My RSS reader can't find LXer's feed

Forum: LXer Meta ForumTotal Replies: 17
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Sep 14, 2024
3:43 PM EDT
Trying to get away from Netvibes rss reader (for more privacy), I'm trying out Newsflash. The LXer rss feed works fine with Netvibes, with it currently using the http version. Newsflash works fine with all my other rss feeds, but not with LXer. I've tried both versions http and https, copying directly from you website RSS link. Also - it was working when I first installed it.. but after a month or so it has now lost the feed and can't find it. I'm running KDE unstable on Gentoo with no other problems noticed. Any ideas? My 30+ other feeds have no problems. Thanks!

Sep 15, 2024
1:21 AM EDT
We did convert our RSS feed over to https a couple weeks ago. If you click on this link in a browser you should see the RSS code directly. That is the same code as we were delivering before the change, only now it comes in an https frame.

Is anyone else having difficulty with the LXer RSS feed since our https conversion?


Sep 15, 2024
2:30 PM EDT
FYI, I just installed Liferea newsreader and when adding

There was a problem when fetching this subscription! ✅ 1. Authentication ✅ 2. Download ✅ 3. Feed Discovery ⛔ 4. Parsing Details: Sorry, the feed could not be parsed!

Empty input! You may want to contact the author/webmaster of the feed about this!

Sep 15, 2024
2:32 PM EDT
I just now pushed changes. Some of the links had not been changed to https. Please try again with Newsflash and let me know if you see any changes.

Sep 15, 2024
5:22 PM EDT
No luck here with either Newsflash or Liferea.

Thanks a lot for looking into this.

Sep 19, 2024
9:48 AM EDT
Hi, I can see the RSS feed in my browser (Opera) but Akregator refuses to load it.

If I add it with HTTPS it says "source not found", without HTTPS (the one I already had configured) it mentions a problem with the SSL certificate but then fails with "unknown format".

Akregator version 6.2.0 (24.08.0).

Sep 21, 2024
3:22 AM EDT
I'm using an RSS reader extension in Chrome and my RSS feed is working just fine but I guess I'm taking the easy way out. I tried out a couple of them too. I don't know what you guys are having problems with.

Sep 21, 2024
6:31 PM EDT
Another issue with the HTTPS feed is that curl and wget2 don't recognize the certificate:

$ wget 
ERROR: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate issuer is unknown.
$ curl -I 
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I think this is because Let's Encrypt recently rotated their intermediate from R10 to R11, and probably isn't loading the new intermediate. Broswers don't have issue loading because they use an internal CA store which is up to date with LE, but curl and wget2 use the outdated system CA store.

I'm not sure this is the cause of the problem with Akregator, Newsflash and Liferea but I think it's worth a shot fixing it.

Sep 27, 2024
10:28 AM EDT
Thank you richarson, that input was helpful.

After looking at this in more detail I think we have found the root cause. The letsencrypt automatic renewal was not picking up a fresh fullchain.pem claiming that mine did not expire until December. Doing a certbot --force-renew -d did bring down a new and correct fullchain.pem.

Now my tests with Liferea, wget, and curl all succeed. Also the SSL Labs validator shows a good certificate chain. Maybe someone else can test with Newsflash and a few other rss readers.

Sep 28, 2024
2:47 PM EDT
Thanks bob, I see curl and wget work now but Akregator keeps barfing at it.

The weird thing is that I downloaded the file and run it through xmllint (I had to do that for a blog that had an invalid xml feed), and when I try to load that local .rss file or the original, Akregator keeps telling me "Feed not found".

So I guess I'm still out of luck for now :/

Sep 28, 2024
2:56 PM EDT
Sorry, I tried again (this time loading the correct file) and Akregator says something like (translated from Spanish) "Couldn't get the feed: Couldn't parse the feed (unknown format)".

Which is the same as when I load

Sep 28, 2024
11:35 PM EDT
Newsflash accepted the feed this time. However, it does not yet show any articles. I'll keep after it to see if it eventually will.

Liferea, on the other hand, does now seem to be working fine.. accepted the feed as well as showing current articles.

thanks for your efforts!

Sep 29, 2024
11:53 AM EDT
Going on to the next step:

The original LXer feed was implemented very early (some 20 years ago) when RSS was at version 0.92 and has been running since. In the meantime, some RSS readers have stopped supporting the early protocols. So effective today we are now publishing the newswire feed using the current RSS version 2.0.

Current RSS 2.0 feed:

Old RSS 0.92 feed: (this will be removed after validation of the 2.0 version.)

The new 2.0 feed passes RSS/XML validation, and tests well with Liferea. I would appreciate if the LXer community could test against a wide variety of readers and report any problems or quirks here.

Sep 29, 2024
4:54 PM EDT
Newsflash is now getting articles. Thanks again!

Sep 30, 2024
8:57 AM EDT
Akregator is working now! o/

Thank you!

Sep 30, 2024
9:06 AM EDT
BTW, one quirk with the new feed is that it doesn't seem to show the original author of the article anymore (at least in akregator).

Old feed:

New feed:

I don't know if this can be fixed/improved on your side or if it's an Akregator issue.

Sep 30, 2024
2:48 PM EDT
That's interesting. The author is now embedded in the "atom" namespace. You will see that if you look at the RSS directly in a browser. Maybe not all readers recognize atom namespace. I'm willing to explore other namespace embeddings to see if we can work around this quirk.

Oct 01, 2024
1:25 PM EDT
Thanks again, I'll try to open an issue report to Akregator to see if they can fix it on their side, as I'm sure you're not the only ones affected.

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