Showing headlines posted by dcparris

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Where Do You Want to Go Today? Well…to Linux!

Clearly, the Windows platform is losing its appeal. After IBM, the Scandinavian governments and the Spanish Police, the French Parliament is embracing the Penguin.

Study: Developers Favor Linux

In its most recent survey of some 400 software developers with Linux experience, the Evans Data research firm discovered a major change.

Sun's Open Source Java Move: Simply Beautiful

  • TechNewsWorld; By Frank Hayes (Posted by dcparris on Nov 28, 2006 3:14 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Sun
Anyone knowing its history would have expected Sun to open-source Java on Sun's own terms -- say, with a CDDL license, some kind of specialized terms for use, maybe a few intellectual property strings still attached. Amazingly, Sun didn't do any of that. The Java open source license is identical to the Linux license. No specialized terms. No strings. Sun actually did keep it simple.

Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 for PlayStation

Software vendor Terrasoft has released version 5.0 of Yellow Dog Linux (YDL). As announced in October, Sony has officially approved the distribution for Power PC architecture for the operation of the new PlayStation 3.

Linux association believes Ballmer's comments about Linux are just ...

The Linux Association believes that the latest comments about the patent agreement between Microsoft and Novell are part of a marketing campaign for Vista. Microsoft head Steve Ballmer recently claimed that the open operating system uses "Microsoft's patented intellectual property," thus posing a "problem for our shareholders." But Elmar Geese, executive director of the Linux Association, cannot understand why Microsoft has only now complained about the alleged breaches of patent in the Linux source code after having apparently tolerated them for so long. At the end of January, the new version of Windows will hit the stores.

[Well, it doesn't take a genius to see that Microsoft is in the process of launching Vista. This is exactly what I have said here in our own forums. - dcparris]

Report: GL Studio Puts Simulators On The Desktop

  • LinuxPlanet; By Rob Reilly (Posted by dcparris on Nov 28, 2006 3:10 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
In the latest multi-million dollar training simulators, pilots get to shoot the bad guys out of the virtual sky, while infantry men practice driving their vehicles over virtual desert terrain. Today's sophisticated virtual trainers immerse the soldier in ever more realistic combat situations.

Gnu Tar "GNUTYPE_NAMES" Record Handling Directory Traversal ...

A vulnerability has been identified in GNU Tar, which could be exploited by malicious people to conduct directory traversal attacks. This flaw is due to errors in the "extract_archive()" and "extract_mangle()" functions when processing a "GNUTYPE_NAMES" record with a symbolic link, which could be exploited by attackers to overwrite arbitrary files by tricking a user into extracting a specially crafted archive.

Ibm Offers Linux Implementation Services Across All Systems

  • IT Jungle; By Timothy Prickett Morgan (Posted by dcparris on Nov 28, 2006 1:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: IBM, Linux
If you want to put Linux on an IBM server--no matter what Big Blue brand you are talking about--and you don't want to be hassled by setting it up on the box, then IBM has a bunch of services for you.

French parliament dumping Windows for Linux

  • CNET; By Christophe Guillemin (Posted by dcparris on Nov 28, 2006 12:59 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Study by tech services company convinced Assemblee Nationale that switch will be cost-effective.

RMS: No plain sailing for Novell

The Novell-Microsoft deal is set to come up against hurdles next year with the head of the Free Software Foundation, Richard M. Stallman, confirming that the organisation would use the terms of the next version of the General Public Licence to prevent Novell from using FSF-copyrighted software.

Microsoft, Novell, and now Ubuntu join to boost Apple and Debian

You've read more than enough already about how Novell and Microsoft signed an agreement that's supposed to help Novell sell Linux to Microsoft customers and help Microsoft customers integrate Linux -- as long as it's Novell Linux -- into their IT environments without fear of patent lawsuits. Part of the yammer was an open letter from Novell's CEO claiming that deal didn't really mean what you thought it did, followed by a statement from Microsoft that said Novell's CEO didn't really mean to say what he said or was wrong about some of it. Or something. Then Mark Shuttleworth jumped into the mess by offering a new, Microsoft-free home for openSUSE developers who didn't want to truck with Novell any longer because of its Microsoft deal.

Using eCos with CMake

Foreword: This detailed, technical how-to explains how eCos developers can use CMake to simplify and streamline the chore of writing makefiles manually. It discusses both simple, single-application eCos build environments, as well as those with multiple targets, such as production and debug builds for actual and virtual hardware.

Red Hat dumping Nasdaq for NYSE

The Linux seller announces plans to shift from one stock exchange to another.

Linux for Windows users

  • Manila Standard Today; By Chin Wong (Posted by dcparris on Nov 27, 2006 9:11 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
SHIFTING to the Linux operating system can be pretty daunting for long-time Windows users who have grown accustomed to doing things a certain way.

openSUSE holds public IRC Q&A on Microsoft/Novell deal

OpenSUSE project developers held a public IRC meeting at noon EST today to discuss the recently announced and highly controversial Microsoft/Novell agreements. Nat Friedman, chief technical and strategy officer for open source at Novell, fielded most of the questions, with assistance from Andreas Jaeger, openSUSE project manager, and others.

Fedora Weekly News Issue 68

In this issue, we have following articles: 1 Fedora 7 Artwork Proposals 2 Peace In Our Time 3 VanLUG Report 4 SCALE Readies 'Non-Commercial' Open Source Conference 5 Review: Fedora Core 6 6 Review: Fedora Core 6 7 Fedora Weekly Reports 2006-11-20 8 Fedora Core 5 and 6 Updates 9 Contributing to Fedora Weekly News 10 Editor's Blog

Mps: Open source faces exclusion in schools

A group of MPs have accused a government agency of restricting schools from deploying open source software.

‘it’s Linux’s Time’: So Says IBM’s Top Executive Focused ...

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – November and the last few days of October in 2006 will be remembered in years ahead as the time period in which Linux took on an unstoppable momentum as an open-source rival to proprietary systems such as Microsoft and Oracle.

Chat to Novell at Cape OSS event

  •; By Staff Writer (Posted by dcparris on Nov 27, 2006 6:15 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Novell
A chance to pose questions directly to Novell's regional manager, Peter Hunter is one of the highlights of the event that Cape Information Technoloy Initiative (CITI) are holding next week.

Trusted Computer Solutions' Cross Domain Linux Product Now Part of Accredited System at U.S. Coast Guard

U.S.C.G. Intelligence Program Implements NetTop2 - Thin Client to Provide Access to JWICS and SIPRNET from a Single Desktop

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