Simple fix for the "LibreOffice install issue" described in the article

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Oct 15, 2016
2:32 AM EDT
Simple and easy fix for the "LibreOffice install issue" described in the article

Quoting: Open your main menu, and go to Preferences > Software & Updates

When the Software & Updates window opens, click on the Updates tab.

Look to see if there's a checkmark next to Recommended updates (xenial-updates)

If there's not a checkmark there, put one there...and you should be able to install...
(various programs, apparently, including LibreOffice and VLC

All-in-all, this sounds like a more fundamental, as well as more sustainable, easier,solution.

- - -

(There's also a fix described for usb peripherals (ie. mice) though I'm not convinced it's actually a great solution; 'runtime-pm' module sounds like a power management item, in which case I might rather have it around when running a laptop -- but I'm not qualified to offer a *knowledgeable* opinion on the matter :-P )

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