The most important feature?

Story: Long-Term Review: Linux Mint 18.2 "Sonya" MATETotal Replies: 3
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Jul 24, 2017
4:20 PM EDT
This single statement:

"...and was able to effectively stay out of my way. "

May be the single most important thing someone can say about an Operating System.

Jul 26, 2017
8:50 AM EDT
Or how about,,,

"doesn't fight me"?

I was playing with Linux Mint KDE yesterday. Here is the KDE process just to shut down...

1) Click App Launch Menu 2) Hover mouse cursor over "Leave" 3) Click "Shutdown" 4) Wait 30 seconds to shutdown, or click "Shutdown" AGAIN

Jul 26, 2017
9:28 AM EDT
> Here is the KDE process just to shut down...

Well, you are talking about KDE. Isn't the default attitude of the KDE developers that they know better than the users?

That's a problem that seems to be growing in FOSS over the past few years. In user apps it's not much of a problem, but it's spread beyond that.

Jul 26, 2017
9:50 AM EDT
Yes, jdixon. Don't fix it if it isn't broken! Unless you are KDE or Gnome developers. I still use Trinity (based on KDE 3.x) in Q4OS (Debian). and I still use MATE (Gnome 2) for many client setups, as they despise Gnome 3's phone/tablet interface on a desktop.

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