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Fighting Piracy? Microsoft is not by your side

The term 'Computer Crime' sounds very hi-tech and when heard of we usually imagine extravagant laboratories,super computers and brilliant minds in front of them. But the biggest criminals of computer crimes are the people doing the lowest level of work with computers and that is because computer software are the most valuable and vulnerable parts of the system. The unauthorized use of computer software for the commercial or personal gain is commonly known as 'Software Piracy'. What makes software piracy this huge is the way to execute it being so easy, simple and virtually harmless. People think nothing of making extra copies for sharing with friends, co-workers and others. In many third world countries people are not even aware that what they are doing is something illegal.

[Definitely an interesting perspective on so-called 'piracy' - dcparris]

Birmingham City Council claims open-source success

Birmingham City Council has defended its year-long trial of desktop Linux, claiming it to be a success, despite an independent report showing it would have been cheaper to install Windows XP.

[Aha! We knew there was more to this than met the eye! - dcparris]

Novell Readies Customers and Partners for Linux-Based Open Enterprise Server 2

Support from Software Partners Along with Training and Technical Services Promotion Will Help More Customers Take Advantage of Advanced Workgroup and Networking Services on SUSE Linux Enterprise

Hp flogs its 100,000th UK Linux server

THE MAKER of printer ink and creator of spy scandals, HP has announced that it has just flogged its 100,000th Linux based server in Blighty.

Inside Oracle's bombshell plan to support Red Hat

[We interrupt your daily dose of the Microsoft-Novell fiasco to bring you this juicy tidbit from the Oracle-Red Hat saga - dcparris]

Oracle's bombshell plan to offer full support for Red Hat Inc.'s Linux distribution at half the price sent shock waves through the IT industry.

Microsoft vs. Linux: An Updated Perspective

In the war between Microsoft and those that support Linux, there have been many phases. Most of this war, like most wars, has been concealed by the “fog of war” and propaganda from both camps. Initially, both sides seemed more interested in positioning than in true discourse, and if Microsoft used undue pressure (often positioned as FUD), the Open Source community seemed willing to use outright physical attacks against Microsoft platforms to make their point.

[Hey, everyone needs some comic relief now and then. - dcparris]

Turbolinux proposes mobile Linux for consumers

TOKYO — Turbolinux, Inc., a major Linux operating system supplier in Japan, said it will offer a Linux booting device in an iPod-sized media player as a way to promote Linux among consumers.

Novell abandons Hula open source collaboration project

  • Computer Business Review; By Staff Writer (Posted by dcparris on Nov 30, 2006 2:07 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Novell
Novell Inc has abandoned the Hula open source collaboration server project it started in February 2005, saying that it could not justify its investment in the project.

PolyServe Joins Red Hat Advanced Software Partner Program

PolyServe Software Solutions Receive Certification for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

''sergeant'' ZABBIX for your Network

Check this tutorial on Sergeant, an OpenSource monitoring software that provides real-time alerts and generates detailed graphs for various events related to network hardware and application servers

Title: Linux Kernel "get_fdb_entries()" Integer Overflow ...

Eugene Teo has reported a vulnerability in the Linux Kernel, which potentially can be exploited by malicious, local users to gain escalated privileges.

Cool Greasemonkey scripts for Gmail

Gmail works well for me. I use it almost exclusively, even forwarding emails sent to my other addresses to my Google mail account. I like its labeling function and the tightly integrated chat feature that saves each conversation in the mail archives. But recently, I discovered a few Greasemonkey scripts that make Gmail even better.

Novell's Susan Heystee to Oversee Microsoft Pact in Strategic Partner Role

General Manager for Global Strategic Alliances Will Manage Company-wide Implementation of Microsoft Agreement

Acronis Joins Red Hat ISV Partner Program; Becomes Red Hat Ready Partner

Acronis True Image for Linux Promises Speedy Recovery for Open Source Systems

Red Hat Plans on Integrating Virtualisation, SOA Solutions

Red Hat is all set to integrate virtualisation and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The aim of the venture is to provide a foundation for enterprise computing. The company said it believes that virtualisation and SOA are technology strategies that companies should adopt to realise long-term cost savings while increasing productivity and performance, as per a statement issued by the company.

Why We Need an Open Source Second Life

  • Linux Journal; By Glyn Moody (Posted by dcparris on Nov 28, 2006 7:51 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Linux
Unless you have been living under a rock for the six months, you will have noticed that the virtual worldSecond Life is much in thenews. According to its home page, there are currently around 1,700,000 residents, who are spending $600,000– that's real, not virtual, money– in the world each day. These figures are a little deceptive – there are typically only 10,000 to 15,000 residents online at any one time, and the money flow is not a rigorous measurement of economic activity – but there is no doubt that Second Life is growing very rapidly; moreover, we arebeginning to see it enter the mainstream in a way that has close parallels with the arrival of the Web ten years ago.

Pick up a penguin - Linux explained

There can't be many people who haven't heard of Linux. In short, it's an operating system just like Windows but, unlike Windows, you won't find it on many PCs you buy from the high street or from computer magazines.

Viva la Linspire

Linspire Inc. today announced the release of its first French-language version, Linspire French 5, challenging Mandriva on its home turf. "Now French-speaking customers from around the world can experience a secure, reliable, easy-to-use, and thoroughly translated desktop Linux in their native language," CEO Kevin Carmony proclaimed.

Sun VP Quits over Open-Source Java Move

Graham Hamilton - Sun Fellow and VP, has left the company over the decision to open source Java. Hamilton, has been with Sun since 1995, and has contributed to a wide variety of Java technology initiatives, including technologies such as CORBA support, the JDBC APIs, JavaBeans, the Java Plug-in, RMI-IIOP, JAX-RPC, and others. Most recently he acted as the specification lead for J2SE releases 1.3 and 1.4. He has helped encourage community participation in Java API development and he was one of the designers of the Java Community Process for amending Java.

[It's really sad to see someone resign on account of this decision. At any rate, we wish him well in his new endeavors. - dcparris]

Stallman Says Novell/microsoft deal does not violate GPLv2

The Free Software Foundation's founder Richard Stallman has confirmed that the recent patent covenant between Novell Inc and Microsoft Corp is not a violation of the current version two of the GNU GPL, but will be outlawed under version three.

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