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With Six Editions, Zorin 16.3 Has Something for Everybody

Released last week, Zorin 16.3 has two paid Pro editions, two free editions for everyday Linux users, and two educational editions.

FOSS Week in Review: Happy Sysadmin Day, SEC’s New Cyber Attack Rules, and Musk Steals User Handle

Be nice to your SysAdmin, SEC makes rules for reporting cyber attacks, and Musk purloins a user’s $40,000 Twitter handle.

Why Is a Cautionary Tale for Activists Using Mastodon

A Mastodon server that focuses on left-leaning political activists, recently had an unencrypted copy of its database confiscated by the FBI.

The Paradox of Being (or Not Being) a Linux Operating System

  • FOSS Force; By Christine Hall (Posted by brideoflinux on Jul 27, 2023 1:38 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Humor; Groups: Linux
It’s a debate that’s been going on since Android came onto the scene: Does simple use of the Linux kernel qualify an operating system to be a bona fide Linux operating system?

FOSS Week in Review: Slackware Turns 30, Mageia 9 Coming Soon, & LibreOffice 7.5.5

Yes, the official name of this column is Friday FOSS Week in Review, although we no longer include the day in the headline. And yes, today is Saturday, not Friday.

Bad News for Open Source: EU Committee Approves the Cyber Resilience Act

A large number of open-source organizations are saying that if this act is enacted into law, it will do damage to open-source, both in Europe and globally.

Solus Is Back, but Can It Survive Its Troubled Past?

With Ikey Doherty again taking a central role within the Solus Project, it’s a fair question to ask how long he will stay before abandoning Solus for the third time.

FOSS Week In Review: Istio Graduates, Oracle Bitch-Slaps Red Hat & Elon Musk

In Linux Foundation-speak, “graduated” means it’s no longer an “incubating project,” meaning it’s no longer under the close watch and guidance of its mommy, CNCF, but is now allowed to walk and talk and make decisions on its on.

AlmaLinux Announces Its Solution to RHEL Source Code Conundrum

On Thursday, the AlmaLinux Foundation made public its plans to continue to develop and maintain its RHEL clone without access to Red Hat’s source code.

SUSE Promises to Fork RHEL and Make It Publicly Available

As Red Hat’s reputation as an example to the corporate world on how to do open-source right fades, will SUSE’s new CEO, Kirk-Peter van Leeuwen, pick up the mantle?

Wowie Zowie! Linux Use Hits 3%! The Year of the Linux Desktop Is at Hand!

At this rate we should hit the 10% mark sometime around 2091, just in time for the Linux Centennial Celebration.

Carlos Santana Will Speak but Not Play Guitar at All Things Open

Just because his name is Carlos Santana doesn’t mean it’s the Santana you’ve been listening to for all of your life … but it might be if you’re an open-sourcer.

Snap-Based Immutable Ubuntu Coming as Flathub Downloads Pass the Billion Mark

As Canonical readies a new Snap-driven version of Ubuntu desktop, Flatpak downloads keep growing and growing and growing…

MariaDB’s Stock Exchange Woes For Dummies

The New York Stock Exchange doesn’t like it when your stock dips below a dollar.

Canonical Removes LXD From’s Care

After spending eight years as a Linux Containers project, Canonical says it wants to bring the project back home to Ubuntu.

TweetDeck Goes Kaflooey

Like the Energizer Bunny, TweetDeck keeps loading and loading and loading…

System76 Is Making Cases for Building Do-It-Yourself Computers

Now you can build your own computer using the same chassis and cooling technology that System76 uses in their popular Thelio line of desktops.

Mirantis Pushes Security With Its New k0s 1.27 Kubernetes Release

Mirantis has released k0s 1.27 as the latest and greatest version of its open-source Kubernetes distribution. With this release, the focus seems to be on security.

Mastodon Introduces Easier Onboarding, With More Improvements on the Way

New users of the social networking platform Mastodon no longer need to choose an instance before opening an account. The platform says that other new improvements are “coming soon.”

System 76 Adds Three…Count ’em, Three…New Linux Laptops

System76 is already taking orders for two of the three new laptops it announced on Thursday, with the third expected to be ready for prime time within a few months. These are in addition to two other new laptops the company has already released since February.

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