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SplashTop Running On Prototype ASUS Notebook

DeviceVM's SplashTop, a product we had named as one of the greatest Linux innovations in 2007, is sharing a booth this week at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) with ASUS. At their booth we were allowed to check out a SplashTop demo running on an ASUS notebook! This notebook has yet to be introduced by ASUS, but it's intended for high-end gaming and comes with SplashTop Linux as a complementary operating system. This version of SplashTop is slightly updated and has new features too. Immediately after the system POSTed, we noticed an updated splash screen. The options now include Web, DVD, Music, Photo, Chat, Skype, and Video.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a hard-core, multiplayer, first-person shooter that will run natively on the Linux operating system. Built off a modified Doom III Engine, Quake Wars was released late 2007, and it is the favorite game of the LinuxHow2 crowd. In the following review, we will show some screenshots, share our thoughts, and give you a few tips on installing this game on your favorite Linux distro.

Flipping the Linux switch: Text editors for new users

If you've looked at Linux text editors at all, you've found there is a battle raging that's just as passionate as the GNOME or KDE battle. The two text editors in question, Vi and Emacs, are powerful, extensible, and highly configurable. They've also got a steep learning curve for the new Linux user who just wants to tweak a setting in a config file, or create a simple document. Have no fear. There are plenty of text editors out there that are powerful enough for the average user, and user-friendly to boot.

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 73

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 73 for the week January 6th - January 12th, 2008. In this issue: Hardy Alpha 3 released, Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop Course, KDE 4.0, a new member and MOTUs, MOTU Council election, an upcoming Hug Day, Forums tutorial of the week, and much, much more!!

Fedora's way forward

I am very pleased to announce that Paul Frields has accepted a job with Red Hat, and he will be taking over as Fedora Project Leader in February. Many of you already know Paul. He has been part of the Fedora community since 2003, not long after the Red Hat Linux Project officially merged with the original Paul has worked with Fedora's documentation, packaging, marketing, news, and artwork teams. He also served as one of the inaugural members of the Fedora Project Board.

The Linux Desktop Paradox

Nearly every year for the last decade I've heard some pundit or vendor proclaim from the rooftops: This is the year of the Linux desktop. Yet, year in and year out, the proclamations don't materialize. With the innovations in the release of KDE 4 (K Desktop Environment) this week, the pundits are at it again. This time, one could argue that KDE 4 is among the most advanced desktops -- for any operating system, let alone Linux. At the same time, GNOME, a rival open source desktop system, has also made tremendous strides in recent years, and has become the base of the two principal enterprise Linux desktop distributions. Therein lies the great Linux Desktop paradox.

Consumer Darwinism and the Rise of FOSS

One of the recurring themes that keeps popping up in the Linux community is this pressing need to get Linux on the desktop. I have often pondered in the past that such a goal is indeed worthy--once we actually figure out just exactly what "desktop" means. Watching the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) coverage this week, it was once again hammered home that in a very real sense, it doesn't matter what "desktop" means. The true opportunity for Linux and the rest of the free/open source software (FOSS) developers and business people is to anticipate what the customers want and get in front of their needs in time to deliver the goods.

How to turn into Free Software supporters people who couldn't care less

A few days ago I received a request for help from a Free Software user concerned about his failure to convert anybody to Free Software, no matter how valid his arguments were. My suggestions may seem unconventional and may even sound like heresy for some Free Software advocates, but I am convinced they can be very effective. My concern that traditional Free Software advocacy "has reached a communication plateau or, if you will, some built-in limit". Here are my suggestions on how to deal with this problem.

Here come the open source IPOs

  • The 451 Group; By Matthew Aslett (Posted by Sander_Marechal on Jan 12, 2008 10:45 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups:
Fortune magazine has published a list of its hot IPO tips for 2008. Three out of the five - MySQL, Ingres and SugarCRM - are open source companies, while another - Parallels - is an open source project sponsor (for the record, the other Fortune tip is ExactTarget). Here’s a look at Fortune’s assessment of the four open source-related vendors, together with a quick 451 CAOS Theory view, and a terrible pun.

