Yet another reminder to use ad-block

Story: Pirate Bay visitors infected with crypto-ransomware via bad adsTotal Replies: 4
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May 02, 2016
7:26 AM EDT
I don't frequent pirate bay.... but...

I will stop using ad blocker, when ad providers stop giving access to malware creators and start making ads that don't require any scripting to run.

May 02, 2016
7:49 AM EDT
Quoting: I will stop using ad blocker, when ad providers stop giving access to malware creators and start making ads that don't require any scripting to run.

This! And, there is also the annoying scripts that end up hogging your CPU cycles... Sick, really, considering that even a relatively low end Atom processor has an amazing amount of processor power over even a top of the line CPU from 10-15 years ago, and delivers it with much lower energy consumption.

May 02, 2016
8:17 AM EDT
Adblockers and No-Script FTW. Why anyone would go to a site like Pirate Bay without them is something I won't even try to understand.

May 04, 2016
2:35 PM EDT
Don't use AdBlock. Since I installed it in my web browser, all the horny single women in my area have suddenly lost all interest.

May 04, 2016
6:38 PM EDT
I'm pretty sure you can whitelist those if you want to, kikinovak. :)

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