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Mot should open up its Linux phones, article suggests

  • (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 10:00 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Motorola's use of Linux in mobile phones complies with the letter but not the spirit of the GPL, suggests a Newsforge editorial by Nathan Willis. Willis believes Motorola should help the open source community add value to its Linux-based phones.

CLI Magic: ifup, ifdown, ifstatus

User Level: Beginner I've always assumed that ifup and ifdown were conditional commands that performed their assigned duties only if the interface device in question was up or down, as the command might be. I was dead wrong. I blame my mistake on being a programmer, rather than being stupid, but it's simply too close to call.

The Rise of Real-time Linux

  • SDA Asia Magazine (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 7:09 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
New real-time Linux enhancements open a whole new world of possibilities for Linux, ranging across the latest 3G technologies and as near as the mobile handset in your pocket. The purpose of modifying the Linux kernel with real-time functionality: to dramatically reduce interrupt and task preemption latency, thus enabling the 2.6 kernel for use in high-performance multimedia applications and those requiring extremely fast, task level reliable control functions. Real-time Linux has come a long way — where is it now and where is it heading?

Four-year 'limited patent' proposed

  • Reg Developer; By OUT-LAW.COM (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 5:53 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
A patent lasting 20 years makes sense for some inventions, but for those in the fields of software and technology, a four-year term is often more appropriate. This is part of a new 'limited patent' proposal set out by a computing professor this month.

An article by Lee Hollaar, a Professor with the School of Computing at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, appeared in this month’s IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Spectrum magazine and complements an 11-page paper he wrote on patent reform last October

Virtualization companies vie for advantage

Three virtualization software companies take diffrents tacks to leap ahead of the competition. Which approach will work?

Fixing Patents, Open-Source Style

  • BusinessWeek; By Bryan Sims (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 3:44 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
During the American Revolution, Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death." In midst of its own revolution, the open-source software community might say something along the lines of, "Give me innovation or give me death."

The software developers and users who make up the open-source software community have waged a war of words against software patents. Their main argument is that software shouldn't be patented because it stifles innovation.

Novell to ship Suse Linux server OS with virtualization ...

Novell Inc. will begin shipping the server version of its SUSE Linux operating system with the option to install virtualization technology from Virtual Iron Software Inc., the two companies announced today.

Updating Ubuntu 5.10 for Current Versions of OpenOffice and FireFox

My days of trying and writing reviews for every Linux distribution have slowed. I'm currently using Ubuntu 5.10 and I'm fairly happy with it. Spending most of my days as editor-in-chief of a popular news site, writing a system administrative book under contract and keeping up with a free lance writing career doesn't give me much time to play these days.

I kept waiting for the upgrades to two packages I use the most as a writer and they haven't made it into the repositories. So, I went looking. I discovered that neither Ubuntu or Debian have what I needed. So, I did what Linux guys do, I found people who did it themselves.


InformationWeek Questions Credibility Of Analysts like Gartner!

  • InformationWeek; By Larry Greenemeier Paul McDougall (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 11:13 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
[Editor: This is a great article and one that should smoke. Except for the gentler tone, Greenmeier and McDougall muckracked the analysts at Gartner, Forrester, IDC and the Yankee Group. Finally, you say.

I particularly liked this quote:
Money changes hands, and the vendor that commissions a report often reviews it before general distribution. Microsoft's "Get The Facts" marketing campaign has made liberal use of sponsored research to tout the benefits of Windows over Linux. Such reports aren't always clearly marked as having a vendor's backing. A 47-page white paper by Security Innovation, published in November, mentions that it was funded by Microsoft at the bottom of page 6.
- Tom Adelstein]

You go guys!

E-government issues to be analysed at Bahrain Conference

  • Trade Arabia - Middle East Business News – IT & Telecommunications (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 10:28 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
More than 30 international and regional speakers will be addressing a wide array of e-government issues at the inaugural Government Technology Middle East Conference & Exhibition (Govtec), being held in Bahrain from February 13 to 15.

