Debian May Be Leaning Towards Systemd Over Upstart
Author | Content |
dba477 Feb 06, 2025 7:03 AM EDT |
Quote from Keith Packard of Intel and Debian's newest tech-cttee member, voiced his opinions on the matter this week. Keith ended up being in support of systemd and his opinion basically came down to, "I believe that Debian will need to support multiple init systems going forward, even on Linux. However, on Linux, I believe that the vast majority of Debian users would be best served by encouraging them to use systemd by making that the default." "[if Upstart were to be used] because of the [Canonical Contributor License Agreement covering Upstart], I believe that upstart in Debian would be a permanent fork, and take significant resources away from other key development efforts." In that IRC log is also much more in-fighting and debating about Debian's future default init system. As another possible indicator that the technical committee is leaning towards defaulting to systemd on Debian GNU/Linux, Ian Jackson wrote in the meeting summary, "If systemd is the default on Linux, what opinions do we want to state, if any, [regarding] non-Linux ports at this stage?" Systemd was provided under GNU Public License vs Ubuntu's Upstart CLA. |
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