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« Previous ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 16 ) Next »Create Bleach Bypass Effect in digiKam
Using tools available in digiKam, you can simulate a number of effects, including bleach bypass. This effect produces a desaturated high-contrast image. Creating the bleach bypass effect in digiKam is done in two simple steps.
Basic RAW Processing in digiKam
For this project, we'll use a photo of the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona, Spain. The photo was taken with a Canon PowerShot S90 camera, and the RAW file exhibits several obvious flaws.
Export Photos from digiKam via DLNA
Need to quickly push photos in digiKam to a device on the same network? Provided the device supports DLNA, you can do this using the DLNAExport Kipi plugin.
Android-Based Portable Wireless Remote Control Setup for Nikon DSLR Cameras
Install the DSLR Dashboard app on your Android device, and you can use it to control a Nikon DSLR camera via a USB connection. But in certain situations, tethering the Android device to a camera using a cable is not ideal. This is where DSLR Dashboard’s wireless functionality can come in rather handy.
Use an Android Device as a Wireless Remote Trigger for a DSLR Camera
A wireless shutter trigger for a DSLR camera can come in handy in many situations. And if you already own an Android device, you don’t have to splurge on a dedicated remote trigger.
Process Film Negatives with digiKam
While digiKam is first and foremost an application for processing and organizing digital photos, it also features tools for working with film negatives.
Correct Lens Distortion in GIMP with GimpLensfun
While GIMP offers a wide range of tools for working with photos, it lacks one feature that is essential for serious photographers: the ability to automatically fix lens distortion. Fortunately, the GimpLensfun plugin fills the void quite nicely.
Calibrate and Profile Monitor for Use with digiKam
To calibrate a monitor and generate a color profile for it on Linux, you need two things: a colorimeter and color profiling software. High-quality professional colorimeters tend to be rather expensive, but you can use the excellent open source ColorHUG device instead.
Track Photo Locations on Android Device using GPS Map
The GPS Map app can turn an Android device into a handy tool for keeping track of locations you’ve already photographed or plan to photograph later.
Import Photos from a Remote Server into digiKam
Using commands under the Import menu, you can pull photos from a variety of sources, including remote servers. The latter functionality in digiKam is provided through the KioExportImport Kipi plugin which supports common protocols like FTP, SSH, and SMB.
Use Adobe Photoshop Curve Presets with digiKam
While digiKam can't handle Adobe Photoshop curve presets directly, the application supports curves in the GIMP-compatible CRV format. So if you want to use Adobe Photoshop curve presets with digiKam, you have to convert them into .crv files -- and the Python script can help you with that.
Geotag Photos with Android Camera and digiKam
Thanks to digiKam’s geocorrelation capabilities, you can geotag photos using a GPX file created with apps like Open GPS Tracker. But there is also another way to use your Android device for geotagging.
Stitch Panoramas in digiKam
Being a do-it-all kind of application, digiKam is suited not only for performing the mundane tasks of organizing and editing photos.
Manage Photos with gThumb
gThumb may look like yet another image viewer, but behind its unassuming appearance hides a rather capable application that can help you to manage photos efficiently.
Turn Raspberry Pi into an Ebook Server with Calibre
To publish your ebook library, you can turn Raspberry Pi into a little headless Calibre server. And since a fairly recent version of Calibre is available in the Raspbian software repository, this project can be done in a few simple steps.
Linux Tools For Serious Photographers
While most mainstream Linux distros come with photo management software, these applications are more suited for shutterbugs than serious amateurs and professional photographers.
Pygmyfoto 1.0 Released
Version 1.0 of Pygmyfoto, a no-frills application for publishing a photo roll on the web, is now available on GitHub.
Improve Photos Automagically with aaphoto
For many photographers and shutterbugs, post-processing photos is an important part of the creative process. But there are situations when you want to improve your shots without going through the photo editing rigmaroles.
digiKam Housekeeping with the Maintenance Tool
Starting with version 2.6, digiKam features the Tools -> Maintenance menu which gives you access to tools designed to perform a variety of housekeeping tasks: from scanning for new photos to running a face recognition action. Here is a brief overview of the available tools.
Pygmyfoto Goes Beta
In my spare time, I work on a a simple photo roll publishing application called Pygmyfoto.