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Web 2.0's Not GNU

The success of the free software movement is not due to or dependent upon the trustworthiness or virtue of the particpants, from individual long-haired hackers to IBM and Novell; the success comes from having clear, morally-grounded, legally-binding rules.

University moves toward open source despite some resistance

Systems administrators fighting tooth and nail for open source in their own all-Windows shops would be wise to look to John Scott for a little inspiration.

Mozilla's Thunderbird flies forth

Mozilla released an additional "security and stability" update to its Thunderbird email client, v1.5.0.4, on June 1.

Making SUSE Linux 10.1 the perfect desktop OS

  •; By Jem Matzan (Posted by grouch on Jun 1, 2006 8:16 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux, SUSE
When you're done downloading and installing SUSE Linux 10.1 OSS, your desktop system is not complete. You might still need support for Java programs, MP3 audio files, and browser plug-ins for Macromedia Flash, Adobe Acrobat, RealPlayer, and Windows Media Video. You may also want to add support for playing DVD videos on your computer, and to try out the new XGL graphical toys. Here's how to effectively make SUSE Linux 10.1 into the perfect desktop OS.

Day 2 keynotes at the Red Hat Summit

Nashville, Tenn. -- Eben Moglen's key address this morning on the second day of the second Red Hat Summit was a thing of beauty: the right man, with the right message, for the right audience. Not that there was anything wrong with the previous talks this morning -- if you like company marketing with a twist of geek.

Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Here for the Long Term

  • KDE Dot News; By Jonathan Riddell (Posted by grouch on Jun 1, 2006 5:17 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups: KDE
KDE based distribution Kubuntu 6.06 LTS has been released.

Review: CCux Linux

CCux Linux is a performance-oriented distribution whose main idea is to remove everything that is not i686-related, such as old compatibility packages, and to have everything from the kernel up compiled in the i686 flavor. Last month's release of CCux version 0.9.8 is also an up-to-date distro, having kernel 2.6.16, KDE 3.5.2, and Firefox I found it to be a damn good distro.

Steeleye Technology Completes Merger with Japanese Open Source ...

Ten Art-ni is recognized throughout Japan as a leader in support and deployment of Linux and web application business solutions and is a five year business partner of SteelEye.

Open Source ERP Gains Momentum

  • Managing Automation Magazine; By Jeff Moad (Posted by grouch on Jun 1, 2006 1:28 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community
Accelerating the pace of innovation, open source ERP software provider OpenMFG LLC today released the fourth new upgrade of its manufacturing-centric product and announced plans to double the frequency of its releases.

Bluefish, for all your web dev needs

  •; By Jason Norwood-Young (Posted by grouch on Jun 1, 2006 10:37 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Community
Looking for a competent, stable web developer IDE with tons of features for beginners through to code gurus? Introducing Bluefish, for all your coding needs.

Linux Timeline

100 of the most significant events in Linux history.
We would like to recognize our indebtedness to Rebecca Sobol and Jonathan Corbet at Linux Weekly News, for allowing us to borrow heavily from the timeline featured on their site and for their accurate and gracious historical editing.

This week at LWN: The kernel lock validator

Special To LXer - 1 June 06

Locking is a necessary evil in operating systems; without a solid locking regime, different parts of the system will collide when trying to access the same resources, leading to data corruption and general chaos. But locking has hazards of its own; carelessly implemented locking can cause system deadlocks.

[LXer presents this access to LWN's normally subscriber-only content in full cooperation with Jonathan Corbet, Executive editor, LXer hopes you enjoy this free peek at LWN's excellent community magazine and thanks Mr. Corbet for his cooperation.]

Leading French Retailers Select MySQL for their Supply Chain ...

Franprix and Leader Price have chosen MySQL to manage the data in their enterprise-wide supply chain and product distribution platforms

Emacs tips: Windows and buffers

If you are an Emacs user who read Joe Brockmeier's Vim tips column on Vim viewports and thought, "Viewports sound useful; can I use them in a real text editor?" The answer is yes.

Linux clustering so simple, a Ph.D. in chemical engineering could do it

  • Network World; By Phil Hochmuth (Posted by grouch on May 31, 2006 3:56 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
How many MIT scientists does it take to build a Linux cluster? Just one, at least in the school's Department of Chemical Engineering.

Report from FreedomHEC

SEATTLE -- Every year, Microsoft holds a Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC). This year, WinHEC was immediately followed by a small, informal two-day "unconference" dubbed FreedomHEC. Though not as large as WinHEC, FreedomHEC was a great chance for developers to get up close and personal with Linux kernel developers.

Online auction of autographed book begins tomorrow

Here's your chance to own a copy of John Lion's book, "Lions' Commentary on Unix", autographed by Thompson, Ritchie, McKusick, Allman, Salus and Torvalds.

Bringing Open Source to Filmmaking, an Elephant's Dream

Elephant's Dream, an 11 minute animation which premiered on the Internet earlier this month, describes itself as an 'open movie'.

FUEL DB turns 1.0

ITTIA, developers of a new lightweight database for embedded systems and mobile devices, announced today the official launch of version one of its FUEL DB cross-platform product.

Nextaction dumps Microsoft for Oracle and open source

"When I came in, my assessment was that we had run out of gas in a variety of fashions," Helle said. "We were having system failures, machines would crash, SQL Server would crash, the application would crash, and it was a production-critical application so it had a lot of impact on our revenues if the crash was significant."

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