, engine optimizations, single-player campaign missions, and a variety of technical advancements. Nexuiz has always been one of the leading open-source first person shooter games, and with the release of Nexuiz 2.4 yesterday it reaffirms that you don't need to be a major game studio -- or a game studio at all -- to develop a quality title...

Linux Powered Mini PC

The Everex Mini come with a 1.86GHZ Intel Pentium Dual Core Mobile Processor, 512MB of RAM, a 120GB hard drive, a built in DVDRW and Intel GMA950 graphics.

What is your favorite scripting language?

  • Linux Journal (Posted by tuxchick on Mar 2, 2008 12:10 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Which language reigns supreme? This is the question that seemed to create the most controversy in our Readers' Choice poll this year so we thought we'd have some fun and open it up to the public to discuss. (This is better than a vi vs. emacs war!) Cast your vote.

Add entries to Konqueror's "Create new" menu

This has been a point of frustration for me since I first wanted to add "Create new .doc file" to Konqueror's context menu. To the best of my knowledge, there is no GUI method of adding filetypes to Konqueror's "Create new" menu, and there is little or no online documentation that details how to go about adding filetypes, or even how the system works. Grr. The good news is that it is possible, even easy, to add filetypes to Konqueror's "Create new" menu.

Most spam comes from just six botnets

  • the Register; By John Leyden (Posted by tuxchick on Mar 2, 2008 4:11 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Six botnets are responsible for 85 per cent of all spam, according to an analysis by net security firm Marshal. The Srizbi botnet is reckoned to be the largest single source of spam - accounting for 39 per cent of junk mail messages – followed by the Rustock botnet, responsible for 21 per cent of the spam clogging up users' inboxes.

Kontron SBCs support Linux

Kontron has introduced a trio of single board computers (SBCs) that run Linux. The "PM" boards are based on Intel 852GM chipsets and Celeron/Pentium M processors, and are available in form factors that include PC/104-Plus, EPIC, and JRex.

A Perception of Lack of Support for Open Source Should Not Stop Adoption of Linux

  • Legal Technology Blog; By Steven Richardson (Posted by tuxchick on Mar 2, 2008 12:11 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
I have written several posts about Linux and whether it is ready for the solo and small law office, listing the pros and cons as I have seen them. However, there is one “con” that people have in their minds when they think of Linux that should not be there: that Open Source Software (OSS) does not have the support that commercial products do. This has contributed somewhat to a resistance to adopt Linux in the business world. The shame of it is, it is a false perception.

Ubuntu: How To Change Wallpaper Easily With Wallpapoz

GNOME desktop does not come with a wallpaper changer. While there has been lots of wallpaper changing script developed by enthusiasts, none of them provide an easy to use graphical interface. Most of them will require you to run the code in your terminal. Wallpapoz is different…

Free x86 router distro gains faster routing, Linux-like shell

Vyatta is alpha-testing a major new release of its X86-Linux router distribution for enterprise and Tier-2 network operators. Vyatta Community 4 (VC4) boasts new open source routing protocol implementations, a more Linux-like command-line user interface, and support from a new open source community website.

The impact of licensing choice

  • 451 CAOS Theory; By Matthew Aslett (Posted by tuxchick on Mar 1, 2008 5:59 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: GNU, Linux
“When it comes to takeovers and valuations, I think the role of GPL as a strategic weapon is often under appreciated. If you’re top vendor dog in a GPL project, other players have a very hard time unseating you....With BSD projects on the other hand, solution providers tend to go to market with proprietary solutions. You can’t force your competitors to share their plums."

All GIMP hotkeys at a glance

As you might know - we already had a small page about the most important hotkeys in GIMP. But now we've collected all available default key bindings of GIMP in a single list.

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