Dispelling Myths Around ODF

Recent articles, reports and documents show that there are still a lot of misperceptions regarding ODF in the market. Apparently, many people are still not well informed about ODF even though they choose to write about ODF. Therefore, I thought it can't hurt trying to dispel a couple of myths around ODF.

CES 2008: DeviceVM's Splashtop

We caught up with DeviceVM at CES to see what's new with their Splashtop embedded Linux environment, which we first saw on the ASUS P5E3 Deluxe motherboard. As we found out, development has been steady with many new features implemented and ready for deployment with notebooks.

MIB Live Games

MIB Live Games is a treasure trove for Linux gamers; at last count over 100 games, 48 in arcade alone. As it is based on Mandriva 2008, the setup (and possible installation) are a breeze; to say that everything is included out of the box on this remaster of Mandriva 2008 ‘One’ would be an understatement indeed. It can be installed or used as a liveDVD (3.4GB); as there was already a Mandriva on my test box I just ran it in liveDVD mode, and even using an underpowered Intel video card all the 3D compiz-fusion eye candy and games worked flawlessly.

State of Affairs: The Linux Girlfriend Project - Two Months In The Trenches

About 2 months ago, I convinced my girlfriend to try out Linux for a month after a really nasty bit of spyware infected her computer. This isn’t a bash on Microsoft, but it happened twice in about a month. Push came to shove, and my girlfriend let me install the operating system of my choosing, since I would be the one supporting it.

Palamida Exec Chides Verizon For Not Responding On GPL Suit

The Software Freedom Law Center filed suit against Verizon Communications in a bid to uphold the terms of the General Public License. A month later, Mark Tolliver, CEO of Palamida, said Verizon's ongoing silence is the wrong response. "I'm a little surprised by it, to tell you the truth," Tolliver said in a recent interview. "Usually these issues can be resolved before pretty promptly," he added. But Verizon had no response to the center when it sent a letter notifying Verizon of a violation, and it's had no response since the center filed a suit Dec. 7 in federal District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Goodbye Vista, KDE 4.0 Has Arrived!

There are only few people who know that if you look out of your 'Windows', the world is much more vivid and beautiful. Apple is known for its good looks, but it’s excessively expensive, while Vista is a big disappointment. Now, there is GNU/Linux which, in fact, is free and offers much more options and freedom than Windows or Mac. One of the most popular desktop environments on GNU/Linux platform has come out in a new flavour - KDE 4.0.

Multiprocessing with the Completely Fair Scheduler

The Linux® 2.6.23 kernel comes with a modular scheduler core and a Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS), which is implemented as a scheduling module. In this article, get acquainted with the major features of the CFS, see how it works, and look ahead to some of the expected changes for the 2.6.24 release.

Here's my offer...

Here is my offer to resolve the most recent Gentoo leadership crisis, and is an offer I am making to the current Gentoo trustees, who are the ones who need to decide whether to accept or refuse it. I have received permission from my employer to return and serve as President of the Gentoo Foundation, renew its charter, and then work in some capacity to help to get Gentoo going in the right direction from a legal, community and technical perspective.

Did Gentoo just die?

While no official body has yet to confirm or spread news about it, Daniel Robbins, creator of Gentoo Linux, confirmed that the Gentoo Foundation’s charter has been revoked for the next several weeks. In layman’s terms, as of this moment the Gentoo Foundation no longer exists. Apparently this happened because the people who are supposed to be in charge of keeping this alive have mostly resigned or are MIA.

Asus EeePC spotted running SplashTop instant-on OS

You probably remember the SplashTop instant-on, Linux-based OS from past posts or perhaps developer DeviceVM's demo at last October's reader meetup in San Francisco. It's well known that this embedded feature will ship standard on select ASUS motherboards, but as we were cruising around the PC manufacturer's booth today, we happened to catch a rather unexpected application for SplashTop: running on the EeePC. What is Novell doing here?

A GNU/Linux system does not normally load modules that are not released under an approved licence. So why should Australia’s national Linux conference take on board a sponsor who engages in practices that are at odds with the community? What am I talking about? A company which should not be in the picture has poked its nose in as a sponsor. Novell, which indicated the level of its commitment to FOSS by signing a deal with Microsoft in November 2006, will be one of the supporting sponsors for the conference.

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