Convened under the official patronage of Industry and Commerce Minister Dr Hassan Abdulla Fakhro, and supported by the Central Informatics Organisation, Govtec features international case studies from Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Ireland, Scotland, Dubai, Egypt and Bahrain and will debate key issues facing public sector administrators such as open source architecture, IT governance, citizen-centric government, public private partnership and m-government.

2006 to be 'best year since the boom' for contractors

  • ZDNet UK; By Dan Ilett (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 9:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Survey: Not since the heady days of the dot-com boom will IT freelancers have had it so good

IT contractors could earn more money this year than since the peak of the dot-com boom, research suggests.

A survey carried out by contract service provider Giant group indicates that contractor unemployment is at a record low as work in the telecoms sector is picking up.

Vaporware: Better Late Than Never

  • Wired News; By Leander Kahney (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 8:58 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Ladies and gents, welcome to the 2005 Vaporware Awards -- the prize that celebrates the tech products that were promised last year but never delivered.

4. Microsoft's Vista and Internet Explorer 7
The ever-delayed debut of Microsoft's next version of Windows, Vista, is a long-running vaporware joke. It's been put off so many times, it's been called "Hasta la Vista."

OOo Off the Wall: The Elephant in the Living Room -- OOo and MS Office

A look at how the OOo project balances being similar to MS Office with maintaining its unique, better features.

Microsoft has a problem says maddog

  • IT Wire Australia; By Stan Beer (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 7:52 AM EDT)
According to maddog, Linux is becoming a more attractive alternative for the desktop and the key driver is the need for Microsoft to keep pumping its new products into the market.

“People will be going through a big change with the (Microsoft) Vista project. There’s a lot of people who are still on Windows 95 and 98 and moving from that to Vista is going to be a big move. It will require new hardware but some of their hardware is still viable in the Linux space so instead of going to Vista they’ll go to Linux.

Taking On the Database Giants

Can open-source upstarts compete with Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft? It's an uphill battle, but customers are starting to look at the alternatives

Open-source mobile server adds push email to challenge BlackBerry et al

  • PC Pro; By Matt Whipp (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 7:27 AM EDT)
The makers of an open-source implementation of push email are hoping to leap-frog the patent-embroiled likes of RIM, Good Technology and Microsoft with this latest version of its product.

Fedora Weekly News Issue 32

Welcome to our issue number 32 of Fedora Weekly News.

Linux's Life Beyond Servers

  • InformationWeek; By Johanna Ambrosio (Posted by tadelste on Feb 6, 2006 6:30 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups:
An InformationWeek survey of 354 business-technology professionals finds that many already are expanding their use of open-source software into new application areas and even to the desktop. The low cost of Linux continues to be the big adoption driver; the operating system's performance and reliability are increasingly seen as pluses. But issues such as compatibility with the Microsoft world, potential security weaknesses, and the lack of Linux skills among IT workers stand in the way.

Nearly 60% of those surveyed are using Linux and other open-source software on servers, up from 49% just a year ago. More surprising, 35% also use open-source software on desktop PCs, with another 18% pilot-testing such desktop software and another 10% planning to try it this year.

Fon time

Fon has been around for awhile. Which is to say, three months. The Spain-based brainchild ofMartin Varsavsky, it's a global community of people who share WiFi connections. Also a business. And it's about to get a lot bigger, because Google, Skype and Sequoia Capital have justinvested $21.7 million in it. And if you're a"Linus", a"Bill", or even an"Alien", you get to benefit too. Or that's the idea, anyway.

Comment of the Day - February 6, 2006 - I use Xandros 3.0.2

When we asked the question: What Linux Distribution do you use as a desktop? We received an overwhelming response. In a short time, a question posed to LXer readers generated unparalleled activity on our site and on other sites around the globe. We now have several hundred replies we can use to create a statistical model to project Linux desktop use.

We also will feature comments from the forum posts such as Rajiv's. He makes a compelling case for his favorite distribution. You can find all the posts in our Linux Meta Forum. Thank you.

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